revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4
POINTS: Fault Data

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.


Feature Class: Fault_point

This feature class represents points of detailed data about faults, joints, and ductile shear zones. Foliation measurements outside of discrete shear zones with or without lineations and shear criteria probably should be stored in Fabric_point. These features can be of any scale and may or may not be shown as mapped faults. Mapped faults are recorded as lines in Fault_line and, where measured, are topologically related to fault_point. Only the subset of point data representing mapped faults will lie on mapped fault lines and should have MappedFeat = 'yes', while exceptions to the topology rule should have MappedFeat ='no'. Some fault decorations, like bar-ball symbols, U & D symbols, fault teeth, etc are stored as point data in Fault_Symbol to allow better cartographic control.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
FGDC_plane " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
StationID " 50 String variable [null]


[null], to link to notes, photos, etc. Station ID (if specified)
MappedFeat MappedFeature   Short Integer boolean 1 (TRUE) FALSE 1=yes/TRUE (on Fault_line)
0=no/FALSE (minor structure not on Fault_line)
Is fault related to a mapped Fault_line?: Requires definintion query: if TRUE then this is a minor fault -- symbology changes (strike line is removed).
StrctClass StructClass 16 String CVD
[null] FALSE fault, joint, etc.
see: StructClass
Class of fault.
FaultType " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE [null], unknown, dip-slip, strike-slip, oblique-slip.
see: FaultType
Type of fault. Dip-slip includes: normal, reverse, thrust. Use oblique-slip when a SubSlipSense is specified
SlipSense " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE normal, reverse, etc. see: SlipSense Dominant slip sense. Right-side-down means the down-side is 90° clockwise of the strike azimuth.
SubSlipSns SubSlipSense 16 String CVD [null] TRUE normal, reverse, etc. see: SlipSense Subordinate slip sense.
SlipBasis " 128 String CVD [null] TRUE see: SlipBasis Basis for determination of dominant slip sense.
ShearCrit ShearCriteria 128 String CVD [null] TRUE see: ShearCriteria Shear criteria.
SlipConfid SlipConfidence 20 String CVD [null] TRUE unspecified, certain, probable, uncertain
see: Confidence
Confidence of slip determination
SlipRate "   Single variable [null] TRUE 10 Slip rate at this locality, details in comments below or linked to separate data table
SlipRateUn SlipRateUnits 16 String variable [null] TRUE mm/yr Units of slip rate
Inclnation Inclination 16 String CVD [null] FALSE unspecified, unknown, inclined, vertical, horizontal Description of inclination; used to determine symbol type.
Strike "   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-359 [null] TRUE [null], 256, 123, etc.
Azimuth of strike (right hand rule).
DipDir DipDirection   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-359 [null] TRUE [null], 166, 123, etc.
Azimuth of dip-direction.
Dip "   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-90 [null] TRUE [null], 45, 56, etc, (0-90) Value of dip.
FaultGen FaultGeneration 50 String variable [null] TRUE [null] unspecified, unknown, early, late, Laramide, Neogene, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Relative fault age based on meso/macroscopic relationships
FltSurface FaultSurface 20 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, unknown, gouge, slickensides, pseudotachylite, hackle marks, rib marks Type of surface measured.
Thickness "   Single variable [null] TRUE [thickness] Thickness of gouge/ fault zone.
ThickUnits " 8 String CVD [null] TRUE meters, cm, etc.
see: LengthUnits
Units of thickness.
FGDC_line " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
FltLnType FaultLineType 16 String CVD [null] TRUE slickenline, ext-lineation
see: FaultLineType
Type of linear fault fabric element.
FltLnSub FaultLineSubType 16 String CVD [null] TRUE see: FaultLineSubType Subtype of linear fault fabric element of specified type.
Trend "   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-359 [null] TRUE [null], 345 Trend of slickenlines.
Plunge "   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-90 [null] TRUE [null], 45

Plunge of slickenlines.

Rake "   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-180 [null] TRUE 45, 123; (0-180) Rake of slickenlines from strike azimuth (right-hand rule).
DipSeparat DipSeparation   Single variable [null] TRUE 34.3 Stratigraphic separation down dip.
StrikeSep StrikeSeparation   Single variable [null] TRUE 24.7 Stratigraphic separation along strike.
SepUnits SeparationUnits 16 String CVD [null] TRUE meters, cm, etc.
see: LengthUnits
Units of separation.
MeasMethod MeasurementMethod 50 String CVD [null] TRUE unspecified, measured, compass sight, visual average, compiled, photo interp Method of measurement.
LocAccType LocAccuracyType 50 String variable [null] TRUE precision gps, handheld gps, good topo, poor topo, planimetric, survey, map and compass, triangulation, distinctive feature Accuracy of position.
LocAccMeas LocAccuracyMeasure 16 String variable [null] TRUE EPE(m), PDOP Criteria for deterimining accuracy of position.
LocAccVal LocAccuracyValue   Single variable [null] TRUE 15 Numeric measurement of locataion accuracy
DsplyScale DisplayScale   Long Integer CVD 24000 TRUE see: DisplayScale Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed.
SourceID " 128 String variable [null]   unknown; unspecified; Smith, 2006b [variable] Feature level metadata (who mapped this); related to bibliographic detail
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE description Comments about this particular feature.

Feature Class: Fault_Symbol

This feature class stores fault annotation at a particular geographic location (does not include leaders, labels, etc). This feature class will be used for precise placement of fault annotation on fault_lines that has geologic meaning with respect to position. Annotation groups are preferable for fault names or other annotation whose position doesn't convey specific geologic meaning.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
FGDC_code " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
SymblClass SymbolClass 16 String CVD [null] TRUE see: FaultSymbolClass Class of symbol.
SymbolType " 16 String variable [null] TRUE [null], hollow, solid, etc. Type of symbol of specified class.
Queried "   Short Integer boolean 0 (no) FALSE 1=yes/TRUE, 0=no/FALSE Used to add a query "?" to a symbol.
RotaAngle RotationAngle   Short Integer variable [null] TRUE 45, 278 Symbol rotation angle.
SymbolText " 50 String variable [null] TRUE annotation text (reactivation history, etc) use when you need a text comment along a fault (set SymbolClass to 'text')
DsplyScale DisplayScale   Long Integer CVD 24000 TRUE see: DisplayScale Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed.
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE description Comments about this particular feature.