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Bonnie Frey



  1. The Geology of the Mt. Taylor Area, 2021, Frey, B.A.; Kelley, S., Goff, F., McLemore, V., Zeigler, K., Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., eds., New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook.

  2. The Geology of the Mt. Taylor Area, 2020, Frey, B.A.; Kelley, S., McLemore, V., Zeigler, K., Goff, F., Goff, K, Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., eds., New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication 14, 191 p., ISBN: 978-1-58546-012-0.

  3. The Geology of the Belen Area, 2016, Frey, B.A.; Karlstrom, K.E.; Lucas, S.G.; Williams, S.; Zeigler, K.; McLemore, V.; Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., eds., New Mexico Geological Society Fall Field Conference Guidebook 67, 512 p., ISBN: 978-1-58546-104-2.


  1. Gulick, S., Carrico, C.M., Frey, B., Baca, D., Dubey, M., 2023, Plant versus local soil inorganic ionic composition: The relationship to biomass smoke: Science of the Total Environment,

  2. Hettiarachchi, E., Das, M., Cadol, D., Frey, B., Rubasinghege, G., 2022, The fate of inhaled uranium-containing particles upon clearance to gastrointestinal tract: Environmental Science Processes Impacts. v. 24, no. 8, p. 1257-1266. doi: 10.1039/d2em00209d. PMID: 35916312.

  3. Duval, B.D., Cadol, D., Martin, J., Frey, B., and Timmons, S., 2020, Effects of the Gold King Mine Spill on Metal Cycling through River and Riparian Biota: Wetlands, online publication:

  4. McLemore, V., Frey, B., El Hayek, E., Hettiarachchi, E., Brown, R., Chavez, O., Paul, S., and Das, M., 2020, The Jackpile-Paguate uranium mine, Grants uranium district: Changes in perspectives from production to Superfund site: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 71, p. 77-88.

  5. Hettiarachchi, E., Paul, S., Cadol, D., Frey, B., Rubasinghege, G., 2019, Mineralogy controlled dissolution of uranium from airborne dust in simulated lung fluids (SLFs) and possible health implications: Environmental Science & Technology Letters, v. 6, p. 62-67. Epub, 2018:

  6. McLemore, V., and Frey, B., 2018, Making Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Profitable - Workshop Proceedings and Abstracts: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file report 597, 58 p.

  7. Frey, B., 2013, Sample preservation, in McLemore, V.T., Smith, K.S., and Russell, C.C. (eds.), Management Technologies for Metal Mining Influenced Water—Environmental Sampling and Monitoring for the Mine-Life Cycle, Appendix 3: Littleton, CO, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.

  8. Frey, B., 2013, Sample Drying, in McLemore, V.T., Smith, K.S., and Russell, C.C. (eds.), Management Technologies for Metal Mining Influenced Water—Environmental Sampling and Monitoring for the Mine-Life Cycle, Appendix 3: Littleton, CO, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
  9. Partey, F. K., Land, L., and Frey, B., 2010. Final report on the geochemistry of Bitter Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Roswell, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-File Report no. 526, 20 p.
  10. Gilbert, J.; Gill, T.E.; Borrok, D.; Frey, B.; Hertel, T.; Lane, M.; Bleiweiss, M.; Lehmann, C.; Gay, D.; and Ramana, C.V. (2009) "Geochemistry and potential playa sources of the January 7, 2008 Southwestern New Mexico "milky rain"," Natural Resources and Environmental Issues: Vol. 15, Article 21.
  11. McLemore, V.T. and Frey, B.A., 2009. Appendix 8. Quality control and quality assurance report (Task B1); in McLemore, V.T., Dickens, A., Boakye, K., Campbell, A., Donahue, K., Dunbar, N., Gutierrez, L., Heizler, L., Lynn, R., Lueth, V., Osantowski, E., Phillips, E., Shannon, H., Smith, M., Tachie-Menson, S., van Dam, R., Viterbo, V.C., Walsh, P., and Wilson, G.W., Characterization of Goathill North Rock Pile: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file report 523.
  12. Partey, F.K., Land, L.A., Frey, B., 2008. Preliminary Report on the Conductivity of Bitter Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Roswell, New Mexico.
  13. Bednar, A.J., Medina, V.F., Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., Frey, B.A., Johnson, B.L., Brostoff, W.N., Larson, S.L., December 2007. Effects of organic matter on the distribution of uranium in soil and plant matrices, Chemosphere, Volume 70, Issue 2, pp. 237-247.
  14. Frey, B.A., 2002. Evidence of an Oceanic Plateau Origin and a Deep, Depleted Mantle Source for the Iron King Volcanics, a 1.75-Ga Accreted Terrane in Central Arizona, Master's thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 114 p.
  15. Condie, K.C., Frey, B.A., Kerrich, R., 2002. The 1.75-Ga Iron King Volcanics in west-central Arizona: A remnant of an accreted oceanic plateau derived from a mantle plume with a deep depleted component. Lithos 64, 49-62.

