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Open-file Report - 584
Geologic Map and Cross Sections of the Embudo Fault Zone in the Southern Taos Valley, Taos County, New Mexico

P.W. Bauer, K.I. Kelson, V.J.S. Grauch, B.J. Drenth, P.S. Johnson, S.B Aby, and B. Felix

(last revised: 6-December-2016)


In 2011, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR) entered into an agreement with Taos County, New Mexico, to study the hydrogeology of the southern Taos Valley (Johnson et al., 2016). An essential component of the investigation was to develop a state-of-the-art geologic model of the study area that could be used to develop a geologically based hydrogeologic model of the groundwater and surface water of the area. In order to develop the geologic model, NMBGMR geologist Paul Bauer collaborated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geophysicists Tien Grauch and Ben Drenth, who were using high-resolution aeromagnetic and gravity data to discern the architecture of the San Luis Basin in New Mexico and Colorado. This collaboration turned out to be highly productive, and led to the development of an unprecedented set of geologic cross sections that are firmly rooted in the newest and most robust stratigraphic and geophysical models of the basin. These cross sections reveal an extraordinarily complex network of faulted bedrock and basin-fill deposits in this region of the Rio Grande rift.

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