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Bureau-supported Students

(In alphabetical order by last name. )

NMBGMR Scholarships:

The 274 current and former students listed below were supported by the bureau, through our role as advisors or committee members, with financial resources, and/or with field logistical resources. Links to theses and dissertations are provided, where available.

  1. Christiana Aberle

    — current student
  2. Pedro Acosta-Gongora

    Masters — 2010, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Sulfide paragenesis and metal zoning of Cuatro, Alianza and Llacsacocha vein structures, Huarón district, central Peruvian Andes
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Lueth, Mojtabai

    Pedro completed his Ph.D. at the University of Alberta and the carried out post doctoral research at Natural Resources Canada in Alberta before accepting a geochemist position at the Geological Survey of Norway.

  3. Micael Albonico

    Masters — 2022, Geology, University of New Mexico
    40Ar/39Ar detrital sanidine geochronology of San Juan River terraces. Implications of Colorado Plateau landscape development.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom (advisor), Crossey, Heizler, Gillam

    Michael went on to work for Glorieta Geoscience.

  4. Maqsood Ali

    Masters (IS) 1983, New Mexico Tech
    Small scale permeability heterogeneities: A correlative study of permeability and corresponding pore morphologies using minipermeameter and petrographic analysis
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead, Mozley, Johnson, Heller
    PhD — 1997, New Mexico Tech
    Improved geological characterization of old hydrocarbon fields with sparse control points: A case study from the Sulimar Queen field, southeast New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mozley (advisor), Chawathé, Ouenes, Heller, Johnson, Gutjahr, Phillips

    Maqsood became a project manager and data integrator for Schlumberger. He specializes in fractured fairways and fracture prospect identification and fracture modeling of the lower Jurassic carbonates in northeast Saudi Arabia.

  5. Jose F. Alberto Amarante

    Masters — 2001, Geology,
    Characterization of the Basement Rocks in the Mescalero 1 Well, Guadalupe County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kelley (advisor), Mozley, Brister, Campbell
  6. Daniel Amoakoh

    Masters — 2010, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Geological modeling and resource estimation, mineralogy, and petrography of the AF Gap gold deposit, Ayanfuri, Ghana (Perseus Mining Ltd.)
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mojtabai (advisor), Chavez, Lueth

    Daniel enrolled at the University of Utah upon graduating from NMT where he completed a PhD in 2022. He then went on to work as a geologist for Freeport McMoRan, prior to moving to Blox Inc and Ashanti Sankofa Inc as a consulting geologist, and then to GDS as a geoscientist.

  7. Scott Anderholm

    Masters — 1979, New Mexico Tech
    Hydrogeology and water resources of the Cuba Quadrangle, Sandoval and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Stone (advisor), MacMillan, Gelhari

    During his career, Scott worked as a hydrologist with the USGS, Southwest Region office. Following retirement, as an environmental consultant, he worked on a daily salinity model for the Rio Grande. He enjoyed this opportunity as a way to stay in contact with other hydrologists.

  8. John B. Anderson

    Masters — 1970, University of New Mexico
    Structure and stratigraphy of the western margin of the Nacimiento Uplift, New Mexico (Available in Geologic Information Center)
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Woodward, L.
    From the Rice University web page (cited below): "John Anderson began his professional career at Hope College in 1972, where he was an assistant professor. In 1975, John joined the faculty at Rice University, where he is currently the Maurice Ewing Professor of Oceanography. He served as chairman of the department from 1992 through 1998. John has conducted research on various aspects of Antarctic marine geology since his first visit there as a student in 1970. He has participated in 24 scientific expeditions to Antarctica. The culmination of this research was published in "Antarctic Marine Geology" by Cambridge University Press. Anderson's other research has focused on the evolution of the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin (see Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin, Society of Sedimentary Geology Special Publication No. 79), and the response of coastal systems to global change. His most recent book is entitled "The Formation and Future of the Upper Texas Coast" and he recently co-edited a Geological Society of America Special Paper entitled "Response of Upper Gulf Coast Estuaries to Holocene Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise". John received the 1992 GCAGS Outstanding Educator Award, the 1996 Rice University Graduate Teaching Award, 2004 Rice University Presidential Mentoring Award, and was the 2007 recipient of the Society of Sedimentary Research Shepard Medal. He has served as associate editor for Geology, the American Geophysical Union Antarctic Research Series, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Sedimentology, and Marine Geology. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and past president of the Society for Sedimentary Research. John has served on the AAS-Polar Research Board, on the 1997 NSF Oversight Panel for Polar Programs, and is currently chairman of the Antarctic Research Vessel Oversight Committee. He is also the Academic Director for the Shell Center for Sustainability."

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  9. Jordan Curtis Anderson

    Masters — 2020, Geology, University of New Mexico
    Neogene Drainage Reversal and Colorado Plateau Uplift in the Salt River Area
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom (advisor), Crossey, Scuderi, Heizler
  10. Kojo Anim

    Masters — 2010, New Mexico Tech
    Effect of strain rate on the shear strength of Questa rock pile materials
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Fakhimi (advisor), McLemore, Mojtabai, Razavi

    Follwing graduation, Kojo went to work for Freeport-McMoRan Inc., then Golden Queen Mining Co. Ltd. as a mining engineer. He received a MBA from Southern New Hampshire University in 2015.

  11. Anita Appah

    Masters — 2025, Mineral Exploration, New Mexico Tech
    Investigating Critical Minerals In Pinos Altos District using Core Logging and Hyperspectral Core Imaging
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mclemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez

    My area of research involves core logging from the Pinos Altos, petrographic studies and hyperspectral core imaging to investigate and estimate critical minerals in the Pinos altos Mining District . Hyperspectral core imaging of the Pinos Altos drill core from North of Chino will also help in identifying the various alteration styles in the study area.

  12. Robert Appelt

    Masters — 1998, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and volcanic evolution of the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, northern New Mexico and southern Colorado
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Chapin, Kyle

    Following graduation, Bob went to work for Enercon Services, Inc., an environmental services company, as a geochemist. In 2013, he moved to Weston Solutions, an environmental management company, as a project manager, and then to the EPA as a Remedial Project Manager in 2022.

  13. Brian Arkell

    Masters — 1983, New Mexico Tech
    Geology and coal resources of the Cub Mountain Area, Sierra Blanca Coal Field, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Smith (advisor), MacMillan, Kottlowski

    Brian has worked in the gold and copper industry for the past 30 years in more than 12 countries in South America, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. After serving as President of Pioneer Exploration until 2013, he went on to serve as President and CEO of Caza Gold Corporation. He then went on, in 2018, to become Vice President of Exploration for Argonaut Gold Inc.

  14. John Asafo-Akowuah

    Masters (IS) 2017, New Mexico Tech
    Characterization and comparison of mine wastes from legacy mines in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Razavi

    Following graduation, John became an economic geologist and CEO of Aurifer Consulting. and then to GeoExplo as a senior consultant in geology and exploration.

  15. Gertrude Fobiah Ayakwah

    Masters — 2009, New Mexico Tech
    Effects of weathering and alteration on point load and slake durability indices and characterization of the debris flows, Questa mine, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Fakhimi, Mojtabai

    Gertrude went on to work in the mining industry for Freeport-McMoRan. We are sad to report that Gertrude passed away in 2022 following a short illness. Her obituary can be found in the Winter 2023 issue of the New Mexico Tech alumni magazine, Gold Pan.

  16. Megan Badonie

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in Coal and Related Strata in the San Juan Basin in Northern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez

    Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Critical Minerals (CM) have become of great economic interest because of the advent of new technologies and geopolitical unrest affecting the supply of resources. Extracting REE and CM from secondary and non-conventional sources such as coal and its related strata is continuously developing. Due to this, there is a push to study the relationship between coal, REE, and CM. The San Juan Basin in northern New Mexico is a structural basin that contains coal and related stratigraphic units with elevated concentrations of REE and CM. This basin is being assessed geochemically through whole-rock and coal ash analysis to determine if there are REE and CM enrichment. Samples of coalbeds, coal seams, overlying, and underlying rock units continue to be collected and characterized to determine any economic viability. Historic data have been collected and compiled into a new comprehensive coal geochemical database with the new chemistry analyses. This database will grow with additional analysis and serve as the dataset for this project. The coal volume resource potential has been calculated using estimated resource figures defined by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resource (NMBGMR) and the United States Geological Society (USGS) to determine the economic viability. REE and CM values have been applied to these calculations to estimate the resource potential in the San Juan Basin and by individual coalfields. Drillhole E-61 is part of the Bisti Coalfield and has been logged and sampled to observe elemental and REE trends in the coal, and its related strata.

