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About New Mexico Earth Matters

Current Issue
Current Issue: Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter 2024

New Mexico Earth Matters is our free, semi-annual newsletter, written for New Mexicans interested in our state's water, landscapes, and earth resources. In each issue, we'll take a deeper look at an earth science topic that's important to New Mexico. You can subscribe to receive an email message when new issues are posted (back issues are also available). You can also read about the latest news from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, and get updates about our newest publications. Our newsletter, along with our website, is a window into the work that we do. Our staff of geologists, seismologists, geochemists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, and other experts supports our mission of science, outreach, and service, and we look forward to putting our 98 years of experience to work to serve New Mexico.

Earth Matters is a free publication and is available both in print and online in PDF format.

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