New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory
Our laboratory is now housed, along with the rest of the Bureau of Geology, in a new facility. Recent hardware and software upgrades have substatially improved the quality and throughput of analyses.
Sample Preparation

The New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory has dedicated lab space for preparing mineral and whole-rock samples for 40Ar/39Ar analysis. The NMGRL also employs a number of highly skilled undergraduate and graduate mineral separatist to facilitate high quality and efficient mineral and whole-rock separates for argon geochronology.
- Frantz Magnetic Separator
- Heavy liquid separation (lithium metatungstate)
- Picking microscopes
- Binocular microscopes (4)
- Petrographic microscopes (2)
- Centrifuge
- Jaw crusher
- Disk mill
- Piston (Nybo) crusher
- Acids digestion (HF, HCl, nitric acid)
- Mortar & pestle
- Rock saws (available in other labs)

Cynthia Connolly, 2021