  17. Indira Glenn Balkissoon

    Masters — 1981, New Mexico Tech
    Elemental associations of coal: A study of the organic and inorganic association of elements in coal
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kuellmer (advisor), Mitchell, Renault

    Following graduation from New Mexico Tech, Indira went on to earn a MS in Public Administration, Environmental Policy and Economics from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Following that, she went on to work for ExxonMobil, the U.S. EPA, TechLaw Inc, Det Norkse Veritas, AfterEcho, and then returned to TechLaw, a public and private sector environmental management and consulting company, as Vice President, where she worked until 2020.

  18. Debarati Banerjee

    — current student
  19. Heather Barnes

    Masters — 2019, New Mexico Tech
    Electrical Methods and Fault Zone Permeability and Cementation
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Spinelli (advisor), Mozley and Rinehart
    Following graduation, Heather went on to work at Danial B. Stephens and Associates, an environmental consulting firm in Albuquerque.
  20. Julianna Barnett

    Julianna is a student intern in the Argon geochronology laboratory. She assists with sample preparation for geochronological analysis by rock crushing, sieving, and heavy liquid mineral separation.

  21. Margaret (Peggy) Barroll

    Masters — 1984, New Mexico Tech
    Basin formation by lithospheric extension and graben faulting
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter, Gutjahr, Phillips, Sanford, Schlue
    PhD — 1989, New Mexico Tech
    Analysis of the Socorro hydro-geothermal system, central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter (advisor), Gutjahr, Phillips, Sanford, Schlue

    Peggy continued to focus on water in New Mexico as a hydrologist at the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer.

  22. Paul Bauer

    PhD — 1987, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Picuris Range, north-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Callendar, Grambling, Mawer, Condie

    Following graduation, Paul was employed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.

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  23. William (Chris) Beck

    PhD — 1993, New Mexico Tech
    Structural evolution of the Joyita Hills, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Chamberlin, Chavez, Johnson, Schlue

    Chris specializes in cyber security and information assurance at WCBECK, Inc. .

  24. Michael Berry

    PhD — 2020, New Mexico Tech
    Coupled extensional landscape evolution and surface water hydrology modeling: machine learning approaches, general basin evolution and understanding the integration of the Rio Grande rift
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    van Wijck (advisor), Axen, Cadol, Coblentz, Rinehart
  25. David Birney

    Masters — 2005, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogy of the El Tesoro deposit, Chile
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Lueth, Mojtabai
  26. Nigil Blamey

    PhD — 2000, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Evolution Of Hydrothermal Fluids At The Pipeline Gold Mine, Vander County, Nevada
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Norman (advisor), Campbell, Austin, Heizler

    Nigel is an Assistant Professor of Geochemistry at Western Science University in Ontario, Canada who specializes in fluid inclusion and geochemical applications to geothermal systems.

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  27. Kwaku K. Boakye

    Masters — 2008, New Mexico Tech
    Large In Situ Direct Shear Tests on Rock Piles At The Questa Mine, Taos County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Fakhimi (advisor), McLemore, Mojtabai

    Following graduation, Kwaku went on to work as a geotechnical engineer with Knight-Piesold, KGMH International, a mine operations manager with Cementos Portland Valderrivas, a site manager with LafargeHolcim, an operations manager at Searles Valley Minerals, then a plant manager for Lehigh Hanson. He also completed an MBA at Florida Institute of Technology in 2014.

  28. Rebecca Boakye

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2026, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry of Critical Minerals in Mine Waste at Carlsbad Potash District in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Hurtig

    The research focuses on characterizing and estimating critical minerals in potash mine waste and investigating future mining potential of these critical minerals. The objective of this study is to determine the economic potential value of the mine waste and assessing the potash mine waste environmental impact.

  29. Danny Bobrow

    Masters — 1984, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry and petrology of Miocene silicic lavas in the Socorro-Magdalena area of New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle (advisor), Osborn, Kuellmer

    During his career, Danny was employed as an assistant resident engineer at Parsons Brinckerhoff.

  30. Jenny Boryta

    Masters — 1994, New Mexico Tech
    Single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar provenance ages and polarity stratigraphy of rhyolitic tuffaceous sandstones of the Thurman Formation (late Oligocene), Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor)

    Following graduation, Jenny was employed as a hydrologist at Balleau Groundwater, Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories, and pursued a PhD at University of Arizona.

  31. Suzanne Michelle Bourret

    Masters — 2015, New Mexico Tech
    Stabilization of the White Sands Gypsum Dune Field, New Mexico, by Groundwater Seepage: A Hydrological Modeling Study
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton (advisor), Phillips, Person

    Suzanne continued in hydrologic modelling as a researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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  32. Samuel Bowring

    Masters — 1980, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the west-central Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), MacMillan, Sanford

    Following graduation, Sam went on to complete a PhD at University of Kansas. He then pursued an academic career with faculty positions at Washington University in St. Louis and at MIT. Sam was a well respected U-Pb geochronologist who has published many important papers, particularly on calibration of the geologic time scale. He passed away in 2019 (see MIT memorium).

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  33. Brian Brister

    PhD — 1990, New Mexico Tech
    Tertiary sedimentation and tectonics: San Juan sag-San Luis basin region, Colorado and New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor)

    Following graduation from New Mexico Tech, Brian moved to the petroleum industry, working for Burnett Oil. He later worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, and then returned to the private sector, including working at Gunn Oil Campany in Wichita Falls and Kinder Morgan in Houston.

  34. Lee Brouillard

    Masters — 1985, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the northeastern Gallinas Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Smith, Kyle

    Lee went on to work for a number of environmental service companies, including Duke Engineering, INTERA, Watkins-Johnson, and GRAM, Inc as a hydrogeologist.

  35. Elise Brower

    PhD — 1971, New Mexico Tech
    The barite-celestite solid solution: Measurement of thermodynamic properties and discussion of their geochemical implications
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Billings (advisor), Bhappu, Condie
  36. David Brown

    Masters — 1972, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the southern Bear Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Budding
  37. Reid Brown

    Masters — 2017, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry and Transport of Uranium-Bearing Dust at Jackpile Mine, Laguna, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Cadol (advisor), Frey, Harrison, Walder

    Reid works for the Uranium Recovery Program in the Land Quality Division of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.

  38. James Bruning

    PhD — 1973, New Mexico Tech
    Origin of the Popotosa Formation, north-central Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Lochman-Balk, Budding, Sanford, Weber

    After leaving NMT James went to work with ARCO. After leaving ARCO he stayed in the petroleum industry and is currently the owner and CEO of Bruning Resources LLC. He served as PTTC's Chairman in March 2003.

  39. Christine Burrill

    The goal of Christine’s work is to demonstrate which cosmogenic production scaling model produces correct numerical ages for multiple lava flows on Mount Erebus, Antarctica by comparing 36Cl and 3He exposure ages to 40Ar/39Ar-produced ages. The secondary goal of the project is to test whether cosmogenic nuclides should be scaled individually or uniformly by measuring the 3He/36Cl ratio of lava flows from a range of elevations on Mount Erebus. In performing these tests, we will also have the data to establish the first local cosmogenic nuclide calibration site in Antarctica, which will be applicable to broader areas of research. 40Ar/39Ar ages from numerous lava flows on the flanks Mount Erebus, most of which have never been sampled before, will hopefully help us better understand the evolution of the volcano. Similarly, 40Ar/39Ar ages from lava flows on Mount Waesche will help us understand whether there is a pattern to locations of vents, compositional changes, or frequency of eruptions and if there’s any connection between volcanism and tectonics or ice sheet levels.

  40. Samantha Caldwell

    Masters — 2019, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Paragenesis of Uranium Minerals in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico: Applied Geochemistry and the Development of Oxidized Uranium Mineralization
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Mojtabai, Frey, Lueth

    Following graduation, Samantha was hired a geologist at Baghdad, Arizona.

  41. Dylan Canales

    Masters — 2005, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    The Akwatia Diamond Field, Ghana, West Africa: source rocks
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Norman (advisor), Campbell, Lueth

    Now deceased.

  42. Vanessa Candida de Viterbo

    Masters — 2007, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Effects of pre-miming hydrothermal alteration processes and post-mining weathering on rock engineering properties of Goathill North rock pile at Questa mine, Taos County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, AimoneMartin, Fakhimi

    Vanessa graduated in 2007 and worked for industry.

  43. Tyler Cantrell

    Masters — 2022, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    TBD: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology with focus likely on detrital sanidine dating.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor)

    Following graduation, Tyler worked as a staff geologist at Spectrum Environmental Services before going on to theTennessee Department of Environment and Conservation as an Environmental Consultant.

