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Chasing floods: measuring water and sediment in a Middle Rio Grande arroyo - Kyle Stark

— August 27, 2021

Join us on August 27th at 3:30 pm to hear Kyle Stark from the Earth and Environmental Department at NM Tech present:

“Chasing floods: measuring water and sediment in a Middle Rio Grande arroyo”

Abstract: In 2018, the Arroyo de los Pinos was chosen as a prime location to study sediment flux from arroyos in the Middle Rio Grande Valley. It is a direct tributary to the Rio Grande and is typical of many arroyos found in the region. The Arroyo is home to a state-of-the-art sediment monitoring facility that directly measures water depth and sediment transport near the watershed outlet. These direct measurements are used in a variety of other experiments that evaluate new methods for measuring flood dynamics in dryland settings. Today, we present an overview of the first four years of data collection and provide some of the insights into flash flood magnitude, frequency, and variance.

Speaker Bio: Kyle Stark started his graduate career at New Mexico Tech in 2016. He received amaster’s degree in Hydrology in 2018 and is currently finishing a PhD with afocus on flood dynamics within the Arroyo de los Pinos. Kyle is responsible for maintaining the sediment monitoring station and analyzing the results from instruments found in and along the Pinos channel.

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This is the eighth presentation for the Aquifer Mapping Program 2021 Seminar Series:

The Middle Rio Grande from San Acacia to Elephant Butte

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