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Postcards from the Field

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Rio Chama
September 6, 2024

The best (and perhaps most fun) way to access the Rio Chama Canyon Wilderness is by boat. Recently, a team of mappers spent a week completing field work along the river’s edge, accessing the geology exposed in several of the larger tributaries.

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Photo by Virginia McLemore.
Postcard from the Field: Drone Radiometric Survey of New Mexico Mine Wastes with the USGS Black Hawk district near Silver City and the Copper Flat mine near Hillsboro
July 1, 2024

Mine wastes, including mill tailings (the byproduct of mineral processing after ore minerals have been separated from ore), waste rock piles (non-ore that must be removed to mine ore), and mine water are being examined as potential sources of critical minerals. Critical minerals are materials that are important to a country’s national security, economy, and have supply chains that are vulnerable to disruption. In the United States, the USGS has defined 50 critical minerals, many of which are important for green energy technologies. The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources is working closely with the USGS to inventory and characterize mine wastes in New Mexico. Recently, we had the opportunity to test a new method for characterizing mine wastes: radiometric surveys using an unmanned aerial system (UAS), more commonly known as a drone.

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Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. Annual Conference 2024 Phoenix, AZ
March 11, 2024

The Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME) held their annual conference the week before last in Phoenix, AZ. SME is the international professional society for the mining industry. This year, New Mexico Tech sent 28 students and six professors and staff, many of whom work on NMBGMR-sponsored projects.