  44. Bayani Cardenas

    PhD — 2006, New Mexico Tech
    Dynamics of fluids, heat and solutes along sediment-water interfaces: a multiphysics modeling study
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Wilson (advisor), Stephens, Spinelli, Love, Phillips, Bowman

    Bayani, the first recipient of a Bureau of Geology Kottlowski Fellowship, went on to a faculty position as an associate professor and William T. Stokes Centennial Teaching Fellow at the Jackson School of Geosciences at University of Texas, Austin. In 2011, he received American Geophysical Union Hydrologic Sciences Early Career award, and in 2012, the Geological Society of America Kohout award for early career excellence in hydrologic science. He also received two Faculty Science Performance awards from University of Texas, Austin, one in 2013, and a second in 2015.

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  45. Alan Carmichael

    Masters — 1982, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogy and geochemistry of upper Cretaceous clay mineral assemblages from the Star Lake-Torreon coal fields, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Bodine (advisor), Austin, Johnson
  46. Heather Casey

    Masters — 2011, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry of Manganese Oxides and Age of Mineralization at the Santa Eulalia Mining District, Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heather went on to a position as Mine Geologist at Florida Canyon Mining Inc. in Imlay, Nevada.
  47. Steven Cather

    Masters — 1980, University of Texas at Austin
    Petrology, diagenesis, and genetic stratigraphy of the Eocene Baca Formation, Alamo Navajo Reservation and vicinity, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Folk (advisor), Chapin, Scott
    PhD — 1986, New Mexico Tech
    Volcano-sedimentary evolution and tectonic implications of the Datil Group (latest Eocene-early Oligocene), west-central New Mexico (Geologic Information Center)
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Folk (advisor), Chapin, Galloway, Cloos, Smith

    Following postdoctoral studies at the New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center and the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Steve has been employed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology as senior field geologist.

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  48. Eda Celep

    Masters — 2017, New Mexico Tech
    Lithofacies analysis of the Sierra Ladrones Formation near the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters (southern Albuquerque Basin, N.M.): Implications for Cliff fault activity in the early Pleistocene
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Koning (advisor), Love, Van Wijk, Axen
  49. Isabella Cerchiaro Sanchez

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Critical minerals in the Laramide Hillsboro and Eureka districts and Mid-Tertiary Victorio and Tres Hermanas districts, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez

    My research focuses on the search for critical minerals in New Mexico, with the primary objective of determining their presence, distribution, and concentration in the Laramide Hillsboro and Eureka districts, as well as the Mid-Tertiary Victorio and Tres Hermanas districts. This study utilizes various mineralogical characterization techniques, including petrography and X-ray diffraction, along with chemical characterization methods such as bulk rock geochemistry, X-ray fluorescence, and electron microprobe analysis.

  50. Richard Chamberlin

    Masters — 1974, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Council Rock District, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Condie, Weber, Budding

    Following completing his MS, Richard moved to Colorado School of Mines, where he obtained a PhD. From there, he moved to the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources as a field geologist, focusing on mapping volcanic rocks in New Mexico. He retired from the Bureau in 2010, and remains an active emeritus member of the Bureau and New Mexico Tech geoscience community.

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  51. Antonio Chavez

    Antonio is working with Marissa Fichera and Alex Rinehart to assist in conducting gravity surveys across the Socorro and La Jencia Basins. In addition to assisting with the larger survey project, Antonio will also conduct his own small-scale survey within the larger survey area in an area of structural complexity/interest. He will use field gravity survey equipment (gravimeter and RTX GPS), learn how to design geophysical surveys, and also learn how to process and interpret gravity data.

  52. Olivia Chavez

    Masters — 2016, Biology, New Mexico Tech
    Microbiology of a reclaimed uranium mine, Laguna Pueblo, NM
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kieft (advisor), Rogelj, Frey

    Olivia is working on her PhD in Biophysics at Boston University.

  53. Colin T. Cikoski

    Masters — 2010, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Neogene basin fill on the Indian Well Wilderness 7.5' quadrangle, central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Harrison (advisor), Chamberlin, Mozley

    Following his masters degree Colin became a field geologist for the NMBG. From 2010 to 2013, Colin was senior author of 5 geologic quadrangle maps and assisted in mapping 7 additional quadrangles. He was later employed as a geologist with Brown and Caldwell in Idaho, but returned to Socorro to continue working for the Bureau of Geology. In early 2020, he accepted a position as Natural Resources Analyst at Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

  54. Gerry Clarkson

    PhD — 1984, New Mexico Tech
    Implications for thermal histories of the San Juan Basin and San Juan Mountains since late Cretaceous times
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter (advisor), Condie, Gutjahr, Sanford, Schlue

    Following graduation, Gerry went on to a faculty position at Howard Payne University.

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  55. Robert Colpitts

    Masters — 1986, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Sierra de la Cruz area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Budding (advisor), Smith, Johnson, Kottlowski

    Following graduation, Bob went on to work for Petrobyte Consulting, Twining Drilling Corp, Finley Resources, Inc, as a western district geologist, and to Joint Resources Company as a senior geologist.

  56. Deusavan Costa Filho

    PhD — 2024, New Mexico Tech
    Partitioning of REE between fluid-calcite and -apatite at hydrothermal conditions
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor)

    This research is part of a NSF CAREER funded project to A. Gysi. Deusavan will carry out laboratory experiments and measure the partitioning of REE between aqueous fluids and hydrothermal minerals including apatite and calcite up to to 300 °C. The experiments will be carried out in our new Ore Deposits and Critical Minerals experimental laboratory and aim at synthesizing REE-doped crystals. Deusavan will also react natural calcite crystals with hydrothermal aqueous fluids up to 250 °C to study fluid-mineral interface reactions. Part of Deusavan's research will be to develop a thermodynamic model for simulating the causes of REE variations observed in natural calcite veins and apatite in different hydrothermal-magmatic ore deposits.

  57. Jessica Cox

    Masters (IS) 2003, New Mexico Tech
    Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of upper mantle xenoliths of the Southwestern United States.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth (advisor)

    Following graduation, Jessica went to work for EMSL Analytical as a laboratory manager.

  58. Jessie Crain

    Masters — 2002, New Mexico Tech
    Magma chamber dynamics at Mount Erebus volcano, Antarctica, determined using volatile radionuclide emissions
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle (advisor), Campbell, Dunbar

    Following graduation, Jessie worked for Raytheon Polar Services as a science support manager for 6 years, then moved to the National Science Foundation as an Antarctic Research Support Manager.

  59. Josh Crook

    Masters — 2006, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Geochronolgy and mineralization at Webster Pass, Colorado
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Lueth, Heizler

    Now deceased.

  60. Gina D'Ambrosio-Gunther

    Bachelors — 2005, Technical Communication/Geology, New Mexico Tech (President scholarships, graduated cum laude)
    Gina was the Managing Editor of Publications at NM Bureau of Geology. Her job covered various levels of editing, design/layout work, and managing the production and publishing of books, periodicals, and other materials for the bureau in print and electronic form. After a 20-yr career as a recognized professional artist/teacher/mentor, with graduate level studies that span Penland School, NC; Kansas Art Institute (KCAI); Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), she earned a degree from NM Tech in Technical Communication with a minor in geology in 2005. Starting work as a student for the bureau in 2002, she became the bureau's first TC intern in 2004. After graduating in 2005, she hired on as Production Editor working for Managing Editor, Jane Love and Chief Editor, L. Greer Price. Gina retired in 2018.
  61. Brandon Dennis

    Bachelors — 2022, Computer Science, New Mexico Tech

    In his fourth year of Bright Star funding, Brandon is working with the Bureau IT group, mainly focusing on generating web forms to replace Microsoft Access forms. He also continues assists Chris Armijo on various support challenges. In past years, Brandon played a key role in migrating a database on a USGS-funded research project in the Gallinas Mountains from MS Access to MS SQL Server. This change helped eliminate many of the challenges associated with multiple researchers managing data in a MS Access database. The process developed for the Gallinas migration is being tested on other MS Access databases within the Bureau, specifically one focusing on New Mexico Mines. Brandon will be assisting Mark Leo-Russell in setting up the database for DOE-funded REE in Coal project. Brandon is also working on a project to evaluate software tools to generate web forms for simple data entry and edit functions. The goal is to develop a documented process for generating web forms which could be used in place of MS Access for data entry and edits where appropriate.Brandon also was recently first author on a paper entitled: Comparative Analysis of Object Visualization Tools with Respect to Their Use in Education

  62. Brianna Detsoi

    Brianna's research project focuses on using humates as a filtering medium to remove uranium from water, working with Bureau of Geology researchers Bonnie Frey, Virginia McLemore, and Earth and Environmental Science faculty member Ranalda Tsosie. She won 2nd place in the Environment Division Student Poster Competition at the 2024 Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) annual meeting, competing against other undergraduate, MS, and PhD students. Her research is currently funded by a Department of Energy research grant.

  63. Ariel Dickens

    Masters — 2007, New Mexico Tech
    Obsidian hydration and its consequences for the Ar-Ar dating method
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Dunbar, Campbell

    Following graduation, Ariel worked for a uranium exploration company before setting up a hydroponic supply business in Ft. Collins, CO.

