
New Mexico Geology is a bi-annual journal for regional research and service directed to the New Mexico geoscience community. New Mexico Geology publishes peer-reviewed research papers pertaining to the geology of this and neighboring states, as well as shorter contributions.
Anyone can subscribe to this free publication online and papers from current and back issues are available for free download.

Earth Matters is a semi-annual newsletter that is available free-of-charge to New Mexicans or visitors interested in the states water, landscapes, and earth resources. Each issue contains an informative article about an earth science topic of importance to our state, along with New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources (Bureau) news and highlighted current or upcoming publications.
Anyone can subscribe to this free publication online and back issues are also available for download.

Lite Geology is written in a format that is somewhat less technical than our other publications, this semi-annual publication is geared towards educators. However, it provides informative articles of interest to the general public as well. Included with the main articles are cartoons, puzzles, poetry, and other features designed to make learning fun. We also include information about teachers' resources, and upcoming geological and scientific events.
Anyone can subscribe to this free online publication and back issues are also available for free download.

Isochron/West was published at irregular intervals from 1971 to 1996. The journal was patterned after the journal Radiocarbon and covered isotopic age-dating (except carbon-14) on rocks and minerals from the Western Hemisphere. Initially, the geographic scope of papers was restricted to the western half of the United States, but was later expanded. The journal was sponsored and staffed by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines (now Geology) & Mineral Resources and the Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology.
Papers from all back-issues are accessible for free in PDF format.