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USGS Geologic Maps in New Mexico

We are an official Earth Science Information Center for the U.S. Geological Survey and work cooperatively to provide information to the public. At our Socorro office, we stock most of the USGS geologic maps that relate to New Mexico. In addition we stock all of the 7.5-minute (1:24,000), 30 x 60-minute (1:100,000), and 1 x 2-degree (1:250,000) topographic maps for the entire state of New Mexico. We also carry other selected USGS publications. A complete list of USGS publications available for purchase directly from the USGS is available online. Most USGS maps are now available for free download from their National Geologic Map Database.


Recent Maps:

Stock# Title Price / Details
SIM-2913 Geologic Map of the Pueblo Isleta Tribal Lands and Vicinity, Bernalillo, Torrance, and Valencia Counties, Central New Mexico, Maldonado, F., Slate, J.L., Love, D.W., Connell, S.D., Cole, J.C., Karlstrom, K.E., 2007, Scale 1:50,000, USGS, ISBN: 9781411310087. Map: 44 x 55 inches; Pamphlet: 35 pgs. $9.00Buy Now
SIM-2946 Geologic Map of the Albuquerque 30' x 60' Quadrangle, North-Central New Mexico, Williams, Paul L. and Cole, James C. (compilers), 2007, Version: 1.0, Scale 1:100,000, USGS, ISBN: 9781411312166. Map: 53 x 41 inches; Pamphlet: iv, 31 p. $9.00Buy Now
I-2630 Geologic map of the Cienega School quadrangle, Otero County, New Mexico and Hudspeth County, Texas, O'Neill, J. M., 1998, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2631 Geologic map of the Cornudas Mountains, Otero County, New Mexico, O'Neill, J. M.; Nutt, C. J., 1998, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2641 Map showing inferred and mapped basement faults, San Juan Basin and vicinity, New Mexico and Colorado, Taylor, D. J.; Huffman, A. C., Jr., 1998, Scale 1:500,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2399 Geologic Map of the Taylor Creek Rhyolite and Adjacent Rocks, Catron and Sierra Counties, New Mexico, Duffield, W.A., Richter, D.H. and Priest, S.S., 1995, Scale 1:50,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1736 Geologic map of the Milligan Mountain quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C.; Bove, D. J.; McIntosh, W. C., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1737 Geologic map of the Clifton House quadrangle, showing fossil zones in the Pierre Shale, Colfax County, New Mexico, Pilmore, C. L.; Scott, G. R., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1749 Geologic map of the Los Pinos quadrangle, Rio Arriba and Taos Counties, New Mexico, and Conejos County, Colorado, Thompson, R. A.; Lipman, P. W., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1750 Geologic map of the San Antonio Mountain quadrangle, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Thompson, R. A.; Lipman, P. W., 1994, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1715 Geologic map of the Tillie Hall Peak quadrangle, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Grant County, New Mexico, Hedlund, D. C., 1993, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1716 Geologic map of the Casamero Lake quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J. F., 1993, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2266 Geologic and structure contour map of the Raton 30' x 60' quadrangle, Colfax and Union Counties, New Mexico, Scott, G. R.; Pilmore, C. L., 1993, Scale 1:100,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2291A Maps showing distribution, composition, and age of early and middle Cenozoic volcanic centers in Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas, Luedke, R. G., 1993, Scale 1:1,000,000, USGS. $9.00
GQ-1697 Geologic Map of The Heart Rock Quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Robertson, J.F., 1992, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
GQ-1685 Geologic map of the Horse Mountain West quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Ratte, J. C.; McIntosh, W. C.; Houser, B. B., 1991, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2083 Geologic and structure contour map of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation and adjacent areas, southwest Colorado and northwest New Mexico, Condon, S. M., 1991, Scale 1:100,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2144 Geologic map of the Big Hatchet Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, Drewes, H., 1991, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
I-2278 Geologic map of the Twin Buttes quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, Millgate, M. L., 1991, Scale 1:24,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now
CI-118A Geologic map of the Grants 30' x 60' quadrangle, west-central New Mexico, Dillinger, Jean K., 1990, Scale 1:100,000, USGS. $9.00Buy Now