  64. Haley Dietz

    Dr. Virginia McLemore supervised Haley's research on rare earth element deposits in the Gallinas Mountains. Haley went on from NMT to earn a geoscience MS degree at the University of Idaho. She was then employed by the United States Geological Survey as a geologist.

    View a video about Haley's internship, which was funded specifically in memory of Gloria Peterson, the late wife of long-time New Mexico Tech employee Denny Peterson.

  65. Melissa Dimeo

    Masters — 2008, New Mexico Tech
    Geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of Oligocene mafic dikes near Riley, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chamberlin (advisor), McIntosh, Kyle, Dunbar

    Following graduation, Melissa gained employment in the field of economic geology, working for Evolving Gold, Climax Molybdenum, Freeport McMoRan, and Yeh and Associates.

  66. Paul S. Domski

    Masters — 1989, New Mexico Tech
    A laboratory study of the effects of organic solvents on the physical properties of Ca-smectite and clay-dominated systems
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Austin (advisor), MacMillan, Campbell, Bowman

    Paul went on to work for INTERA as a geochemist/hydrologist, and then to S.M. Stoller Corporation, an environmental consulting company, as a senior geochemist.

  67. Kelly M. Donahue

    Masters — 2002, New Mexico Tech
    Geochronolgy and isotope geochemistry of the mineral deposits in the Victorio Mountains, Luna County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Campbell, McIntosh

    Kelly graduated in 2002, worked for the NMBGMR 2004-2008, and then went on to Brown and Caldwell, an environmental services company, as a geochemist.

  68. Jenna Donatelli

    Masters — 2014, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Dedolomite and other diagenesis in the backreef setting of the Permian reef formation in Dark Canyon, New Mexico.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead, Mozley, Ulmer-Scholle
    Following her graduation, Jenna was hired by the Kjeoy Research and Education Center, as a laboratory manager.
  69. Bright Duah

    Masters (IS) 2019, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Preliminary geochemical assessment of supergene and hypogene chalcocites: Variations in some trace element concentrations.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
  70. Alex Duff

    Masters — 2022, Geophysics, New Mexico Tech
    Investigation of Induced Seismicity in the Northern Delaware Basin
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Van Wijk, Litherland
  71. Anne Dunn

    Bachelors — 2024, Materials Engineering, New Mexico Tech

    In her Bright Star project, Anne Dunn is working on molecular dynamic simulations of quartz breakage, resulting from an applied shear stress, in an aqueous environment. Water molecules affect the Si-O bonds at the outer quartz surface, through solvation, and along the fracture surface (possible cleavage surface) as the fracture propagates through the quartz structure, the process known as stress corrosion.

    Most of us were taught in introductory geology that one of the integral properties of quartz is conchoidal fracture (and the absence of cleavage). It turns out that this is not exactly true. Rapid breakage does result in conchoidal fracture, but quartz can exhibit cleavage and it is not uncommon in samples found in certain types of geologic environments.

    It has been hypothesized that slow fracture propagation in the presence of an aqueous fluid, through the process of stress corrosion, may lead to the development of quartz cleavage planes. This video, courtesy of Alan Hart, shows a particularly striking example. This is a quartz crystal that grew from a hydrothermal fluid into an open space in a vein (in Hot Springs, Arkansas). During the growth process the crystal was cleaved and the two pieces were displaced but not separated. Continuation of quartz precipitation along the cleavage plane “healed” or recombined the two pieces into what is now a single crystal again.

  72. Chadwick Eastman

    Masters — 2002, New Mexico Tech
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth, ?
  73. Beth Ann Eberle

    Masters — 2021, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry and Recharge in the Salt Basin of NM and TX
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Dan Cadol, Alex Rinehart, Fred Phillips
  74. C.L. Edwards

    PhD — 1975, New Mexico Tech
    Terrestrial heat flow and crustal radioactivity in northeastern New Mexico and southeastern Colorado
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter, Sanford, Sharples, Condie, Chapin

    Following graduation, Dr. Edwards went on to a seismology career at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  75. Roberta Eggleston

    Masters (IS) 1982, New Mexico Tech
    Estimates of terrestrial heat flow in the southwestern United States
    Advisors and Committee Members:
  76. Ted L. Eggleston

    Masters — 1982, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the central Chupadera Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin, Smith, Sanford
    PhD — 1987, New Mexico Tech
    The Taylor Creek District, New Mexico: Geology, petrology and tin deposits
    Advisors and Committee Members:

    Following graduation, Ted went on to run his own consulting company and to be a Principal Geologist for AMEC.

  77. David Ennis

    Masters — 1996, New Mexico Tech
    The effects of K-metasomatism on the mineralogy and geochemistry of silicic ignimbrites near Socorro, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Dunbar, Campbell, Chapin, Mozley

    Following graduation, Dave went on to work for the environmental company Souder Miller, and then moved to the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Division.

  78. Abraham Escalante

    Masters — 2002,
    Geology, alteration and dating of Ojo de Aqua breccia field, Sonora, Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
    Abraham is currently technical advisor in geology at Minera Los Quenauales, Peru.
  79. Janin Essary

    — current student
    Masters — 2024, Materials Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Alumina Extraction of New Mexican Coal Clinkers and Nepheline Seyenite
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Fuierer (advisor) Burleigh, McLemore

    My research focuses on removing aluminum oxide (alumina) from San Juan Basin coal clinkers and Cornudas Mountains nepheline seyenite using the lime-sinter method.

  80. Richard Esser

    Masters — 1996, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Dating Of Mount Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle, McIntosh, Heizler

    Following graduation, Rich worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources for a number of years, prior to moving to the Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah. He passed away in 2023. An obituary can be found here.

  81. Elizabeth (Liz) Evenocheck

    Masters — 2021, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Groundwater modeling of the Salt Basin, New Mexico and Texas
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mark Person
  82. Elizabeth Evenocheck

    Masters — 2021, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Safe, Sustainable Yield in the Salt Basin, NM and TX
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mark Person
  83. Heather (Casey) Fairbanks

    Masters — 2011, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry of manganese oxides and age of mineralization at the Santa Eulalia mining district, Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell, Lueth

    After completing her masters, Heather has worked in a number of gold companies in Nevada including Kinross, Newmont, and Barrick.

  84. Kathleen (Babette) Faris

    Masters — 1980, New Mexico Tech
    A geochemical model for the magmatic history of the Carrizozo basalt field, south central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Renault (advisor), Condie, Bodine

    After graduation, Babette worked as manager of the X-ray laboratory at the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.

  85. William Fawcett

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — (expected) 2025, Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Tech

    William Fawcett is a fourth-year mechanical engineering student supporting hydrogeology programs at the Bureau of Geology. A key project will be finding, digitizing, and interpreting groundwater data for the Socorro Basin. He will also be involved in other water data management projects, such as organizing data collected by the Aquifer Mapping Program.

  86. Josh Feldman

    Masters — 2010, New Mexico Tech
    The emplacement and exhumation history of the Twin Lakes batholith and implications for the Laramide orogeny and flat slab subduction
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), McIntosh

    Following graduation Josh attended University of Kansas and University of Texas at Austin, and then went on to work at Sandia National Laboratory.

  87. Charles Ferguson

    Masters — 1985, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the east-central San Mateo Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Osborn (advisor), Johnson, Kyle

    Charles completed a PhD at University of Calgary, and then went on to work for the Arizona Geological Survey, as well as pursuing contract geological mapping for a range of other entities.

    [more information]

  88. Luiza Aline Fernandes Gutierrez

    Masters — 2006, New Mexico Tech
    The influence of mineralogy, chemistry and physical engineering properties on shear strength parameters of the Goathill North rock pile material, Questa Molybdenum mine, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Aimone-Martin, McLemore, Mojtabai
    Luiza is working in industry.
  89. Walter Fisher

    PhD — 1970, Geochemistry- Extractive Metallurgy, New Mexico Tech
    A leaching mechanism for chalcocite
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Roman (advisor), Renault, Brandvold, McGehee

    Walt joined the faculty at the University of Texas at El Paso in the College of Engineering: Metallurgical, Materials and Biomedical Engineering.

  90. Henry Fleischhauer

    Masters — 1977, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Quaternary geology of Lake Animas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Stone (advisor), MacMillan, Weber

    Henry went on to work extensively in environmental consulting in both the private and public sectors.

  91. Kate Fletcher

    Masters — 2004, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geochronology And Provenance Of Four Mesoproterozoic Basins Across The Southwest United States: Evidence From 40Ar/39Ar Dating Of Detrital Muscovites
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), Condie, Mozley

    Following graduation, Kat went on to pursue a geochemistry PhD at University of California, Berkeley, which she completed in 2009. From there, she went on to become a high school science teacher.

