revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.



Fields have different styles dependant on their purpose in defining symbology, lables, links to other tables, or links to other features. These styles may be combined to show multiple relationships. Styles were picked such that black & white printouts of these documents will be interpretable.

Core Feature Class

Table title has black text for core elements of the model that will be used on most maps.

Subordinate Feature Class

Table title has gray text for elements of the model that will be infrequently used on most maps.


Attribute Codes:

Field Example Style Explanation

bold, underlined used for dual symbology (lines & planes)
TypePlane bold used for symbology
SubtypePlane bold used for symbology
TypeLine bold used for symbology
SubtypeLine bold used for symbology
Label Green, Small Caps used for labeling
SourceID italic, san-serif font basis of relate to another table
Related_Feature italic, larger serif font basis of relate to a feature in another feature class
" unstyled quote symbol fieldname =< 10 characters: no alias necessary

Database Field Descriptions

Common Attibute Fields

Below are some common fieldnames and their attributes (most will be variants of these attributes: e.g. "LineClass" for fault and fold classes):

A generic top-level attribute fieldname with attributes that depend on the context
A generic second-level attribute fieldname with attributes that depend on the context
A generic third-level attribute fieldname with attributes that depend on the context
certain -- positively identified / known to exist
probable -- good basis for identification / existence of feature
uncertain -- weak or uncertain basis for identification / existence of feature
Nature of the surface exposure of a feature:
Exposed -- entirely visible at the surface
Intermittent/obscured -- intermittently exposed at the surface and/or obscured by colluvium
concealed -- not exposed at the surface because being covered by another mappable unit (e.g. alluvium)