EBTAG Annual Workshop and Field Trip
May 13, 2014


Overview of Hydrogeologic Conceptual Models of the Española Basin, 1907 to Current

Steve Finch

John Shomaker & Associates, Inc., 2611 Broadbent Parkway, NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, United States, sfinch@shomaker.com

The hydrogeologic conceptual model of the Española Basin has evolved with better understanding of the geologic framework, and over the last decade, numerous studies have been performed to further define the hydrogeologic framework, and to investigate specific areas of the Española Basin. However, has the understanding of surface water to groundwater interactions, recharge and discharge, and aquifer responses to pumping improved? What are the most important components of the Española Basin hydrogeologic conceptual model that need improvement? Will improvement of the conceptual model significantly change our understanding of the water budget or the way we will manage water resources? These are questions that need answers for any future studies to have meaning for the water planners and administrators that will use the results.

pp. 5

13th Annual Espanola Basin Technical Advisory Group Workshop and Field Trip
May 13, 2014, Santa Fe Community College, in the Jemez Rooms of the Main Administration Building