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NMGS Publications

We have had a long and productive relationship with the New Mexico Geological Society (NMGS). Since the goals of the society coincide with our mission to disseminate geological information, we have cooperated to produce several publications (including the recent 1:100,000 scale Geologic Highway Map of New Mexico). Most of our staff are also active members of the society, and many participate in authoring and editing NMGS publications—particularly the well-respected Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebooks and several volumes of the NMGS Special Publications series.

Recent NMGS Publications

2023 Guidebook (click for details)
SP 12
SP-15 (click for details)
(Click for details)

Some publications, including those that are out-of-print, are only available for purchase on CD or DVD-ROM CD icon.

Stock# Title Price / Details
FFC-74 cover Geology of the Nacimiento Mountains and Rio Puerco Valley, Karlstrom, Karl E.;Koning, Daniel J.;Lucas, Spencer G.;Iverson, Nels A.;Crumpler, Larry S.;Aubele, Jayne C.;Blake, Johanna M.;Goff, Fraser;Kelley, Shari A., 2024, 334 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-119-9. $65.00Buy Now
FFC-74 Geology of the Nacimiento Mountains and Rio Puerco Valley - Road Logs, Karlstrom, Karl E.;Koning, Daniel J.;Lucas, Spencer G.;Iverson, Nels A.;Crumpler, Larry S.;Aubele, Jayne C.;Blake, Johanna M.;Goff, Fraser;Kelley, Shari A., 2024, 114 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-119-9, [Printed on demand]. (Road Logs Only) $25.00Buy Now
FFC-73 cover Evaporite Karst of the Lower Pecos Region, Land, Lewis; Bou Jaoude, Issam; Hutchinson, Peter; Zeigler, Kate; Jakle, Anne; Van Der Werff, Brittney, [eds.], 2023, 152 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-117-2. $65.00Buy Now
FFC-73 Evaporite Karst of the Lower Pecos Region - Road Logs, Land, Lewis; Bou Jaoude, Issam; Hutchinson, Peter; Zeigler, Kate; Jakle, Anne; Van Der Werff, Brittney, [eds.], 2023, 76 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-118-0. (Spiral Bound, contains road logs only) $19.95Buy Now
FFC-72 cover Socorro Region III, Koning, Daniel J.; Hobbs, Kevin J.; Phillips, Fred M.; Nelson, W. John; Cather, Steven M.; Jakle, Anne C.; Van Der Werff, Brittney, 2022, 426 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-115-6. $65.00Buy Now
FFC-72 Socorro Region III (Roadlogs), Koning, Daniel J.; Hobbs, Kevin J.; Phillips, Fred M.; Nelson, W. John; Cather, Steven M.; Jakle, Anne C.; Van Der Werff, Brittney, 2022, 146 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-116-4. (Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.) $19.95Buy Now
FFC-71 cover Geology of the Mount Taylor area, Frey, Bonnie A.; Kelley, Shari A.; Zeigler, Kate E.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Goff, Fraser; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., 2021, 310 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-112-1. $65.00Buy Now
FFC-71 Geology of the Mt. Taylor area, Frey, Bonnie A.; Kelley, Shari A.; Zeigler, Kate E.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Goff, Fraser; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., 2021, 94 pages, NMGS, ISBN: ISBN: 1-58546-113-X. (Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.) $19.95Buy Now
SP-15 cover A History of the Geology Program at New Mexico State University: 1890 to 2015, Thomas H. Giordano, 2022, 45 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-114-8, [Printed on demand]. $20.00Buy Now
SP-14 cover The Geology of the Mount Taylor Area, Bonnie A Frey, Shari E. Kelley, Kate E. Zeigler, Virginia T. McLemore, Fraser Goff, and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, 2020, 191 pages, NMGS, ISBN: 1-58546-012-5, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. (This book was superseded by the guidebook for the 2021* NMGS Fall Field Conference, held in spring of 2022.) $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)