  92. Kwame Frempong

    Masters — 2013, New Mexico Tech
    Rare Earth Elements (REE) Potential and Origin of the Cambrian-Ordovician(?) Episyenites in the Caballo Montains, southern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez

    Following graduation, Kwame went on to work as a resource geologist and rock slope stability investigator at Freeport-McMoRan, then became a senior resource geologist at OceanaGold Corp.

  93. Bonnie Frey

    Masters — 2002, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Evidence of an Oceanic Plateau Origin and a Deep, Depleted Mantle Source for the Iron King Volcanics, a 1.75-Ga Accreted Terrane in Central Arizona
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Condie (advisor), Dunbar, Heizler

    Bonnie is the analytical laboratory manager and geochemist at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. She is also an adjunct professor in the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Earth and Environmental Science Department.

    [more information]

  94. Joseph Friedman

    Bachelors — 2011, Technical Communications (Biology), New Mexico Tech
    Interned for the Pubs Editing Group for the summer of 2010. Following graduation, Joseph worked as a CNC programmer for General Foundry Service in San Leandro, California and as a machine designer for Inspection Services, Inc. in Berkeley, California.
  95. Patricia L. Frisch

    Masters — 2002, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Arsenic Speciation Kit Development and Field Testing in Four New Mexico Thermal Areas
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Norman (advisor), Dunbar, Bowman
  96. Joan Gabelman

    Masters — 1988, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the upper Brazos Box area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Mawer, Condie

    Joan went on to work for the Bureau of Land Management.

  97. Amy Galanter

    Masters — 2016, New Mexico Tech
    Distribution, transport, and accumulations of pyrogenic black carbon (PyC) in post-wildfire watersheds
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Cadol, Frey, Phillips, Pullin
    Amy became a hydrologist for the US Geological Survey in Albuquerque.
  98. Kyle Gallant

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — 2023, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech
    PhD — (expected) 2028, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech
    Laramide Orogeny, and Rio Grande Rift Deformation: Decoupling Deformation Patterns Through Geologic Mapping, Cross-Sectional Analysis, and Thermochronological Investigations
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Prush (advisor), Ault, Kelley, Leary, Naliboff

    Kyle was a Bright Star scholar in 2021 as an NMT undergraduate major, and the internship funded his undergraduate research project investigating the structure of the San Marcial Basin using relative gravity measurements. This work supported on-going StateMap efforts in the basin, which has few deep wells and extremely limited geophysical data. In addition to advancing our understanding of this enigmatic rift basin, Kyle's work will be useful for planning new water well sites in future hydrogeologic studies. You can get more information about Kyle's undergraduate project by reading this "Postcard from the Field" and by viewing a video about his experience as a Bright Star intern.

    He has stayed on at NMT and is undertaking a PhD project described below. Kyle is the first NMT student to receive Bright Star funding for graduate research. His Ph.D. project, directed by Prof. Veronica Prush in the Earth and Environmental Science Department, focuses on central New Mexico tectonics. Kyle's research centers on distinguishing the deformation patterns of two tectonic events that impacted New Mexico: the Laramide orogeny, a mountain-building event that occurred over most of the modern western US from 110-40 million years ago, and a later continental rifting event centered only in New Mexico, the Rio Grande rift, starting ~30 million years ago and continuing until today. He will map the locations of deformed rocks, collect measurements such as deformation kinematic indicators, and infer the timing of deformation using thermochronological techniques. These techniques use specific minerals that record the time at which that mineral experienced certain temperature ranges to constrain and better quantify regional deformation rates. The central questions driving the research are: when did the Fra Cristobal range in central New Mexico become a mountain range, what kind of tectonic events do the rocks in the range record, and how fast did the range exhume from depth in the crust?

  99. Jake Gallegos

    Masters (IS) 1989, New Mexico Tech
    Simulation of groundwater recharge at a Savannah River project waste site, South Carolina, using a transfer function model
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Jake went on to work for CH2M Hill and North Wind, Inc, before moving to the role of vice president of Portnoy Environmental, Inc, in the Denver area.

    [more information]

  100. Rebecca Garcia (nee Trujullo)

    Masters — 2011, New Mexico Tech
    Cenozoic intrusive and exhumation history of the Elk and West Elk Mountain plutons, southwest Colorado
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kelley (advisor), Heizler, McIntosh, Johnson

    Rebecca went on to work for the Albuquerque Public School system.

  101. Lisa Gaston

    Masters — 2014, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Muscovite Thermochronology and Geochronology of New Mexico Pegmatites
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), McIntosh, Condie

    Ms. Gaston studied the thermal history of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic basement rocks of New Mexico mountain ranges. Her research used 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite from pegmatites and metamorphic rocks. She created GIS format geochronology database of Precambrian geochronology data.

    Following graduation, Lisa went on to work for Souder, Miller and Associates, in Albuquerque, as a staff environmental scientist and geologist.

  102. Richard Geddes

    Masters — 1963, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Structural geology of Little San Pasqual Mountain and the adjacent Rio Grande Trough
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kottlowski (advisor), Sanford, Holms, Smith
  103. Pruthvid Geedipally

    Masters — 2012, New Mexico Tech
    Geology and mineral deposits in the Hillsboro mining district, Sierra County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez

    Pruthvid graduated in 2012 and returned to India.

  104. Jacob Gehrz

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Detrital Sanidine and Basalt Geochronology Constraints for the Birth and Evolution of The Rio Grande
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), Naliboff, Waters, Zimmerer

    Jacob is currently a student in the EES Department working towards an MS degree, with research that focuses on using the 40Ar/39Ar geochronology method. He works with Matt Heizler in the Bureau’s New Mexico Geochronology Research Lab (NMGRL) studying early Rio Grande evolution, through analysis of detrital sanidine and basalts in the Taos Gorge area. In addition to his research, Jacob primarily assists the NMGRL with sample processing of numerous contracts that support laboratory operations and students. He also contriubtes to the day-to-day operation of the mass spectrometers and other technical details.

  105. Thomas Gibson

    Masters — 1981, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Burned Mountain-Hopewell Lake area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Budding, Condie

    Tom went to work after graduation with Kennecott Exploration. He currently owns a consulting business in Albuquerque.

  106. Casey Gierke

    Masters — 2012, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Sourcing tree water in the Sacremento Mountains of New Mexico: A Stable Isotope Study
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton (advisor), Phillips, Campbell

    After graduating Casey went to work in New Mexico as a hydrogeologist with Lee Wilson & Associates.

  107. Michaella Gorospe

    Masters — 2013, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Uranium Mobility in Vegetation, Soils and Water below the Jackpile Uranium Mine, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Ulmer-Scholle (advisor), Harrison, Campbell

    Michaella went on to employment as an environmental specialist with the BHP-Navajo Transitional Energy Company and then as a site specialist with Rio Algom Mining LLC.

  108. Gabriel Graf

    Masters — 2008, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogical and geochemical changes associated with sulfide and silicate weathering in natural alteration scars, Taos County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Lueth, Norman, McLemore

    Following graduation, Gabriel went on to obtain an MBA at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, then went to work for Newmont Mining Company, before moving to Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo, LLC, as a senior exploriation geologist, then to the Walbec Group as an operations manager.

  109. Joseph Grigg

    Masters — 2015, New Mexico Tech
    Microstratigraphic controls on the mechanical properties of the Mancos Shale
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mozley (advisor), Person, Dewers and Rinehart

    After graduating Joseph went to work for Pioneer Natural Resources Co. in Texas, and then was hired by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources as a petroleum geologist in 2019. Following several years of employment at the bureau, he went on to teach in the Socorro school system.

  110. John Groff

    PhD — 1996, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Geochronology Of Gold Mineralization And Origin Of Auriferous Fluids For The Getchell And Twin Creeks Mines, Humboldt County, Nevada
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Heizler, Norman

    Following graduation, John spent his career in the gold mining industry.

  111. David Guilinger

    Masters — 1982, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology and uranium potential of the Tejana Mesa-Hubbell Draw area, Catron County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chamberlin (advisor), Smith, Johnson, MacMillan
  112. Ethan Haft

    Bachelors — 2022, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech
    Ethan's Bright Star project involves studying carbonatites in the Lemitar Mountains, near Socorro. He will be investigating the geochemistry, mineralogy, fenitization and potential for rare earth elements. Ethan was awarded a 2021 New Mexico Geological Society "Grant-in-Aid" to support his research, based on the quality of his research proposal to the society.
  113. Christopher Haley

    Masters — 2004, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Hydrologic and geologic characteristics of the Coalbed Methane Resource, Raton Basin, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Mozley (advisor), Brister, Vivoni
  114. Charles Hammond

    Masters — 1987, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Navajo Gap area between Ladron Mountains and Mesa Sarca, Socorro County, New Mexico: A structural analysis
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Johnson, Smith

    Following graduation, Charlie went into the field of engineering geology, working for Cornforth Consultants in the Pacific Northwest.

