EBTAG Annual Workshop and Field Trip
May 13, 2014


What wells would you use if you were modeling the groundwater of the Espanola Basin? A collaborative approach between OSE and the public to facilitate access to well information.

Christina Noftsker

Office of the State Engineer, Water Rights Division, P.O. Box 25102, Santa Fe, NM, 87504-5102, christina.noftsker@state.nm.us

The Office of the State Engineer (OSE) requires all new wells within the state of New Mexico to be permitted. All wells drilled after the 11/29/56, the date the State Engineer declared the portion of the Rio Grande basin that includes the Espanola Valley, have required permits. OSE has been populating the WATERS/NMWRRS database with surface water and groundwater permit information for over a decade. What is the quality of the wells found in the WATERS/NMWRRS database? What steps is OSE taking to improve the data quality? What suggestions do users of the WATERS/NMWRRS database have for improving access to the surface and groundwater data? Join this talk to hear OSE’s progress and plans for creating access to the well data. Share with OSE your ideas on how to improve access to the WATERS/NMWRRS data.

pp. 12

13th Annual Espanola Basin Technical Advisory Group Workshop and Field Trip
May 13, 2014, Santa Fe Community College, in the Jemez Rooms of the Main Administration Building