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Decision Makers Field Guide – 2001

2001 cover
2001 guidebook cover

Water, Watersheds, and Land Use in New Mexico: Impacts of Population Growth on Natural Resources-Santa Fe Region

Edited by Peggy S. Johnson

This volume was produced to accompany the first annual New Mexico Decision-Makers Earth Science Field Conference held in Santa Fe, May 2001; however, it offers to the public at large important reference material for the natural-resource public-policy questions that confront state and local governments. Authors, who are among the most technically knowledgeable in the Southwest, present current, accurate, and unbiased information in a collection of 55 short articles that answer water- and resource- management. 160 pages, 13 tables, 37 illustrations, 44 color photographs, and 34 page-size maps.

See an overview of this series and the other available guidebooks.

ISBN: 9781883905087
$10.00 Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format CD or DVD-ROM format
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