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Data in this repository supplements published papers in our publications. Please refer to both the published material and the repository documentation before using this data. Please cite repository data as shown in each repository listing.

Please direct comments or requests regarding these datasets to either the author(s) or the Webmaster.


Koning, D.J.; Aby, S.; Grauch, V.J.S; Zimmerer, M.J., 2016, Latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene evolution of the ancestral Rio Grande at the EspaƱola-San Luis Basin boundary, northern New Mexico, New Mexico Geology, v. 38, no. 2, pp. 24-49.
Repository: 20160002 < >

Data Description:


  1. 40Ar/39Ar data tables and analytical parameters.
  2. Descriptions of stratigraphic units predating and postdating the Sandlin unit.
  3. Detailed descriptions and photographs of the north, middle, and south Cerro Azul stratigraphic sections.
  4. Outcrop descriptions for the upper Sandlin unit near U.S. Highway 285.
  5. Clast count data (raw data and percentages).
  6. Tabulation of paleoflow data for the Sandlin unit.
  7. Age spectrums and isochron plots for three samples from Appelt (1998).

Complete repository available as zipped archive.


File Name Size Last Modified 13.67 MB 07/05/2016 04:38:04 PM
Appendix_01_Ar_Ar_Data.pdf 137 KB 07/05/2016 04:30:32 PM
Appendix_02.pdf 6.70 MB 07/01/2016 04:25:50 PM
Appendix_03.pdf 2.18 MB 07/01/2016 04:26:26 PM
Appendix_04_UpperSandlin_NorthernExp.pdf 30 KB 07/01/2016 04:25:19 PM
Appendix_05_Raw_clast_cnt_data_TJquad.pdf 16 KB 07/01/2016 04:25:22 PM
Appendix_06_Paleoflow_data.pdf 24 KB 07/01/2016 04:25:20 PM
Appendix_07_RA-080_ArAr_plots_Appelt_1998.pdf 1.68 MB 07/01/2016 04:25:26 PM
Appendix_07_RA_055_ArAr_plots_Appelt_1998.pdf 1.79 MB 07/01/2016 04:25:23 PM
Appendix_07_RA_056_ArAr_plots_Appelt_1998.pdf 1.82 MB 07/01/2016 04:25:31 PM