This feature class represents fold data measured at a point. Folds can be map-scale (macroscopic folds) or might range from small parasitic folds or outcrop-scale folds. Only the subset of point data representing mapped folds will lie on mapped fold_lines and should have MappedFeat = 'yes', while exceptions to topology rule should have MappedFeat ='no'. Axial traces and other linear map elements describing folds are recorded in Fold_lines to allow better cartographic control.
Field Name | Field Alias | Length (text fields) |
Field Type | Field Value | Default | Allow Nulls? | Attributes / Examples | Description / Notes |
FGDC_plane | " | 16 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | 30.3.12 | FGDC geologic symbol reference number. |
StationID | " | 50 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | [null], to link to notes, photos, etc. | Station ID (if specified) |
MappedFeat | MappedFeature | Short Integer | boolean | 0 (FALSE) | FALSE | 1=yes/TRUE (on Fold_line) |
Is fold related to a mapped Fold_line?: Requires definintion query: for a minor fold symbology changes (strike line is removed). | |
Geometry | " | 24 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | anticline, syncline, etc. see: FoldGeometry |
Fold geometry; (this mixes younging with geometry, but is simpler than having a field for shape and one for younging because having "synformal syncline" on a map legend seems like overkill). |
Attitude | " | 20 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | upright, reclined, recumbent, etc. see: FoldAttitude |
Fold attitude defined by plunge of the hinge and the dip of the axial surface. |
DefmEnv | DeformationEnv | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | see: DeformationEnv | Deformation environment for fold genesis. |
FoldGen | FoldGeneration | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | F1, F2, F3,etc. see: FoldGeneration |
Fold generation based on fold/fabric relationships (ductile) |
FoldStyle | " | 24 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | open, close, tight, isoclinal, etc. see: FoldStyle |
Fold style based on various fold classification schemes. |
MapAsymm | MapAsymmetry | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | sinistral, dextral, etc. see: FoldMapAsymmetry |
Map view asymmetry of fold |
APstrike | AxialPlaneStrike | Short integer | Integer Range Domain: 0-359 | [null] | TRUE | [null], 256 (right hand rule azimuth of strike of axial plane) | Axial Plane Strike | |
APdipDir | APdipDirection | Short integer | Integer Range Domain: 0-359 | [null] | TRUE | [null], 166 | Axial Plane dip direction | |
APdip | AxialPlaneDip | Short integer | Integer Range Domain: 0-90 | [null] | TRUE | [null], 45 | Axial Plane dip | |
Facing | " | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | upward, downward, etc. see: FoldFacing |
Facing where known (direction towards stratigraphically younger rocks from fold hinge). See-vergence for inclined folds. |
YoungCrit | YoungingCriteria | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | see: YoungingCriteria | Younging criteria used. |
Vergence | " | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW see: OctantDirections |
Vergence of fold (the orientation of the younging "vector" when it is not vertical). |
FGDC_line | " | 16 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | 30.3.12 | FGDC geologic symbol reference number. |
FldAxisTrd | FoldAxisTrend | Short Integer | variable | [null] | TRUE | [null], 166 | Fold axis trend. | |
FldAxisPlg | FoldAxisPlunge | Short Integer | variable | [null] | TRUE | [null], 45 | Fold axis plunge. | |
MeasMethod | MeasurementMethod | 50 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | see: MeasurementMethod | Method of measurement. |
LocAccType | LocAccuracyType | 50 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | precision gps, handheld gps, good topo, poor topo, planimetric, survey, map and compass, triangulation, distinctive feature | Accuracy of position. |
LocAccMeas | LocAccuracyMeasure | 16 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | EPE(m), PDOP | Criteria for deterimining accuracy of position. |
LocAccVal | LocAccuracyValue | Single | variable | [null] | TRUE | 15 | Numeric measurement of locataion accuracy | |
DsplyScale | DisplayScale | Long Integer | CVD | 24000 | TRUE | see: DisplayScale | Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed. | |
SourceID | " | 128 | String | variable | [null] | unknown; unspecified; Smith, 2006b [variable] | Feature level metadata (who mapped this); related to bibliographic detail | |
Comments | " | 255 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | description | Comments about this particular feature. |
Fold annotation at a particular geographic location (does not include leaders, labels, etc). This feature class will be used for precise placement of fold annotation that doesn't have numeric attitude data on fold_lines that has geologic meaning with respect to position. Annotation groups are preferable for fold names or other annotation where position doesn't convey specific geologic meaning.
Field Name | Field Alias | Length (text fields) |
Field Type | Field Value | Default | Allow Nulls? | Attributes / Examples | Description / Notes |
FGDC_code | " | 16 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | 30.3.12 | FGDC geologic symbol reference number. |
SymblClass | SymbolClass | 24 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | fold, text, query see: FoldSymbolClass |
Class of symbol. "Fold" will require attributes for Geometry and Attitude. |
Geometry | " | 24 | String | CVD | [null] | FALSE | anticline, syncline, monocline, antiform, synform, synformal
anticline, antiformal syncline, etc. see: FoldGeometry |
Fold geometry; (this mixes younging with geometry, but is simpler than having a field for shape and one for younging because having "synformal syncline" on a map legend seems like overkill). |
FoldLnType | FoldLineType | 50 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | hinge line, axial trace, etc. see: FoldLineType |
Fold line type. |
Attitude | " | 20 | String | CVD | [null] | TRUE | reclined, recumbent, etc. see: FoldAttitude |
Fold attitude defined by plunge of the hinge and the dip of the axial surface. |
Queried | " | Short Integer | binary | 0 | FALSE | 1=yes/TRUE, 0=no/FALSE | used to add a query to a symbol. | |
RotaAngle | RotationAngle | Short Integer | variable | [null] | TRUE | 45, 278 | Symbol rotation angle. | |
SymbolText | " | 50 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | annotation text (history, note, etc) | Use when you need a text comment along a fold (set SymbolClass to 'note') |
DsplyScale | DisplayScale | Long Integer | CVD | 24000 | TRUE | see: DisplayScale | Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed. | |
Comments | " | 255 | String | variable | [null] | TRUE | description | Comments about this particular feature. |