revised: 05-Feb-2015

NMBGMR Draft Geologic Data Model - v. 1.0.4
LINES - Contours

In the interests of standardization and interoperability, we are migrating our geologic maps into the USGS NCGMP09 data model. However, our well data model is still actively being used. Documentation for the NMBGMR geology data model is being provided for users with legacy data in this model. We also hope that it will provoke discussion in the ongoing effort to improve NCGMP09 and other models.


This feature class represents contoured data of geologic features or other parameters such as geochemical data. Contoured surfaces may be displaced by faults or other features. Topology rules for contours do not allow intersections, but exceptions will occur with vertical gradients.

Field Name Field Alias Length
(text fields)
Field Type Field Value Default Allow Nulls? Attributes / Examples Description / Notes
FGDC_code " 16 String variable [null] TRUE 30.3.12 FGDC geologic symbol reference number.
CntLnClass ContourLineClass 50 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, Structure, Water table, Potentiometric surface, etc Feature or property being contoured.
Confidence " 16 String CVD [null] TRUE unspecified, certain, probable, uncertain

Confidence regarding the existence/identification of this feature.

CntValue ContourValue   Single variable 0 TRUE 7000, 7100, 7200. etc. Numeric parameter value for contour
ValueUnits " 8 String CVD
[null] TRUE [null] meters, feet, etc.
see: LengthUnits
units of contoured data
IndexCont IndexContour   Short Integer boolean 0 (FALSE) FALSE TRUE=1, FALSE=0 Used to specify heavy contour line weights -- every even 100 feet for example.
Closed "   Short Integer boolean 0 (FALSE) FALSE TRUE=1, FALSE=0 Used to indicate a closed contour that should be hatchured.
CntLnType ContourLineType 50 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, Dakota Sandstone, shallow aquifer, deep aquifer, etc. Contour line type of the specifed class.
CntLnSub ContourLineSubtype 50 String variable [null] TRUE unspecified, Historic data, Mixed data, etc. Contour line sub-type of the specified type.
CntDatum ContourDatum 8 String CVD [null] TRUE see: VertDatum Datum of contoured data.
DsplyScale DisplayScale   Long Integer CVD 24000 TRUE see: DisplayScale Denominator of display scale: display feature at scales larger than number specified (=< denominator). Zero indicates data that should never be displayed.
SourceID " 128 String variable [null] TRUE "Smith, 1999a" Feature level metadata (who mapped this)
Comments " 255 String variable [null] TRUE   Comments about this particular feature.