Microprobe Laboratory
Research Projects
The Cameca SX-100 at New Mexico Tech is used for a wide range of research projects, mostly in the areas of geology and material science. Within the geological realm, research projects include:
- Antarctic, New Mexico, and Kamchatka tephrochronology
- Assessment of volcanic, plutonic and metamorphic samples for Ar-40/Ar-39 analysis
- Petrological characterization of a wide range of volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic rocks
- Microprobe monazite geochronology
- Analysis of K-metasomatized rocks
- Characterization of ore metals and mine dump material
- Studies of melt and fluid inclusions
- Secondary electron studies of aquifer, oil reservoir, and fault zone porosity
- Characterization of fine-grained fault rocks
- Assessment of fault-zone diagenesis
- Secondary electron studies of windblown loess characteristics.
- Assessment of apatites for fission track analysis
- Identification of "mystery minerals"
- Mapping and Quantitative analysis of anorthoclase feldspar from Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
We also work on a wide range of other projects, including a range of material science research; analysis of pottery glaze composition; coins from shipwrecks; industrial cement; and screens from oil filters.