revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4
SYMBOLOGY: Point Features

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.

This document indicates how point features portrayed on a geologic map should be coded in the data model. Some point features, like attitudes of bedding or paleocurrent directions, represent stand-alone objects on a map while other features, like measurements along a mapped fault, are topologically related to linear elements on a map.

See the NMBGMR Symbol set (3.7 Mb PDF) for details on how our standard symbology is constructed.