2nd Annual Española Basin Workshop
Geologic and Hydrogeologic Framework of the Española Basin
March 4-5, 2003     Santa Fe, NM


Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Four breakout groups gathered to discuss specific topics of study in the basin.

The following topics were discussed by the groups (click on the topic to see the notes from the group discussion).

  1. Faults & compartmentalization of aquifers
  2. Indirect detection of aquifer properties or ground-water flow at depth
  3. Geologic mapping, borehole and subsurface studies & heterogeneity of aquifers
  4. Geology/geophysics of bedrock areas & estimating recharge

The following questions were posed for discussion:

  1. What research is ongoing?
  2. What are the major gaps in knowledge?
  3. What new data are needed to fill the knowledge gaps or refine what we do know?
  4. How do we best move forward to achieve our goals?

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