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Some publications, including those that are out-of-print, are only available for purchase on CD or DVD-ROM CD icon.

Stock# Title Price / Details
OFR-200 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Cities Service No. 1 Corralitos Federal A well, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A., 1982, 28 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-201 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Sinclair No. 1 Doña Ana Federal 18 well, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A., 1983, 14 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-202 Petroleum source-rock study of selected wells in the Rio Grande rift area, New Mexico, Leutloff, A. H.; Curry, David J., 1982, 28 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-203 Organic geochemical analysis, Shell No. 1 Leeman well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D., 1982, 9 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-204 Organic geochemical analysis, Gartland No. 1 Brister well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D.; Brown, Stephen W., 1983, 30 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-205 Organic geochemical analysis, Pure No. 1 Federal H well, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D.; Brown, Stephen W., 1983, 20 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-206 Organic geochemical analysis, Houston Oil and Minerals No. 2 Lewelling well, Otero County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D.; Brown, Stephen W., 1983, 17 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-207 Geology and coal resources of the Fence Lake 1:50,000 quadrangle, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, Campbell, Frank W.; Roybal, Gretchen H., 1984, 37 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-208 Bibliography of reports by U. S. Geological Survey personnel on studies of underground nuclear test sites and on waste management studies at the Nevada Test Site and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site, New Mexico, January 1 to December 31, 1982, Glanzman, V. M., 1984, 17 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-209 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Getty Oil Co. No. 1 West Elephant Butte Federal 7 well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A.; Schwarzer, Rudolph R.; Stiff, Thomas J., Jr., 1983, 91 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-210 Hydrocarbon source rock evaluation study, Getty Oil Co. No. 2 West Elephant Butte Federal Well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A.; Schwarzer, Rudolph R.; Stiff, Thomas J., Jr., 1983, 92 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-211 Preliminary report on the geology and mineral-resource potential of the northern Rio Puerco resource area in Sandoval and Bernalillo counties and adjacent parts of McKinley, Cibola, and Santa Fe counties, McLemore, Virginia T.; Roybal, Gretchen H.; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Chamberlin, Richard M.; North, Robert M.; Osburn, JoAnne. C.; Arkell, Brian M.; Colpitts, Robert M., Jr.; Bowie, Mark R.; Anderson, Kent; Barker, James M.; Campbell, Frank W., 1984, 817 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-212 Origin of Riley travertine as constrained by the clay mineralogy of acid- and EDTA-insoluble residues, Barker, James M., 1984, 77 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-213 Preliminary estimates of recharge at the Navajo mine based on chloride in the unsaturated zone, Stone, William J., 1984, 60 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-214 Recharge in the Salt Lake coal field based on chloride in the unsaturated zone, Stone, William J., 1984, 67 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
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OFR-215 Evaluation of laboratory procedures for determining soil-water chloride, McGurk, Brian E.; Stone, William J., 1985, 36 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
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OFR-216 Phase II-recharge study at the Navajo mine based on chloride, stable isotopes, and tritium in the unsaturated zone, Stone, William J., 1986, 244 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
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OFR-217 Investigation of alluvial valley floors in the Salt Lake coal area, Western New Mexico, Love, David W.; Hawley, John W.; Palmer, Steve, 1984, 30 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-219 Geology of the northeastern Gallinas Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico, Brouillard, Lee A., 1984, 172 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-220 Geologic map of Fence Lake, New Mexico 1:100,000 metric sheet, Anderson, Orin J., 1986, 4 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-220A Geology and mineral resources of York Ranch SE quadrangle, Cibola and Catron Counties, New Mexico, Anderson, Orin J., 1986, 22 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-221 Geology and coal resources of the Techado quadrangle, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, Arkell, Brian W., 1984, 24 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-222 Geology of Veteado Mountain quadrangle, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, Arkell, Brian W., 1984, 1 pages, Scale 1:24,000, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-223 Uranium geology and production history of Sanostee area, San Juan County, New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1985, 40 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-224 Paleontological inventory and proposed mitigation program, San Juan coal mine, Wolberg, Donald L.; Hartman, Joseph H.; Bobrow, Danny, 1985, 39 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-225 El Llano and vicinity geotechnical study--interim report, preliminary results of ground subsidence investigation, Johnpeer, Gary