Technical Planning and Coordination Workshop

Geologic and Geophysical Studies of the Española Groundwater Basin
April 2-3, 2002, Santa Fe, NM

List of Posters - some titles and authors are approximate

Geologic and Geophysical Maps

Geologic maps of 7-1/2 quadrangles for Española basin, NMBGMR authors

Geology of the Tesuque quadrangle, C. Borchert

The Geologic Map of Pojoaque Bluffs, Española, New Mexico - Featuring the Jacona Microfossil Quarry, Dan S. Chaney

Geology of the Española 7.5-minute quadrangle and implications regarding Middle Miocene deposition and tectonism in the Rio Grande rift, north-central New Mexico, D. Koning

Posters on 3D geologic/geophysical model of Pajarito Plateau and related data, B. Carey, G. Cole, D. Vaniman, and D. Broxton

Preliminary geologic map of the Guaje Mountain Quadrangle, Los Alamos to Santa Clara Canyon, New Mexico, K. Kempter

Update on geologic mapping in the Cerros del Rio area, R. Thompson, D. Sawyer, R. Shroba, V.J.S. Grauch

Geology and geophysics of the southwest margin of the Española basin, D. Sawyer, V.J.S. Grauch, B.D. Rodriguez, S.A. Minor, M. Deszcz-Pan, D.P. Dethier, G.A. Smith, and A. Kuhle.

Three-dimensional aquifer characteristics in the Española and Santo Domingo basins near Cochiti, New Mexico defined by airborne time-domain electromagnetic and magnetotelluric surveys, M. Deszcz-Pan, B.D. Rodriguez, D.A. Sawyer, V.J.S. Grauch, and J.M. Williams.

Aeromagnetic interpretations for understanding the hydrogeologic framework of the southern Española basin, V.J.S. Grauch

Preliminary geologic map of the La Mesita Negra SE quadrangle, Bernalillo County, NM, R.R. Shroba, R.A. Thompson, D.L. Schmidt, S.F. Personius, F. Maldonado, T. R. Brandt

Groundwater Studies

Existing groundwater flow models of the Española basin, D. McAda and J. Frost

Three-dimensional groundwater model of the Española basin, E. Keating and V. Vesselinov

Natural U in Española basin groundwater, D. McQuillan

Single-well testing of R wells at Los Alamos National Laboratory - from hydrologic constraints to conductivity, W. Stone

Project Planning

Images of the Española basin-Santa Fe County project area of the USGS Rio Grande basins project, D. Sawyer, K. Murray.

Analysis of LANDSAT 7 imagery for geologic mapping in New Mexico, D. Sawyer, K. Mullins, J. Isbrecht, J. Dohrenwend, W. Cobban

Topical Studies

Structural evolution of the La Bajada fault zone, S. Minor

Hydrogeologic characterization of fault zones in the northern Albuquerque Basin, S. Minor and M. Hudson.

Rock magnetic properties, magnetic anomalies, and intrabasin faulting: Santa Fe Group basin fill, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, M.R. Hudson, V..J.S. Grauch, S.A. Minor, J.S. Caine, and A.M. Hudson

Preliminary data on the potential for fault zone compartmentalization of groundwater aquifers in poorly lithified, Rio Grande rift-related sediments, New Mexico, J.S. Caine, S.A. Minor, V.J.S. Grauch, and M.R. Hudson

The Effect of Welding and Porosity on Fault-Zone Structures in the Bandelier Tuff, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Jennifer Wilson, Laurel Goodwin, and Claudia Lewis.

Feasibility of airborne time-domain electromagnetic surveys in evaluating offsets of shallow faults, M. Deszcz-Pan

A deep test (Yates La Mesa unit No. 2) well in the Española basin and implication of the lake deposits found in the Tertiary section, B. Black

Tephrochronology in developing a Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework for the Española/Santa Fe basins, A.M. Sarna-Wojcicki, J.L. Slate, and D.P. Dethier

Digital Archives : Report on the Extinct Vertebrata Obtained in New Mexico by parties of the Expedition of 1874, E. D. Cope- Annotated with Multimedia, Kevin C. McKinney, Dan Chaney and Thomas Williamson.

Fossil Mammals of the Middle Rio Grande- Annotated Dataset and Bibliography of New Mexico Vertebrate Paleontology, Kevin C. McKinney, Richard H. Tedford, Gary S. Morgan, Thomas E. Williamson

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