3rd Annual Española Basin Workshop
Geology and Hydrology of the Española Basin
March 2-3, 2004                Santa Fe, NM


Tuesday, March 2, 2004

7:30-8:10 a.m. Pick up badges, programs, and sign in at the ballroom complex
Introductory remarks
8:10-8:15 a.m. Workshop logistics, introduction to EBTAG - Tien Grauch, USGS
8:15-8:30 a.m. EBTAG report on discussion items from previous workshops and theme of the present workshop - Gary Smith, UNM
Keynote Speaker
8:30-9:00 a.m. Estevan Lopez, Director, New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
Summaries of ongoing and planned studies
9:00-9:25 a.m. U.S. Geological Survey
Rio Grande basins project - Mark Hudson and Tien Grauch
District Office studies - Doug McAda
9:25-9:45 a.m. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
STATEMAP geologic mapping program - Paul Bauer
Hydrogeologic studies - Peggy Johnson
9:45-10:05 a.m. Los Alamos National Laboratory Geologic and hydrologic studies on the Pajarito Plateau and Española Basin - Elizabeth Keating and Scott Baldridge
10:05-10:20 a.m. Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) - John Ferguson
Coffee Break
10:20-10:30 a.m.

Summaries of ongoing and planned studies - Continued
10:30-10:45 a.m. University of New Mexico and other academic studies - Gary Smith
10:45-11:00 a.m. Office of State Engineer - Jack Frost
11:00-11:15 a.m. Santa Fe County - Stephen Wust
11:15-11:30 a.m. City of Santa Fe - Claudia Borchert
11:30-11:45 a.m. Jemez Y Sangre Regional Water Planning Group - Bob Vocke

Lunch (on your own)
noon-1:30 p.m.

Poster Session - Link to poster abstracts
1:30-6:00 p.m. Includes refreshments

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

8:00-8:30 a.m. Pick up badges, confirm lunch, and sign in at the ballroom complex
Oral Theme Sessions - Link to abstracts of talks
8:30-8:50 a.m. Introduction to the themes
Theme 1: Basic Water Data
8:50 a.m. Basic Data Needs for Hydrogeologic Studies in the Española Basin -- What We Need, What We Have, and Coping with Data Gaps: Johnson, Peggy S. and Frost, Jack
Theme 2: Water Quality
9:15 a.m. Geochemical characterization of ground-water flow in the Santa Fe Group aquifer system, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico: L. Niel Plummer, Laura M. Bexfield (speaker), Scott K. Anderholm, Ward E. Sanford, and Eurybiades Busenberg
9:40-10:10 a.m. Discussion on Themes 1 and 2
Coffee Break
10:10-10:25 a.m.

Theme 3: 3D Hydrogeological Architecture
10:25-10:35 a.m. overview of Theme 3
10:35 a.m. Preliminary Interpretations Of Structural And Stratigraphic Controls On Ground Water Quality In Chimayo, Española Basin, New Mexico: Koning, Daniel J., and Finch, Steve
11:00 a.m. Geophysical Tools For Understanding The 3D Hydrogeological Architecture Of The Española and Santo Domingo Basins, New Mexico: Grauch, V.J.S, Baldridge, W. Scott, Rodriguez, Brian D., Deszcz-Pan, Maria, Ferguson, John F, Phillips, Jeffrey D., and Bankey, Viki
11:25 a.m. Potential Impacts of Fault Zones and Other Geological Heterogeneities on Ground Water in Interbasinal Aquifer Systems: Caine, Jonathan S., Minor, Scott A., Hudson, M.R., Grauch, V.J.S., McAda, D. P.
11:50-12:20 p.m. Discussion on Theme 3

Buffet Luncheon
12:30-1:45 p.m.

Theme 4: Water Balance and Stream/Aquifer Interaction
1:45-1:55 p.m. overview of Themes 4 and 5
1:55 p.m. The Role Of Science In Assessing Sustainability Of Ground-Water Resources: Leake, Stanley, A.
2:20 p.m. Potential Applications Of Noble Gas, Groundwater Age, And Temperature Data In The Española Basin, New Mexico: Manning, Andrew, H., and Caine, Jonathan Saul
Theme 5: Data integration and model hypothesis testing
2:45 p.m. Basin-Scale Groundwater Flow - Incorporating Uncertainty In Models: Keating, Elizabeth H. and Velimir Vesselinov

3:10-3:40 p.m. Discussion on Themes 4 and 5 (with refreshments)
4:00 p.m. Adjourn

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