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EBTAG Annual Workshop and Field Trip
Santa Fe Community College, in the Jemez Rooms of the Main Administration Building
May 13, 2014

Results ordered by Year and Page (in Abstract Volume)

New Insights on the Tectonics in the Northern Albuquerque, Santo Domingo and Espanola Basins from Hydrocarbon Exploration between 1972 and 2014
Overview of Hydrogeologic Conceptual Models of the Española Basin, 1907 to Current
Steve Finch p. 5.
Speculations on Deep Aquifer Potential in the Santa Fe Vicinity
Jack Frost p. 6.
Comparison of Hardness Based and Biotic Ligand Model Instantaneous Water Quality Criteria estimates for Copper and Zinc in Storm Water Runoff
Armand Groffman, Amanda White, Daria Cuthbertson, Anita Lavadie, Paul Mark, Scott Tobiason, and David De Forest p. 7.
Lithologic and hydrologic characteristics of Tesuque Formation piedmont deposits in the Santa Fe area, New Mexico
Daniel Koning, Peggy Johnson, and John Hawley pp. 8-9.
Groundwater Uranium Isotope Ratios in the Espanola Basin
Dennis McQuillan, Stephen Wiman, Patrick Longmire, Hakim Boukhalfa, Becky Coel-Roback, Walter Drew, and Virginia T. McLemore pp. 10-11.
What wells would you use if you were modeling the groundwater of the Espanola Basin? A collaborative approach between OSE and the public to facilitate access to well information.
Christina Noftsker p. 12.
Structure of groundwater flow in the Espanola basin Buckman Wellfield and Its Relation to Groundwater beneath Los Alamos National Laboratory
Velimir vesselinov p. 13.