EBTAG Meeting
Santa Fe, NM
Tuesday, July 9, 2002
Kick-off meeting of EBTAG in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Agenda items in brief:
- Reviewed the objectives of EBTAG
- Confirmed the organizations to be represented as a core group
- Discussed ways to participate with other organizations, users of technical information, lay people, etc.
- Recognized there should be a satellite group of technical users. More work needs to be done to identify specific groups.
- Include other types of users through special focus meetings, workshops, etc.
- Implementation of information transfer and outreach
- Hold annual workshops
- Develop web site
- Develop email list
- Communicate directly on specific topics with other groups
- Detailed discussion on upcoming workshop format
- subcommittee was formed to work on details
- Detailed discussion on format of web site
- draft version will be developed at USGS
- Begin list of URL's for links on the web site
- A few URL's exist; more need to be found.
- These will develop as the web site is fleshed out
- Brief reports were provided by representatives on what studies the organizations are doing
- Info on these studies will be the targets of web sites links
- They will be summarized also at the annual workshop
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