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DOIs added to our publications
September 22, 2023

We have added Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to almost all of our publications. These DOIs should be included in reference lists citing NMBGMR publications. As a member, we are committed to keeping the bibliographic metadata associated with each DOI current. This will make finding our publications via these DOIs easy, even if the URLs change over time.

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Visit our Photo & Document Archive
October 12, 2021

Archiving data and housing geological collections is an important role the Bureau of Geology plays in improving our understanding of the geology of New Mexico. Our Geologic Information Center has made many of our archived photographs and documents available online via a dedicated portal that uses ResourceSpace, an open-source digital asset management system. Additional archival materials are regularly being added to the system, so be sure to check back frequently.

If you have historical documents, photographs or mine maps and would like to contribute to our archives (or allow us to copy), please contact our Geological Archives Coordinator, Amy Trivitt.

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Petroleum metrics for NM available
July 16, 2021

We've assembled a convenient dashboard showing petroleum metrics specific to New Mexico. The metrics include NM rig count, spot prices for oil & gas, and production curves for NM.

We are actively seeking manuscripts for publication
August 29, 2018

The Publications Group at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology is actively seeking manuscripts for New Mexico Geology and our technical Bulletin and Memoir series.