Magmatic Crystallization
- DUNBAR, N.W., CASHMAN, K.V., AND DUPRE, R., 1994. Crystallization processes of anorthoclase phenocrysts in the Mt. Erebus magmatic system: Evidence from crystal composition, crystal size distributions and volatile contents of melt inclusions. In: Volcanological Studies of Mount Erebus. Antarctic Research Series, 66, 129-146. ABSTRACT
- DUNBAR, N.W., JACOBS, G.K. AND NANEY, M.T., 1995. Crystallization processes in an artificial magma: variations in crystal shape, growth rate and composition with melt cooling history. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 120, 412-425. ABSTRACT
- JACOBS, G.K., DUNBAR, N.W., NANEY, M.T., and WILLIAMS, R.T., 1992. In Situ Vitrification: Observations of petrological processes in a man-made magmatic system. EOS, Trans. AGU, 73, 401-411.
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