Volatiles in Magmas
- DUNBAR, N.W. AND HERVIG, R.L., 1992A. Petrogenesis and volatile stratigraphy of the Bishop Tuff: Evidence from melt inclusion analysis. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 15129-15150. ABSTRACT
- DUNBAR, N.W. AND HERVIG, R.L., 1992B. Volatile and trace element composition of melt inclusions from the Lower Bandelier Tuff: Implications for eruptive style and magma chamber processes. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 15151-15170.ABSTRACT
- DUNBAR, N.W., HERVIG, R.L., and KYLE, P.R., 1989. Determination of pre-eruptive H2O, F and Cl contents of silicic magmas using melt inclusions: Examples from Taupo volcanic center, New Zealand. Bull. Volcanol., 51, 177-184. ABSTRACT
- DUNBAR, N.W. AND KYLE, P.R., 1992. Volatile contents of obsidian clasts in tephra from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Implications to eruptive processes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 49, 127-145.ABSTRACT
- DUNBAR, N.W. AND KYLE, P.R., 1993. Lack of volatile gradient in the Taupo plinian-ignimbrite transition: Evidence from melt inclusion analysis. Am. Mineral., 78, 612-618. ABSTRACT
- ESCHENBACHER, A. J., P. R. KYLE, J. LOWENSTERN, and N. W. DUNBAR, 1998, Melt inclusion investigation of the volatile behavior of fractionating, alkaline, magma, Mount Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica: PACROFI VII.
- ESCHENBACHER, A. J., P. R. KYLE, J. LOWENSTERN, and N. W. DUNBAR, 1998, Pre-eruptive volatile contents of an evolving, alkaline, magma system, Mount Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica: IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, p. 18.
- HERVIG, R.L., DUNBAR, N.W., WESTRICH, H.R., and KYLE, P.R., 1989. Pre-eruptive water content of rhyolitic magmas as determined by ion microprobe analyses of melt inclusions in phenocrysts. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 36, 293-302.
- WINICK, J., DUNBAR, N., and MCINTOSH, W., 2000, Melt inclusion hosted excess argon (40ArE) in the quartz crystals of the Bishop and Bandelier magma systems: New Mexico Geology, 22, 38. ABSTRACT