    [more information]

  115. Richard Harrison

    Masters — 1980, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the northeastern Datil Mountains, Socorro and Catron Counties, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Norman, Smith
    PhD — 1992, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Cenozoic stratigraphy, structure, and epithermal mineralization of north-central Black Range, New Mexico in the regional geologic framework of south-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Norman, Smith

    Rich spent a long and productive professional career with the United States Geological Survey, working in tectonics, and as a Science Center Director. He passed away in 2019, and an obituary may be found here.

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  116. Harold Hartman

    Masters (IS) 1972, New Mexico Tech
    First report of a preliminary geothermal investigation of the Rio Grande Rift in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
  117. David Hayslip

    Masters — 1973, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry of the bimodal quaternary volcanism in the Medicine Lake Highland, northern California
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Renault (advisor), Condie, Billings, Chapin
  118. Marina Hein

    Masters — 2022, New Mexico Tech
    Identifying factors controlling flow conveyance losses in the Middle Rio Grande
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton, Duval, Cadol

    This project, which is funded by the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, focuses on identifying important factors that affect water conveyance efficiency along the Middle Rio Grande between San Acacia and Elephant Butte Reservoir. A suite of in situ measurements, modeling efforts, and remote sensing techniques will be used to identify the most important and potentially interacting factors leading to channel conveyance loss. Monitoring/measurements will collect continuous baseline data, but will also include campaigns focused on relevant water inputs (seasonal precipitation events, managed water release) and losses. This work will result in a series of management recommendations based on the breadth of knowledge gained from this research.

  119. Ryan Helms

    Masters (IS) 2020, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Biotite and chlorite geothermometry of the Lomas Bays copper deposit, Antofagasta Province, Chile: An initial assessment.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
    After graduating, Ryan was hiring as a Geologist I by Freeport-McMoRan.
  120. Kevin Henry

    Masters — 2017, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Chronostratigraphy Of Ogallala Sedimentary Rocks, NM
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), McIntosh

    Following graduation, Kevin was hired a Laboratory Technician working in the Argon Geochronology Laboratory at Oregon State University.

  121. Alexander Herbst

    Masters — 2019, New Mexico Tech
    Vanadium extraction by roasting of tailings from Mustavaara (Finland) and Titania (Norway), and Kiruna Manetite (Sweden).
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Walder (advisor), Chavez, Maher, Lueth

    Following graduation, Alexander was hired as a minerals deposit geologist for Freeport-McMoRan in Tucson, Arizona.

  122. Mark Holland

    PhD — 2008, Geology, University of New Mexico
    Refining models of crustal growth and evolution in southwestern Laurentia with paired U-Pb and Lu-Hf analyses of igneous and detrital zircon
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom (advisor), Heizler, Crossey, Schmandt

    Following graduation, Mark was hired by at West Texas A&M University where he is now an Assistant Professor of Geology.

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  123. Stephen Hook

    Masters — 1974, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    The cephalopods of the Florida Mountains Formation
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Flower (advisor), Gutjahr, Kottlowski, MacMillan, Stone
    PhD — 1975, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Cephalopod faunas of latest Canadian Age from southwestern United States
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Flower (advisor), Gutjahr, Kottlowski, MacMillan, Stone

    Stephen continued working in geology and paleontology, and became owner of Atarque Geologic Consulting, LLC in Socorro, NM.

  124. Robert Horning

    Masters — 1997, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Field relationships and evolution of leucocratic, basic veins at El Porticito volcanic vent, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Dunbar (advisor), Kyle, Campbell, Baldridge
  125. Hooman Hosseinpour

    Masters — 2008, New Mexico Tech
    Numerical and experimental evaluation of the effect of oversize particles on direct shear test results
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Fakhimi (advisor), McLemore, Mojtabai

    Following graduation, Hooman became a project engineer for Golder Associates.

  126. Chu Huang

    — current student
  127. Joe Iovenitti

    Masters — 1977, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    A reconnaissance study of jasperoid in the Kelly Limestone, Kelly Mining District, New Mexico Part I: Geology, petrography and origin, Part II: Differentiation of chert from jasperoid by X-ray diffract ion line resolution
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Renault, Beane

    Joe went on to work for AltaRock Energy, Inc., in the field of geothermal energy, then later became an independent consulting geologist.

  128. Vladamir Ispolatov

    PhD — 2001, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology, 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology, And Fluid Inclusion Study Of The Solton Sary Mesothermal Gold District, Kyrgyzstan
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Norman (advisor), Heizler, Dunbar, Goodwin, Condie

    Dr. Ispolatov went on to work in the mineral exploration industry, including for Barrick Gold.

  129. Nels Iverson

    Masters — 2013, New Mexico Tech
    Eruptive history and magmatic stability of Erebus volcano, Antarctica: Insights from englacial tephra
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle, Dunbar, McIntosh
    PhD — 2017, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Antarctica's englacial tephra record: Characterizing and integrating tephra from blue ice areas and ice cores
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Dunbar (advisor), Kyle, Bonamicci, Reusch, Thomas

    Following graduate, Nels went on to a post-doctoral position with the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, and then moved to staff scientist position with the bureau.

    [more information]

  130. Michael Jaworski

    Masters — 1973, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Copper mineralization of the Upper Moya Sandstone, Cupadero Mines area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Vonder Lin (advisor), Lochman-Balk, Beane, Kottlowski

    Michael was supported by the Bureau of Geology both as an undergraduate, and MS student. He credits the training received at the bureau as providing a cornerstone for his future employment, which included mining industry work for Phelps Dodge, Freeport McMoRan, Pegasus Gold, as well as work in the New Mexico Environment Department, and the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Division.

  131. Terry Jensen

    Masters — 1983, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology and depositional environments of the Mesaverde Group in the Capitan coal field, Lincoln County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    MacMillan (advisor), Wolberg

    Terry worked extensively in environmental consulting and project management following graduation. He continued on as a technical consultant for Gauvreau GeoEnvironmental Group working on mining and oil/gas realated groundwater projects.

  132. David Jordan

    Masters (IS) 1989, Geophysics, New Mexico Tech
    Vertical groundwater movement in southeastern New Mexico as determined from regional heat-flow estimates
    Advisors and Committee Members:

    After graduation, Dave focused on the field of hydrogeology and environmental science, working as a principal hydrogeologist and later becoming VP of INTERA in Albquerque, NM.

  133. Heidi Justman

    Masters — 2001, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Petroleum source rocks in the Brushy Canyon Formation (Permian), Delaware Basin, southeastern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead (advisor), Mozley, Johnson

    After graduation Heidi went to work for Geoquest Schlumberger, Houston TX. She later married an Italian petroleum engineer and moved to Italy. Her husband is a Vice President of ENI.

  134. Zohreh Kazemi Morlagh

    — current student
    PhD — (expected) 2026, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Characterization of Arsenide Five-Element Veins in the Black Hawk District, Grant County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez, Iverson

    Arsenide five-element vein deposits are vein systems containing Ag-Co-Ni-Bi-As along with localized elements like U, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sb, Hg, and others. Many of these are critical minerals, being non-fuel commodities crucial for the economic and national security of the United States. In comparison to other types of mineral deposits such as orogenic gold or Cu-Mo porphyry, hydrothermal arsenide five-element vein deposits have received relatively little research attention. The goal of this study is to characterize the arsenide five-element vein within the Black Hawk district, Grant County, New Mexico and will evaluate both the mine waste and the distribution of arsenide five-element veins in the district.

  135. Laura Kedzie

    Masters — 1984, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    High-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of major ash-flow tuff sheets, Socorro, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Kyle, Sutter
  136. Peter Kelly

    Masters — 2006, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry and mineralogy of the phonolite lava lake, Erebus volcano, Antarctica: 1972–2004 and comparison with older lavas
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle (advisor), McIntosh, Dunbar

    Following graduation, Peter worked for several years at University of New Hampshire, prior to accepting a position with the United States Geological Survey's Casacades Volcano Observatory

    [more information]

  137. Susan Kent

    Masters — 1980, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Tusas Mountain Area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Condie, Budding
  138. Charles Kershaw

    — current student
  139. David Ketchum

    Masters — 2016, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    High-Resolution Estimation of Groundwater Recharge for the Entire State of New Mexico Using a Soil-Water-Balance Model
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton (advisor), Phillips, Hendrickx

    David went on to pursue a Ph.D. in hydrology at the University of Montana.

