New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 618: Hydrogeology and water resources of the Salt Basin, New Mexico and Texas Stacy Timmons and Laila Sturgis, [eds.], 2022, 144 p. APPENDICES Appendix 1. Geophysics 1.1. Locations of geophysics measurements 1.2. Dimensionality of phase tensors and shift corrections 1.3. One dimensional resistivity model 1.4. Resistivity logs A. Alpha Federal B. Turner State 1 C. Lois Spanel Appendix 2. Water data 2.1. Locations 2.2. Surface water data 2.3. Well data 2.4. Groundwater levels 2.5. Water chemistry Appendix 3. Evenocheck 2021 thesis Appendix 4. Eberle 2021 thesis