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Raman Microscopy Laboratory — Contact Us

Raman Lab team
Meet the team from right to left: Sarah Smith-Schmitz (NMGB postdoc), Eric Ruggles (EES graduate student and Raman assistant), Bryan Maciag (NMGB postdoc), Nicole Hurtig (EES faculty and Lab-PI), Alexander Gysi (NMGB staff/EES faculty and Lab co-PI).

For questions concerning sample submittal, data access or other activities related to the Raman lab, please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways:

Nicole HurtigAssistant Professor in Geochemistry & Raman Laboratory Manager

Sarah Smith-SchmitzLaboratory Manager

Mailing Address:

Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM, 87801


Sample Submittal:
Please do not send us any samples without consulting with Dr. Hurtig first.


Gysi photo
Dr. Alexander Gysi — Economic Geologist/Associate Professor
Hurtig photo
Dr. Nicole Hurtig — Assistant Professor, Geochemistry / Raman Lab Manager
Smith-Schmitz photo
Dr. Sarah Smith-Schmitz — PostDoctoral Fellow in Experimental Geochemistry