San Mateo Mountains
Image taken:
by: Adam Read
Longitude: -107.37814
Latitude: 33.329325
(WGS 84 or NAD 83)
About this image
The San Mateo Mountains, between Socorro and Truth or Consequences, are largely composed of volcanic and shallow intrusive rocks, but Paleozoic and Proterozoic rocks are also exposed.
For a detailed description, see:
McLemore, Virginia T., 2012, Geology of the southern San Mateo Mountains, Socorro and Sierra counties, New Mexico, pp. 261-272 in: Geology of the Warm Springs Region, Lucas, Spencer G.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Spielmann, Justin A.; Krainer, Karl, New Mexico Geological Society 63rd Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook, 580 p.
Image posted: 12-17-2021