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Image Gallery

The photographs and figures shown on this page and on the banner of our website generally highlight interesting geological features in New Mexico. We also have several curated galleries including our Image of the Day, our pages highlighting New Mexico's Enchanting Landscapes, and snapshots from our Annual NM Mineral Symposium.

Click on any image to start a slideshow.

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Monocline at the edge of the Rio Grande Rift
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Big Arsenic Spring
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Drone view upstream of the confluence of the Rio Gallina and the Rio Chama
Water Canyon Cliffs
Red Cliffs At Water Canyon
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Convoluted Bedding in the Sangre De Cristo Formation
Slickenlines on Dakota sandtone
Socorro Peak
Socorro Peak from the south
Examples of basic principles of geology exposed near San Ysidro, NM
Look for the treasure
Eastern San Juan Basin and Cabezon Peak
Eastern San Juan Basin and Cabezon Peak, May
White waves
Folded Paleozoic limestones in the Little San Pascual Mountains
Highlining in Box Canyon
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New Building
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Sandia Mountains
a stand of ocotillo plants with cloud-shrouded mountains in the background
Ocotillos in the Organ Mountains
Chalky horizons of the Niobrara Formation in the Mancos Shale
Escavada Wash, Sandoval County
view of the Organ Mountains topped by a large cloud
Cloudy Organ Mountains
photograph View of Abiquiu Formation in Plaza Blanca from Poshuouinge
View of Abiquiu Formation in Plaza Blanca from Poshuouinge