Posters and Abstracts

  1. Detsoi, B., Frey, B., McLemore, V., Jones, J., Tsosie, R., 2024, Humates Used as a Filtering Medium for Uranium, poster, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration annual meeting, Phoenix.

  2. Detsoi, B., Frey, B., McLemore, V., Jones, J., Tsosie, R., 2024, Humates Used as a Filtration Medium for Uranium, poster, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, Socorro, NM.

  3. Brunson, K., Alvarez, J., Apachito, Z., Brunson, C., Alvarez, T., Sauer, J., Frey, B., Hurtig, N., Sturgis, L., 2023, Magdalena Science Café Water Resources Science Project, poster, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting.

  4. Lempke, J., Frey, B., Goehring, B., McLemore, V., 2023, Rare Earth Elements in Humates Mined in the San Juan Basin, poster, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting.
  5. Hettiarachchi, E., Paul, S., Das, M., Frey, B., Cadol, D., and Rubasinghege, G., 2020. Mineralogy Driven Leaching of Uranium from Airborne Dust in Simulated Body Fluids, and Possible Health Implications, invited presentation, Geological Society of America annual meeting.
  6. Hettiarachchi, E., Paul, S., Cadol, D., Frey, B., Rubasinghege, G., 2018. Mineralogy Dependent Dissolution of Inhaled Uranium in Simulated Lung Fluids in Uranium Mine Lands, New Mexico, poster, Geological Society of America, Joint 70th Rocky Mountain Annual Section / 114th Cordilleran Annual Section Meeting, DOI: 10.1130/abs/2018RM-314360.
  7. Pearce, A., Walder, I., Frey, B., Lueth, V., 2017. Sequential Chemical Extraction as a Method to Determine Uranium Mineral Leachability and Speciation, poster, New Mexico Geological Society spring meeting.
  8. Li, Y., Walder, I., Frey, B. 2017. Evaluation of leaching tests on uranium-bearing waste material from the Grants Mineral District, New Mexico, Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Denver.
  9. Brown, R., Cadol, D., Frey, B., 2015. Aeolian Transport of Dust-Borne Uranium, poster, Geological Society of American. Chavez, O., Kieft, T., Frey, B., 2015. Microbiology of Uranium Contaminated Site in Laguna Pueblo, Reverse Site Visit, NM EPSCoR.
  10. Chavez, O., Kieft, T., Frey, B., 2015. Microbiology of Uranium Contaminated Site in Laguna Pueblo, Reverse Site Visit, NM EPSCoR.
  11. Gilbert, J., Gill, T.E., Borrok, D., Frey, B., Hertel, T., Lane, M., Bleiweiss, M., Lehmann, C., Gay, D., and Ramana, C.V., 2008. Geochemistry and Potential Playa Sources of the January 7, 2008 Southwestern New Mexico “Milky Rain,” poster, International Society for Salt Lake Research.
  12. Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., Frey, B.A., Thomas, T., Blaylock, M.J., 2004. Phytoremediation of Depleted Uranium in an Arid Environment, poster, Geological Society of America, Denver Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 561.
  13. Bednar, A.J., Medina, V.F., Larson, S.L., Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., Frey, B.A., Moran, J.G., 2004. Effects of Organic Matter on the Speciation of Uranium in Soil and Plant Matrices, Proceedings of the 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando, Florida.
  14. Frey, B.A., Condie, K.C., Kerrich, R., 2001. The Iron King Volcanics; a remnant of an oceanic plateau accreted to southwestern Laurentia 1.7 Ga, poster, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 33, no. 5, p. 24.
  15. Stonesifer, K., Frey, B., Manooch, S., Thornberry, T., Becker A., Collins, J., Gaskin, P., Lucas, S., O'Leary, J. 1998. Lithologies and Structure of the Buck Creek Mafic/Ultramafic Complex, NC, poster, Geological Society of America of America, Southeastern Section, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 40.
  16. Collins, J., Becker, A., Palmer, J., Simons, K., Frey, B., Gaskin, P., Lucas, S., Manooch, S., O'Leary, J., 1998. Geochemical Results from a Section of the Buck Creek Mafic/Ultramafic Complex, NC, poster, Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 40.
  17. Slusser, T., Gaskin, P., Becker, A., Lucas, S., Collins, J., Palmer, J., Simons, K., Frey, B., Manooch, S., 1998. Constraints on Current Models for the Origin of the Buck Creek Mafic/Ultramafic Complex, Western NC, poster, Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 40.
  18. Simons, K., Ryan, J.G., Frey, B., Peterson, V.L., 1998. Rare Earth Element Systematics of the Buck Creek Mafic/Ultramafic Complex, NC, poster, Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 40.