4th Annual Española Basin Workshop
Geology and Hydrology of the Española Basin
March 1-2, 2005                Santa Fe, NM


Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Day 1 theme: Technical information exchange

7:30-8:00 a.m. Pick up badges, programs, and sign in / Poster viewing

Introductory remarks
8:00-8:15 a.m. Workshop logistics, introduction to EBTAG - Tien Grauch, USGS

Short summaries of ongoing and planned studies
8:15-9:10 a.m. Presentations by members of EBTAG

Invited Talks
9:10-9:35 a.m. - Zane Spiegel
    Value of USGS Water Supply Paper 1525 to Current Española Basin Geohydrology Studies
9:35-10:00 - Peggy S. Johnson and Daniel J. Koning (NMBGMR)
    An Update of Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Southern Española Basin
10:00-10:25 - Jack E. Veenhuis (USGS)
    Uncertainties in Streamgaging Data; How Accurate Are "Real Time" And Mean Daily Flows?

Coffee Break
10:25-10:40 a.m.

10:40-11:05 - Steven T. Finch (JSAI)
    Occurrence of Elevated Arsenic and Fluoride Concentrations in the Española Basin
11:05-11:30 - Bruce Robinson (LANL)
    Synthesis of Hydrogeologic Information for the Pajarito Plateau
11:30-11:55 - Stephen L. Wust (SF County), Patrick Longmire and Dale Counce (LANL)
    Results from Water Quality Analyses of Domestic Wells in the Pojoaque, Nambe, and Tesuque Watersheds, New Mexico
11:55-12:20 - David Sawyer, Scott Minor, Tien Grauch, and Brian Rodriguez (USGS)
    The Cerrillos Uplift, the La Bajada Constriction, and the Hydrogeologic Boundary of the Española and Santo Domingo basins--
    Integrated Surface and Subsurface Geology Based Upon Geologic Mapping And Geophysics

BUFFET Luncheon
12:20-1:45 p.m.

Poster Session - List of Posters
1:45-6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Day 2 morning theme: The importance of technical studies in decision-making and answers to frequently asked questions by decision-makers
Hosted by the Water Research Technical Assistance Office (WRTAO)

7:30-8:00 a.m. Pick up badges and sign in at the ballroom complex

Introductory Material
8:00-8:15 a.m. Introduction to Wednesday theme, Water Resource Technical Advisory Office (WRTAO), and logistics - Charles Nylander (LANL/WRTAO)
8:15-9:00 a.m. Video on groundwater and sustainability in the Española basin, for nontechnical audience

Introduction to 3 discussion topics
Topic 1 Water availability and land use decisions in the Española basin:
How is current hydrologic information used to make land-use decisions? What technical information is most useful for determining water availability?
Topic 2 Technical information and strategies for managing water resources in the Española basin:
How do technical experts and decision makers work together to find a common definition of sustainability? What tools and/or data do we need in order evaluate the effects of current and planned management strategies?
Topic 3 Acquiring technical information to meet the needs of decision makers and water resource management in the Española basin:
What additional technical information would assist decision makers in making water-related decisions? How should new technical studies be prioritzed to address the most immediate needs of decision makers?

Break into 3 discussion groups, each on a different topic
9:15-10:00 a.m. In each group, a short presentation to introduce the topic will be followed by question/answer and informal discussion.

Coffee Break in the Atrium and move to new group
10:00-10:15 a.m.

Break into 3 discussion groups, each on a different topic - continued
10:15-11:15 a.m. Each person rotates to another topic/group.

Reassemble to hear summaries from each discussion group
11:15-noon Facilitators summarize the salient information gathered from each group.

AFTERNOON Field trip March 2, 2005

Leader: Dan Koning
Presenters: Dan Koning, Peggy Johnson, Scott Minor, Jonathan Caine, John Sigda, Tien Grauch, Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki

Stop 1. Unnamed fault exposed in Santa Fe River canyon

1. Types of multi-disciplinary information and their importance in understanding groundwater and aquifer conditions.
2. Hydrogeologic conditions in this area of the basin.
3. What is Tesuque Formation versus Ancha Formation and why is it important?
4. Tesuque Fm sediment characteristics in relation to hydrologic conditions.
5. The groundwater level drop across the fault: evidence, implications, and possible causes.
6. The influence of the fault zone on vadose zone infiltration.
7. Information gained from geophysical studies (e.g., aeromagnetic data, ground-penetrating radar).

Stop 2. Ancha Formation, fine-grained facies near Penitentiary

1. Example of fine-grained Ancha Fm deposits that likely have low hydraulic conductivity values.

Stop 3. Ancha Fm Ancestral Santa Fe River deposits and interbedded ash along Hwy 599

1. Ancestral Santa Fe River deposits of the Ancha Fm, and how they differ from sediment to the south.
2. Information from tephrachronologic studies and its usefulness.
3. Hydraulic conductivity of ancestral Santa Fe River deposits derived from pump tests.

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