  140. Ingrid Klich

    Masters — 1983, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Elk Mountain-Spring Mountain area, San Miguel County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Grambling, Condie, Callender
  141. Marsha Koehn

    Masters — 1972, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Petrographic and paleoenvironmental study of the Glorieta Sandstone near Rowe, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Balk (advisor), Kottlowski, Willard
  142. Stanley Krukowski

    Masters — 1983, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogy and geochemistry of upper Cretaceous clay-bearing strata, Torreon Wash/Johnson Trading Post areas, southeastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Bodine (advisor), Austin, Smith
    PhD — 1990, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Conodont and foraminifer biostratigraphy of the Kelly Limestone (Mississippian), west-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Johnson (advisor), Wolberg

    Following finishing his MS degree, Stan continued with a PhD dissertation with Dave Johnson, at New Mexico Tech. Stan worked for industry and then moved to a position at the Oklahoma Geological Survey.

  143. Jon Krupnick

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2027, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Control of Quaternary tectonism and geomorphic regime on 10Be and 36Cl cosmogenic nuclide derived catchment-averaged erosion rates in the Fra Cristobal Range and Caballos Mountains of central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Prush (advisor), Sion, Leonard

    I am working towards my masters in geology at New Mexico Tech while working as a field geologist for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. Catchment-averaged erosion rate samples utilize aliquots of sand, analyzed for cosmogenic nuclide concentration, to quantify the average denudation throughout a stream catchment. A sample with a high average concentration of a given nuclide would indicate slow erosion due to a long residence time of the analyzed material near earth's surface; meanwhile, a low concentration would indicate comparatively rapid erosion. For this study I will be mapping the surficial geology of two 7.5-minute quadrangles at the 1:24,000 scale in the Fra Cristobal Range that have existing, recently mapped, bedrock units. Sampling of sands in active arroyo channels, from carefully selected watersheds, will allow for the isolation of tectonic influence compared to river integration. I hope to include analysis of topographic parameters within stream catchments and aim to address how the relative effects of tectonism and river integration are modulated by time.

  144. Jean-Marc Lambert

    Masters — 2002, New Mexico Tech
    Red Bed Copper-Silver Deposits in Bolivia
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
  145. Marc G. Lambert

    Masters — 2001, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogy and genetic considerations for red-bed hosted Cu±Ag deposits of the Bolivian Altiplano, Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
  146. Allison Lamery

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — (expected) 2025, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech

    Allison is interested in land rescaping and mineralogy. She assists with sample preparation for the Argon Geochronology laboratory by rock crushing, sieving, and heavy liquid mineral separation.

  147. Adrian Landstedt

    Masters — 2021, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Petrographic and Microprobe analysis of calcocites and native copper from Northwest Australia.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
  148. Marianne Lara

    Marianne is working with Barbara J Horowitz, Publications Program Manager, to experience the Bureau of Geology’s end-to-end publications process. Focusing on Marianne’s creative studio interests, this includes providing design and production services for Bureau’s general audience, outreach and technical publications and special projects; serving as point person for figures, photography and illustration work; enhancing her knowledge of Creative Suite applications as well as learning new software programs and tools; participating in the print production and online posting processes; managing project workflow; maintaining the operation and calibration of office equipment; and helping to organize the program’s electronic/hard copy files and print samples.

    Based on this experience, she was offered a spring 2023 internship at Intel in Rio Rancho, NM, which converted to a full-time job offer following her graduation.

  149. T. Matthew Laroche

    Masters — 1981, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Gallinas Peak area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Osburn, Smith, Budding

    Matt went on to work for Chevron in Texas.

  150. John Lempke

    Bachelors — 2023, Chemical Engineering, New Mexico Tech

    In his second year of Bright Star scholarship funding, John is continuing to work on a collaborative project between New Mexico Tech and Navajo Technical University focusing on water quality research. He has been involved in water sampling in Alamo, NM. John also helped with the installation of a new inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer, recently funded by that National Science Foundation, in a grant to Bonnie Frey who is John's supervisor.

  151. Jason Lennane

    Masters — 2002, Geology,
    Controls on the accumulation of hydrocarbons in the lower Brushy Canyon Formation, southeastern New Mexico.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead (advisor), Mozley, Harrison

    Jason went on to work for a groundwater consulting company in Savannah, Georgia.

  152. Yitian (Tina) Li

    Masters (IS) 2018, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Preliminary geochemical evaluation of long-term leaching tests on uranium-bearing waste materials from the Grants Mining District in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Walder, Frey, Harrison, Maher
  153. Gregory Little

    Masters — 1987, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Subsurface analysis of the (Permian) Abo Formation in the Lucero Region, west-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead (advisor), MacMillan, Johnson

    Greg went on to work as a group manager at AMEC Foster Wheeler in Canada.

  154. Cynthia A. Loehr

    Masters — 1979, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogic and geochemical effects of basaltic dike intrusion into evaporite sequences near Carlsbad, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Bodine (advisor), MacMillan

    Cynthia became a lawyer with Rodey Law here in New Mexico. She specializes in environmental, water, and education law.

  155. Kevin Loeza-Vargas

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — (expected) 2026, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech

    Kevin is an Earth Sciences major with interests in volcanology and geochronology. He assists with sample
    preparation for the Bureau’s New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory, completing tasks such as crushing
    rocks, sieving, acid washing, and heavy liquid separation to concentrate minerals of interest for 40Ar/ 39Ar geo and
    thermochronology. This experience is instrumental in deepening Kevin’s knowledge and passion for geochronology
    and volcanology, providing him with practical skills and insights into geological dating methods.

  156. Richard Peter (Rick) Lozinsky

    PhD — 1988, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and sand petrology of the Santa Fe group and pre-Santa Fe Tertiary deposits in the Albuquerque Basin, central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McMillan (advisor), Hawley, Wolberg, Mack, Kudo

    Rick has been a Earth Sciences Instructor at Fullerton College in California for many years.

    [more information]

  157. Sara Lundberg

    Masters — 1999, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    An Attempt To Date Fluid Inclusions In Quartz: Implications For The 40Ar/39Ar Method
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Dunbar, Heizler, McIntosh
  158. Tiffany Luterbach

    Masters — 2016, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Trace element analysis of placer gold samples
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Dunbar, and Mojtabai
  159. Scott D. Lynch

    Masters — 2003, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geologic mapping and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology in the northern Nogal Canyon Caldera, within and adjacent to the southwest corner of the Blue Mountain Quadrangle, San Mateo Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Ferguson, Kyle

    Following graduation, Scott went to work for Gulf of Mexico as a wellsite geologist.

  160. Bokary S. Maiga

    PhD — 1992, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Statistical evaluation of Fruitland Formation coals and associated rocks of Bisti and Western Star Lake fields
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kuellmer (advisor), Austin

    Following graduation, Bokary became the self-employed director of the Socorro Martial Arts Academy. He passed away in 2017. An obituary can be found here.

  161. Joe Marcoline

    Masters — 1996, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Field, Petrographic And 40Ar/39Ar Constraints On The Tectonic History Of The Central Manzano Mountains, Central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Condie (advisor), Goodwin, Heizler, Ralser

    Following graduation, Joe was hired by the New Mexico Environment Department, working to assess and improve groundwater quality in New Mexico.

  162. Luke Martin

    — current student
    PhD — (expected) 2027, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    R. Leary (advisor),
  163. Iain Mason

    Masters — 2014, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar chronostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene rocks of the San Juan Basin, NM.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Matt Heizler, William McIntosh, Kent Condie
    Mr. Mason studied the chronostratigraphy of late Cretaceous and early Paleocene rocks of the San Juan Basin, NM. His research tools were 40Ar/39Ar dating of primary sanidine from volcanic ashes and detrital sanidine from sand and siltstones, working towards developing an absolute chronology of the sedimentary rocks. His work elucidated Paleocene mammal evolution rates and the timing of dinosaur extinction.
  164. Katherine Mason-Barton

    Masters — 2009, Geology,
    Constraining The Eocene-Oligocene Time Scale Using High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Sanidine Geochronology Of Ignimbrites, Southwest United States
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh, Heizler, ?
  165. Michael Mathuri

    Masters — 2017, University of Texas at El Paso
    Evaluation of cryptic sulfur cycling in marine sediments
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Brunner, Arnold, Lueth
    Michael went on to study Marine Science at the University of Connecticut
  166. David L. Mayerson

    Masters — 1979, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Corkscrew Canyon-Abe Spring area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), MacMillan, Johnson

    David went on to work for the New Mexico Environment Department, Surface Water Quality Bureau.

  167. Brian McGurk

    Masters — 1986, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Conceptual hydrogeologic model of the Nations Draw area, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico: Report to Fuels Department, Salt River Project, Phoenix, Arizona
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Stone (advisor)

    Brian became a water resource modeler for the Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality.

