revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4
POINTS: Fold Data

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.


Feature Class: Fold_point

This feature class represents fold data measured at a point. Folds can be map-scale (macroscopic folds) or might range from small parasitic folds or outcrop-scale folds. Only the subset of point data representing mapped folds will lie on mapped fold_lines and should have MappedFeat = 'yes', while exceptions to topology rule should have MappedFeat ='no'. Axial traces and other linear map elements describing folds are recorded in Fold_lines to allow better cartographic control.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
FGDC_plane " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
StationID " 50 String variable [null] TRUE [null], to link to notes, photos, etc. Station ID (if specified)
MappedFeat MappedFeature   Short Integer boolean 0 (FALSE) FALSE

1=yes/TRUE (on Fold_line)
0=no/FALSE (minor structure not on Fold_line)

Is fold related to a mapped Fold_line?: Requires definintion query: for a minor fold symbology changes (strike line is removed).
Geometry " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE anticline, syncline, etc.
see: FoldGeometry
Fold geometry; (this mixes younging with geometry, but is simpler than having a field for shape and one for younging because having "synformal syncline" on a map legend seems like overkill).
Attitude " 20 String CVD [null] TRUE upright, reclined, recumbent, etc.
see: FoldAttitude
Fold attitude defined by plunge of the hinge and the dip of the axial surface.
DefmEnv DeformationEnv 16 String CVD [null] TRUE see: DeformationEnv Deformation environment for fold genesis.
FoldGen FoldGeneration 16 String CVD [null] TRUE F1, F2, F3,etc.
see: FoldGeneration
Fold generation based on fold/fabric relationships (ductile)
FoldStyle " 24 String CVD [null] TRUE open, close, tight, isoclinal, etc.
see: FoldStyle
Fold style based on various fold classification schemes.
MapAsymm MapAsymmetry 16 String CVD [null] TRUE sinistral, dextral, etc.
see: FoldMapAsymmetry
Map view asymmetry of fold
APstrike AxialPlaneStrike   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-359 [null] TRUE [null], 256 (right hand rule azimuth of strike of axial plane) Axial Plane Strike
APdipDir APdipDirection   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-359 [null] TRUE [null], 166 Axial Plane dip direction
APdip AxialPlaneDip   Short integer Integer Range Domain: 0-90 [null] TRUE [null], 45 Axial Plane dip
Facing " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE upward, downward, etc.
see: FoldFacing
Facing where known (direction towards stratigraphically younger rocks from fold hinge). See-vergence for inclined folds.
YoungCrit YoungingCriteria 16 String CVD [null] TRUE see: YoungingCriteria Younging criteria used.
Vergence " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW
see: OctantDirections
Vergence of fold (the orientation of the younging "vector" when it is not vertical).
FGDC_line " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
FldAxisTrd FoldAxisTrend   Short Integer variable [null] TRUE [null], 166 Fold axis trend.
FldAxisPlg FoldAxisPlunge   Short Integer variable [null] TRUE [null], 45 Fold axis plunge.
MeasMethod MeasurementMethod 50 String CVD [null] TRUE see: MeasurementMethod Method of measurement.
LocAccType LocAccuracyType 50 String variable [null] TRUE precision gps, handheld gps, good topo, poor topo, planimetric, survey, map and compass, triangulation, distinctive feature Accuracy of position.
LocAccMeas LocAccuracyMeasure 16 String variable [null] TRUE EPE(m), PDOP Criteria for deterimining accuracy of position.
LocAccVal LocAccuracyValue   Single variable [null] TRUE 15 Numeric measurement of locataion accuracy
DsplyScale DisplayScale   Long Integer CVD 24000 TRUE see: DisplayScale Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed.
SourceID " 128 String variable [null]   unknown; unspecified; Smith, 2006b [variable] Feature level metadata (who mapped this); related to bibliographic detail
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE description Comments about this particular feature.

Feature Class: Fold_Symbol

Fold annotation at a particular geographic location (does not include leaders, labels, etc). This feature class will be used for precise placement of fold annotation that doesn't have numeric attitude data on fold_lines that has geologic meaning with respect to position. Annotation groups are preferable for fold names or other annotation where position doesn't convey specific geologic meaning.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
FGDC_code " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
SymblClass SymbolClass 24 String CVD [null] TRUE fold, text, query
see: FoldSymbolClass
Class of symbol. "Fold" will require attributes for Geometry and Attitude.
Geometry " 24 String CVD [null] FALSE anticline, syncline, monocline, antiform, synform, synformal anticline, antiformal syncline, etc.
see: FoldGeometry
Fold geometry; (this mixes younging with geometry, but is simpler than having a field for shape and one for younging because having "synformal syncline" on a map legend seems like overkill).
FoldLnType FoldLineType 50 String CVD [null] TRUE hinge line, axial trace, etc.
see: FoldLineType
Fold line type.
Attitude " 20 String CVD [null] TRUE reclined, recumbent, etc.
see: FoldAttitude
Fold attitude defined by plunge of the hinge and the dip of the axial surface.
Queried "   Short Integer binary 0 FALSE 1=yes/TRUE, 0=no/FALSE used to add a query to a symbol.
RotaAngle RotationAngle   Short Integer variable [null] TRUE 45, 278 Symbol rotation angle.
SymbolText " 50 String variable [null] TRUE annotation text (history, note, etc) Use when you need a text comment along a fold (set SymbolClass to 'note')
DsplyScale DisplayScale   Long Integer CVD 24000 TRUE see: DisplayScale Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed.
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE description Comments about this particular feature.