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Statewide Water Assessment: Groundwater Levels and Storage Changes

Depiction of the storage change volumes (likely underestimates) of all basins analyzed. We also show the number (N) of wells used to estimate the storage change displayed.
(click for a larger version)

Changes in water levels can reflect very relevant water issues in the arid southwest, such as depletion of the aquifer, variations in nearby surface water, fluctuations in recharge, and changes in the groundwater storage. For this study, we are compiling water level data, in an effort to begin development of a statewide water level change contour map. Fiscal year 2014-2015 was the first year of this effort, where we developed maps showing contours of changes in water levels within 2 select basins (the Mimbres and Estancia Basins). Additionally, we also quantified the change in groundwater storage. The methodology developed for this effort is now being applied for other alluvial basins along the Rio Grande with funding from WRRI for fiscal year 2015-2016.

Funded by New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Alex Rinehart, Hydrogeologist, NMT EES


  1. Groundwater Storage Change in New Mexico Aquifers, 2017, Alex Rinehart, Ethan Mamer, Brigitte Felix, Trevor Kludt, Cathryn Pokorny, and Stacy Timmons, NMBGMR Technical Fact Sheet, (1.2MB)
  2. Groundwater Storage Change in New Mexico Aquifers:
    Part 1. Method for Estimating Groundwater Storage Change in Variably Confined Aquifers in New Mexico
    Part 2. Estimates for Groundwater Storage Change in the New Mexico Southern High Plains Aquifer
    , 2017, Alex J. Rinehart and Ethan Mamer [eds.], NMBGMR Technical Completion Report, (5.8MB)
  3. Groundwater Storage Change Estimates in Alluvial Aquifers in Central New Mexico, 2016, Alex Rinehart, Ethan Mamer, Brigitte Felix, Trevor Kludt, Cathryn Pokorny, and Stacy Timmons, NMBGMR Technical Fact Sheet, (2.9MB)
  4. Groundwater Level and Storage Changes in Basin-fill Aquifers in the Rio Grande, New Mexico, 2016, Alex J. Rinehart, Ethan Mamer, Trevor Kludt, Brigitte Felix, Cathryn Pokorny, and Stacy Timmons, NMBGMR Technical Completion Report, (7.2MB)
  5. Groundwater Level and Storage Changes-Regions of New Mexico, 2015, Alex Rinehart, Stacy Timmons, Brigitte Felix, and Cathryn Pokorny, NMBGMR Technical Completion Report, (2.4MB, Describes the methodology established from this project in fiscal year 2014-2015 under funding from the NM Water Resources Research Institute.)

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