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Raman Microscopy Laboratory — Services

Our lab primarily provides spectral analyses of solid, liquid and gaseous compounds using a confocal Raman microscope. In addition, we provide access to a transmitted/fluorescence/reflected optical microscope equipped with a camera and a manual xy-stage or rotating stage for photographing polished mounts, mineral samples, thin and thick sections, and petrographic descriptions. We also have a USGS gas-flow heating and cooling system equipped on an optical microscope and a Linkam THMSG600. There are also a number of sample preparation laboratories at EES and the Bureau that can be accessed for a fee and upon request. We also have a hand-held Xpress IR spectrometer for spectral analyses that can be used for field work, it is possible to access this equipment through the service center with adequate training and upon request.

The Raman Spectroscopy laboratory is not an accredited gem certification laboratory, and we cannot provide mineral certification. We are a research laboratory and gladly provide data and support with interpretation.
Certain materials do not generate a measurable Raman signal and some materials will show fluorescence at the available laser wave lengths, which means that we cannot provide a compound identification. There might also be a lack of reference data to compare rare or new materials/minerals.

Price List

In effect on: September 29, 2023
Service Code Description Standard Rate
RML_Analysis266nm Raman Analysis 266nm (per hour) $145.00
RML_Analysis532nm Raman Analysis 532nm (per hour) $135.00

For more information , please contact us.