EBTAG has hosted an annual workshop since 2002. Our two-day workshops consist of one day of both oral and poster presentaions, and another day for an optional fieldtrip. Abstracts submitted for technical presentations and posters for the workshop are generally about the Española Basin and surrounding watersheds, e.g. geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrology, fluvial morphology, water quality, etc., that influence natural and anthropogenic impacts on surface and ground water resources. We especially encourage submission of abstracts related to our workshop theme for each year, but we welcome abstracts on any aspect of geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, and hydrology pertaining directly or indirectly to the Española basin.
- October 12-13, 2017 - 15th Annual Workshop & Field Trip
- September 16, 2015, 14th Annual Española Basin Technical Advisory Group (EBTAG) Field Trip: "Interstate Stream Commission Santa Fe Paired Basin Study" (workshop was canceled)
- May 13, 2014 - 13th Annual Española Basin Technical Advisory Group (EBTAG) Workshop & Field Trip
- May 20-21, 2013 - 12th Annual Española basin workshop — Theme: "The Lower Santa Fe River and the Vision for Water Sustainability in Santa Fe County"
- May 15-16, 2012 - 11th Annual Española basin workshop — Theme: "Watershed impacts of the Las Conchas Wildfire"
- February 23-24, 2011 - 10th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 4, 2010 - 9th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 3-4, 2009 - 8th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 6, 2008 - 7th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 6-7, 2007 - 6th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 7-8, 2006 - 5th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 1-2, 2005 - 4th Annual Española basin workshop
- March 2-3, 2004 - 3rd Annual Española basin workshop
- March 4-5, 2003 - 2nd Annual Española basin workshop
- April 2-3, 2002 - 1st Annual Española basin workshop