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New Mexico Geology — Back-issues

Print ISSN: 0196-948X (prior to 2015)
Online ISSN: 2837-6420


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Volume: 32, 2010

Volume 32, Number 1
$2.00 Buy Print Version

Number: 1

  1. Rhyolites and associated deposits of the Valles - Toledo caldera complex (8.08 MB PDF), pp. 3-18.
    — Jamie N. Gardner, Fraser Goff, Shari Kelley, and Elaine Jacobs
  2. The Holocene record of fire and erosion in the southern Sacramento Mountains and its relation to climate (569 KB PDF), pp. 19-21.
    — Grant A. Meyer and Jebediah D. Frechette
  3. Interannual variablity of wildfires and summer precipitation in the Southwest (367 KB PDF), pp. 22-23, 29.
    — David S. Gutzler and Laura Van Alst
  4. Gallery of Geology - Dripping Springs fire (293 KB PDF), pp. 24-25.
    — Jane C. Love
  5. A rare, large artesian subaqueous spring in the upper Rio Grande (749 KB PDF), pp. 26-27, 29.
    — Paul W. Bauer and Peggy S. Johnson