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New paper about mid-Tertiary Platoro Caldera dike swarm

Photograph showing one of the many dikes exposed in the San Juan Basin of northern NM. Here the dikes are about 1 meter thick and were emplaced into Cretaceous sandstones
(click for a larger version)
Matthew Zimmerer

San Juan Basin & southern CO
October 8, 2019

A new Geosphere paper by Peter Lipman of the USGS and Matthew Zimmerer of the NM Bureau of Geology is now available online. The article discusses an enormous dike swarm that originates from the mid-Tertiary Platoro Caldera in southern CO. The dikes propagate southward from the caldera and are exposed up to 125 kilometers away in the San Juan basin of northern NM. The study has implications for regional magmatism and tectonics, as well as possible hazards at younger caldera systems.

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