D.; Love, David W.; Hawley, John W.; Bobrow, Danny J.; Hemingway, Mark P.; Reimers, R. F., 1985, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-226 El Llano and vicinity geotechnical study--final report, Johnpeer, Gary D.; Love, David W.; Hawley, John W.; Bobrow, Danny J.; Hemingway, Mark P.; Reimers, R. F., 1985, 578 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-227 Geology and coal resources of Wild Horse Canyon quadrangle, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, Osburn, JoAnne C., 1985, 29 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-228 A preliminary mineral-resource potential of northwestern New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T., et al., 1986, 67 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-229 A preliminary mineral--resources potential of Valencia County, northwestern New Mexico (2 vol. 197 p., 15 tbls, 24 figs. 13 pls. 2 app.), McLemore, Virginia T.; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Barker, James M.; Austin, George S.; Klein, Kris; Brown, Karen B.; Murray, Diane, Bowie, Mark R.; Hingtgen, John S., 1986, 197 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-230 A preliminary mineral-resource potential of Cibola County, northwestern New Mexico (2 vol., 403 p. 30 tables., 32 figs, 33 plates), McLemore, Virginia T.; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Roybal, Gretchen H.; Chenoweth, William L.; Barker, James M.; North, Robert M.; Bowie, Mark R.; Hingtgen, John S.; Murray, Diane.; Brown, Karen B.; Austin, George S., 1986, 282 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-231 A preliminary mineral-resource potential of McKinley County, northwestern New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T.; Roybal, Gretchen H.; Birdsall, Kim; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Chenoweth, William L.; North, Robert M.; Barker, James M.; Copeland, P.; Bowie, Mark R.; Hingtgen, John S.; Brown, Karen B.; Klein, Kris, 1986, 696 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-232 A preliminary mineral-resource potential of San Juan County, northwestern New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T.; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Cook, Kevin; Chenoweth, William L.; Barker, James M.; Roybal, Gretchen H.; North, Robert M.; Copeland, P.; Bowie, Mark R.; Hingtgen, John S.; Klein, Kris; Brown, Karen B., 1986, 855 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-233 A preliminary mineral-resource potential of western Rio Arriba County, northwestern New Mexico, McLemore, Virginia T.; Broadhead, Ronald F.; Roybal, Gretchen H.; Chenoweth, William L.; Barker, James M.; Copeland, P.; Bowie, M. R.; Cook, Kevin; Hingtgen, J. S., Klein, Kris; Brown, Karen B., 1986, 169 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-234 Proposed site for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) in central New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, 1985, 36 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-235 Geology of the Puertecito Gap quadrangle and vicinity, Osburn, G. R.; Bowring, S. A.; Nelson, Lars, Roth, S. J.; et al., 1985, 7 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-236 Organic geochemical analysis, Gulf Oil Corp. No. 1 Sierra State K well, Sierra County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D.; Ruth, Gary W., 1984, 11 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-237 Organic geochemical analysis, Plymouth Oil Co. No. 1 Federal well, Otero County, New Mexico, Jacobson, Stephen R.; Rankin, James S.; Saxton, James D.; Ruth, Gary W., 1984, 12 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-238 Socorro County geologic map, Osburn, Glenn R., 1984, 13 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. (GIS data for this map will be made available upon request with an understanding that the mapping is incomplete in areas with conflicting map units.) $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-239 Geology, collapse mechanisms, and prediction of collapsible soils in El Llano, New Mexico, Reimers, Richard F., 1986, 249 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-241 Raw materials activities of the Manhattan Project in New Mexico, Chenoweth, William L., 1985, 12 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-242 Heavy liquid separation with Na-metatungstate, Robinson-Cook, S. E., 1986, 9 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
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OFR-243 Major element geochemistry of Nuclear Dynamics Corp. drill holes EB14, EB35, and EB44, T17N, R9E, Espanola Basin, New Mexico, Renault, Jacques R., 1986, 31 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-244 Geology of the Sierra de la Cruz area, Socorro County, New Mexico, Colpitts, Robert M., Jr., 1986, 172 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-245 Environmental geology of the Keers Environmental, Inc. asbestos disposal site, Torrance County, New Mexico, Hawley, John W., 1986, 19 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-246 Abandoned mines survey, Magdalena mining district, Socorro County, New Mexico --Final Report, Bobrow, Danny J.; Johnpeer, Gary D.; Osburn, Glenn R., 1986, 372 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-247 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, selected outcrop samples of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, Grant, Hidalgo, and Luna County, New Mexico, Tybor, L. Paul, 1982, 21 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-248 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Marshall R. Young Oil Co. No. 1 Bisbee Hills Unit well, Luna County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A., 1983, 74 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-249 Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Marshall R. Young Oil Co. No. 1 Saltys well, Grant County, New Mexico, Muckelroy, Douglas A., 1986, 214 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)