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Some publications, including those that are out-of-print, are only available for purchase on CD or DVD-ROM CD icon.

Stock# Title Price / Details
OFR-634 cover New Mexico Water Leaders Workshop: 2024 Reference Book, Leary, Kate, [ed.], 2024, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-632 cover Winter 2022–2023 Water-Level Elevation Map for the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area, Rawling, Geoffrey, 2024, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-631 cover Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Analysis for Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Koning, Daniel; Sturgis, Laila; Lavery, Daniel; Mamer, Ethan, 2024, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-630 cover Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Communities in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Newton, B. Talon; Koning, Daniel J.; Kelley, Shari A.; Mamer, Ethan; Lavery, Daniel J.; Morton, Cris; Doherty, Amanda L.M.; Sturgis, Laila; Timmons, Stacy, 2024, 145 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-629 cover Yardangs at White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA, Fryberger, Steven G.; Fryberger, Charles F., 2024, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-628 Mineral-Resource Potential of Portions of Southwestern New Mexico, Stafford, Kyle T.; McLemore, Virginia T.; Martin, Luke; Kelley, Shari; Grigg, Joseph; Broadhead, Ron, 2024, 81 pages, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand]. 1 appendix and GIS data $10.00Buy Now
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)
OFR-623 cover Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework of Aquifer Units in the Delaware Basin, Southeastern New Mexico, Fichera, Marissa M.; Newton, B. Talon; Morton, Cristopher; Sturgis, Laila; Baca, Alyssa; Doherty, Amanda, 2024, [CD/DVD-ROM on demand].
CD or DVD-ROM format (CD or DVD)

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