revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4
JOINED & RELATED TABLES: Lithologic Unit Detail

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.

Table Name: Lithology

This table is used to link detailed information about mapped lithostratigraphic and lithodemic geologic units to Lith_poly and Subcrop_poly. The one-to-many relationship is based on the GeolID field. The attributes within this table apply to all areas within a given map extent with matching GeoIDs.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
GeoID " 16 String variable undefined TRUE IPm basis of relationship with Lith_poly and Subcrop_poly
Name " 128 String variable [null] TRUE Madera Group undifferentiated Name of lithologic unit.
LithClass " 50 String CVD [null] TRUE sedimentary, intrusive, volcanic, metamorphic, anthropogenic, water Class of lithologic unit
LithType " 50 String CVD [null] TRUE

Sedimentary: siliciclastic, mixed, nonsiliciclastic

Volcanic: lava flow, dome, ash, volcaniclastic

Intrusive: plutonic, hypabyssal, dike, sill

Metamorphic: metasedimentary, metavolcanic, metaplutonic, unknown protolith

Anthropogenic: disturbed land, artificial fill, tailings, dump

Type of unit of specified class
IgneousCmp IgneousComposition 50 String CVD [null] TRUE unknown, leucocratic, silicic, felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic, [other - specify] Igneous composition (if applicable)
MMfacies MetamorphicFacies 50 String CVD [null] TRUE unknown, zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, greenschist, amphibolite, granulite, blueschist, eclogite, hornfels, sanidinite Metatmorphic facies (if applicable)
Mineralogy " 255 String variable [null] TRUE mineral assemblage: e.g. Bt+Qtz+Kspar+musc; Cc; etc. Mineralogy (if applicable)
PrimLith PrimaryLithology 128 String variable [null] TRUE sand, gravel, limestone, rhyolite, granite, diorite, amphibolite, schist, gneiss, mudstone, shale, sandstone etc. Could use defined ontologies like NGMDB vocabularies. Primary lithology
SecondLith SecondaryLithology 128 String variable [null] TRUE minor- sand, gravel, limestone, rhyolite, granite, diorite, amphibolite, mudstone, shale, sandstone etc. Could use defined ontologies like NGMDB vocabularies. Secondary lithology
ShortDesc ShortUnitDescription 255 String variable [null] TRUE Concise unit description. Description of the unit throughout the map area.
UnitDesc UnitDescription 65535 TEXT variable [null] TRUE Unit description Description of the unit throughout the map area.
Texture " 255 String CVD [null] TRUE angular, subangular, subrounded, rounded, well-rounded, clastic, glassy, ahphanitic, phaneritic, porphyritic, megacrystic, brecciated, mylonitic, etc. Provenance of unit
Color " 255 String variable [null] TRUE Munsell(?) color Color of unit.
GrainSize " 255 String variable [null] TRUE grain size: coarse, medium, fine, silt, clay, [or numeric: e.g. 1m clasts] Grainsize of unit.
Sorting " 255 String variable [null] TRUE well, moderate, poor, bimodal Degree of sorting of grains.
Cemntation Cementation 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, none, silica, calcite, hematite, zeolite, etc. Cementation of unit.
Induration " 255 String CVD [null] TRUE unspecified, well, moderate, poor, unconsolidated Induration of unit.
Bedding " 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, massive, tabular, lenticular, thick, thin, cross bedded, etc. Description of bedding
BedThkness BedThickness   Double variable [null] TRUE e.g. 4 Typical thickness of bedding. Specify units in ThickUnits
Protolith " 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, pelite, sandstone, basalt, etc. Induration of unit.
Provenance " 255 String variable [null] TRUE westerly, easterly,northerly,southerly, San Juan Mts Provenance of unit.
GenEnvrnmt GeneticEnvironment 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, alluvial, colluvial, fluvial, glacial eolian, lacustrine, deltaic, marine, mass wasting, upper crust, middle crust, mantle, etc. Genetic Environment that produced unit.
GenLndform GeneticLandform 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, delta, point bar, dune, reef, piedmont, debris flow, alluvial slope, reef, delta, deep-marine, shallow-marine, near-shore, intertidal, etc. Interpreted landform associated with depositional environment (if applicable).
DepoSyst DepositionalSystem 255 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, unknown, piedmont, axial-fluvial, transitional, lacustrine, eolian, debris flow, alluvial slope, reef, delta, deep-marine, shallow-marine, near shore, beach, etc. Depositional system that produced unit (if applicable).
SuperGroup " 128 String variable [null] TRUE If unit is part of a supergroup (e.g. Grand Canyon Super Group) Supergroup rank (not used in NM yet)
GeoGroup Group 128 String variable [null] TRUE Madera Group rank ('Group' is a reserved DBMS word)
Formation " 128 String variable [null] TRUE Los Moyos Formation rank
Member " 128 String variable [null] TRUE Wild Cow Member rank
Lithosome " 128 String variable [null] TRUE A Lithosome ID
Eon " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE Phanerozoic, Proterozoic, Archean, Hadean Geologic Eon of unit
Era " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Neoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic, Neoarchean, Mesoarchean, Paleoarchean, Eoarchean Geologic Era of unit
Period " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE Quaternary, Neogene, Paleogene, Tertairy, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Cambrian, etc. Geologic Period of unit
Epoch " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE Holocene, Pleistocene, Plio-pleistocene, Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene, Paleocene, etc. Geologic Epoch of unit
AgeName AgeNameRange 128 String variable [null] TRUE e.g. Albian; upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Formal geolgic Age of unit or Age range.
MaxAge " 128 String variable [null] TRUE e.g. Aptian or numeric age Maximum geolgic Age of unit
MinAge " 128 String variable [null] TRUE e.g. Cenomanian or numeric age Minimum geologic Age of unit
PrefAge PreferredAge 128 String variable [null] TRUE e.g. Cenomanian or numeric age Preferred age of unit, formal age name or numeric age.
AgeBasis " 255 String variable [null] TRUE fossils, geochron, position, etc Basis of age determination.
AgeRef AgeReferenceID 128 String variable [null] TRUE Smith, et al., 2006 Reference of published age.
IsoDateID " 128 String variable [null] TRUE sample info/link to best date data Isotopic date ID of preferred age (links to Date Detail)
UntThckMin UnitThicknessMin   Double variable [null] TRUE   Minimum thickness of unit
UntThckMax UnitThicknessMax   Double variable [null] TRUE   Maximum thickness of unit
UntThckTyp UnitThicknessTypical   Double variable [null] TRUE e.g. 345 Typical thickness of unit
ThickUnits ThicknessUnits 8 String CVD
[null] TRUE m, ft, etc. Thickness unit of measure.
SourceID " 128 String variable [null]  

unknown; unspecified; Smith, 2006b [variable]. Specify when attributes like description need attribution.

Feature level metadata (who mapped this); related to bibliographic detail
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE   Comments about this particular feature.