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46th New Mexico Mineral Symposium
(date to be announced)

New Mexico Mineral Symposium Schedule


9:00 am to 4:00 pm


1:00 to 4:00 pm


5:00 to 7:00 pm


7:00 pm ─


November 1, 2024

Micromineral Aficionados Gathering─Rm. 253 Headen Center (Bureau Bld.)


Lake Valley Field Trip


Friends of the Mineral Museum reception─Headen Center atrium, appetizers and cash bar


Informal motel tailgating and social hour─Individual rooms, Comfort Inn & Suites and other venues, FREE.



8:00 am


8:00 to 1:00 pm


8:45 am


9:00 am


9:30 am


10:00 am


11:00 am


11:30 am


12:00 pm


1:00pm to 2:00 pm


2:00 pm


2:30 pm


3:00 pm


3:30 pm


4:00pm to 5:00 pm


5:30 pm


6:30 pm


≈ 8:30 pm


November 2, 2024

Check-in and continental breakfast─Macey Center


Silent auction to benefit the New Mexico Mineral Symposium─Macey Center


Opening remarks─Main auditorium


History of Silver Mining in New Mexico ─ Patrick A. Rowe


From the Dark Forest to the Ore Mountains, the Geology and History of the Erzgebirge ─ Nathalie N. Brandes, and Paul T. Brandes


Coffee break


New Mexico Fluorite Locations─Found and Lost─Ramon S. DeMark, Thomas Katonak, and Philip Simmons


A Legacy Revived: New Treasures from the Eagle's Nest Mine─Daniel Trinchillo




Silent auction checkout (pay for winning bids) - Macey Center


The Cobalt Area Silver-Arsenide Deposits─David K. Joyce


Wonderful Micro Minerals of Michigan's Copper Country─Tom Rosemeyer


Coffee Break


The Jáchymov Ore District, Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic: The World's Most Historic Five-Element Vein─Phillip M. Persson


The King of Kashmir: Unearthing the World's Greatest Mineral Specimen─Daniel Trinchillo


Sarsaparilla and suds: Cocktail hour, cash bar─Fidel Center ballrooms


Banquet followed by a live auction to benefit the New Mexico Mineral Symposium─Fidel Center ballrooms


Informal motel tailgating and social hour─Individual rooms, Comfort Inn & Suites and other venues, FREE.



8:00 am


8:50 am


9:00 to 1:00 pm


9:00 am


9:30 am



10:00 am


10:30 am


11:00 am


11:30 am




November 3, 2024

Morning social, coffee, and donuts─Macey Center


Welcome to the second day of the symposium and follow-up remarks


Silent auction sponsored by the Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club for the benefit of the Mineral Museum (free and open to the public)


Bernalite from New Mexico─Patrick E. Haynes


The Mineralogy, Origin, and Economic Potential of Five Element Veins Deposits: Examples from the Black Hawk District, New Mexico and Worldwide ─Virginia T. McLemore, Evan Owen, Jakob Newcomer, Don Musser, Zohreh Kazemi Motlagh, and Robert Cook


Coffee break


Two Donations of Historical New Mexico Mining Equipment to the NMBGMR─Paul R. Secord


Pre-Cambrian Banded Iron Formation (BIF) near Jerome, Arizona─David Stoudt, Wes Yeager, and Susan Hoffman


Thunder Eggs from the Little Florida Mountains, New Mexico─Lori Coleman


Albuquerque Club silent auction checkout (pay for winning bids) ─ Macey Center