  168. Amber McIntosh

    Masters — 1986, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Stable isotopic evidence for fluid mixing in the Tertiary alkalic-type epithermal Au-Te deposit, Cripple Creek, Colorado
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Chavez, Lueth, Norman

    Following graduation, Amber worked as an exploration geologist. She is currently employed with the Frolicking Deer Lavender Farm in Datil.

  169. William C. McIntosh

    PhD — 1989, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Ages and distribution of ignimbrites in the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, southwest New Mexico: a stratigraphic framework using 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetism
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Kyle, Sutter, Geissman

    Following postdoctoral research in New Mexico, Bill went on to work at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources as volcanologist and geochronologist.

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  170. Curtis McKallip

    Masters — 1984, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Newkirk Field: The geology of a shallow streamflood project in Guadalupe County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead (advisor), MacMillan, Martin

    Curtis went to work as a consultant at Curtis McKallip Computer Services in Houston, TX.

  171. Katie McLain

    Masters — 2022, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Identifying factors controlling flow conveyance losses in the Middle Rio Grande
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton, Cadol, Duval

    This project, which is funded by the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, focuses on identifying important factors that affect water conveyance efficiency along the Middle Rio Grande between San Acacia and Elephant Butte Reservoir. A suite of in situ measurements, modeling efforts, and remote sensing techniques will be used to identify the most important and potentially interacting factors leading to channel conveyance loss. Monitoring/measurements will collect continuous baseline data, but will also include campaigns focused on relevant water inputs (seasonal precipitation events, managed water release) and losses. This work will result in a series of management recommendations based on the breadth of knowledge gained from this research.

  172. Virginia T. (Ginger) McLemore

    Masters — 1980, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Precambrian rocks of the Lemitar Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Condie (advisor), Robertson, Kottlowski
    PhD — 1993, Geoscience, University of Texas at El Paso
    Geology and geochemistry of the mineralization and alteration in the Steeple Rock district, Grant County, New Mexico and Greenlee County, Arizona
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Clark (advisor), Hoffer, Chapin, Julian, Arrowood, Pingitorre

    Following completing her MS at New Mexico Tech, Ginger was employed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. During her employment with the Bureau, she completed a PhD degree at University of Texas at El Paso. She is a Principal Senior Economic Geologist at the Bureau.

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  173. Erwin A. Melis

    Masters — 2001, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Tectonic History of the Proterozoic Basement of the Southern Sangre De Cristo Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Goodwin (advisor), Campbell, Bauer, Heizler

    After earning his Masters degree at NMT, Erwin completed his PhD. in 2006 at the University of Maine. He is now a Senior Hydrogeologist with John Shomaker & Associates in Albuquerque, NM.

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  174. Michael Millard

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — 2024, Mathematics, New Mexico Tech

    Michael Millard is a fourth-year mathematics and data science student supporting the Bureau's mission in the Bureau IT group. His initial task is working with Bureau research groups in defining data entry web forms and building the associated web apps. Michael also assists with routine IT support as needed. He hopes his efforts will contribute to the Bureau's mission while gaining an understanding of data engineering and industry technologies.

  175. Jeffrie Minier

    PhD — 1987, Geophysics, New Mexico Tech
    A geothermal study in west-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter (advisor), Chapin, Gutjahr, Phillips, Sanford

    Following receiving his PhD, Jeffrie went on to law school at University of New Mexico, and then went on to practice law in New Mexico.

  176. John Morkeh

    Masters — 2009, New Mexico Tech
    The effect of particle size fractions on chemistry, mineralogy, and acid potential of the Questa rock piles, Taos County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore, Mojtabai, Chavez
    John graduated in 2007, went on to work for Freeport-McMoRan Inc., then became a senior geologist at Barrick Gold Corporation's Ruby Hill Mine in Nevada.
  177. Sarah Moses

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2026, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Explorative evaluation of the critical minerals potential and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of selected Paleogene Porphyry Mo-W deposits and other related deposits, in southern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Hurtig, Iverson, Waters

    My area of research is on focused the Laramide porphyry Cu (±Mo, Au) and Paleogene Mo-W deposits within southern New Mexico. These deposits can also be spatially and temporally associated with skarn deposits and polymetallic veins and hence I could also be researching other selected related deposits.
    Three pulses of ore producing magmatism of these deposits have been defined; (~78-71 Ma, Laramide pulse 1), (~59-50 Ma, Laramide pulse 2) and (~40-30 Ma, Paleogene pulse). I will be studying the Paleogene (~40-30 Ma ) pulse of ore producing magmatism which hosts Mo-W and various critical minerals, including Cu, Zn, Bi, Co, Ni, rare earth elements (REE) and Te. I also intend to identify a target or criterium for future exploration of the Paleogene Mo-W deposits of southwestern New Mexico through this research. The importance of this work will be drawing together all the existing geochronology target areas that have no or limited geochronology in order create a more coherent history of magmatism in southwestern New Mexico. One part of this thesis will be to ultimately create a holistic approach on the genesis and style of these select porphyry Cu and Mo-W deposits in relation to the defined age ranges of those three pulses of ore producing magmatism. Hence my research will ultimately help to inform and refine better exploration targets of these Paleogene Mo-W deposits and emphasize their critical minerals potential in New Mexico.

  178. Erik A. Munroe

    Masters — 1999, New Mexico Tech
    Geology and geochemistry of waste rock piles from select mineral deposits in the Hillsboro mining district, Sierra County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Campbell, Mozley

    Eric graduated in 1999 and became mine geologist, then senior environmental coordinator at Cripple Creek and Victor Co. in Cripple Creek, CO.

  179. Morgan Nasholds

    Masters — 2020, New Mexico Tech
    Geochronology of post-caldera volcanism at Valles caldera.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Zimmerer, Grapenthin
    Morgan received a Bachelor's of Science in Geology from the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR in 2017 and then worked for two months at the Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO) in Vancouver, WA and the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) on the Big Island of Hawaii. He began his Master's program at NMT in August 2018. His geochronologic work will be used to determine eruptive frequencies, repose intervals, constrain the duration of resurgence at Valles, and help refine the stratigraphic record. In addition to establishing new ages, volumetric assessment of the post-caldera domes will be used in conjunction with the ages to determine the eruptive flux of the Valles system over time.
  180. Hal Newell III

    Masters — 1997, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Miocene silicic lavas of the Socorro-Magdalena area, New Mexico, U.S.A.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle (advisor), McIntosh, Chamberlin

    Following graduation, Hal went to work in the environmental consulting industry.

  181. Sebastian Nipah

    — current student
  182. Samuel Nunoo

    Masters — 2009, New Mexico Tech
    Geotechnical evaluation of Questa mine materials, Taos County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Fakhimi (advisor), McLemore, Mojtabai

    Following graduation, Sam went on to pursue a PhD at the University of British Columbia in Civil Engineering. He then became a geotechnical engineer for Austin Engineering, Ltd. and, later, Taseko: Gibraltar Mine.

  183. Willa Obringer

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2026, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Hydrothermal alteration and fluid-calcite REE partitioning in the Lemitar Mountains REE-bearing carbonatite deposit, NM
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor), Hurtig, Waters

    My primary research investigates REE mobilization within the carbonatites of the Lemitar Mountains, New Mexico. These carbonatites provide an optimal research opportunity to explore the mechanisms in which REE become enriched through hydrothermal processes. In addition to this, I study REE mobility and partitioning behavior by synthesizing REE-doped calcite in the laboratory. Outside of research, I enjoy hiking and bird watching.

  184. Jason Odette

    Masters — 2005, New Mexico Tech
    Quantitative mineralogic evaluation of the transition zone: Ore characterization study at the Cerro Colorado porphyry Cu- (Mo-) deposit, Region 1, Northern Chile
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Campbell, Lueth, Kyle

    Jason went on to work as a principal exploration geologist for BHP Billiton and Newcrest Mining.

  185. Brian Olmsted

    Masters — 2000, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar investigations of the Ocate volcanic field, north-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Kyle, Chapin, Heizler

    Brian went on to work as a geochemist for ERO Resources Corporation, an environmental service company in Denver, CO.

  186. Leonardo Quirino Olvera

    — current student
    PhD — (expected) 2029, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Measuring soil moisture, groundwater interaction with the vegetation in the riparian zone of the Middle Rio Grande
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Cadol (advisor)

    The Middle Rio Grande provides priceless ecohydrological services to its habitants in the Central Valley of New Mexico. As the carbon dioxide (CO2) continues to rise in the atmosphere, incrementing global temperature and driving changes in its hydrological cycle, it has become vital to understand the interaction of the Rio Grande and its riparian ecosystem. Can we identify these impacts in water stress? We aim to answer this using existing groundwater monitoring wells, in addition to soil moisture probes, rain gauges and remote sensing data from satellites, we wish to evaluate the constant exchange between river-groundwater-vegetation, how it works, and the overall vulnerability and resilience of this ecosystem in the recent past, and present.

  187. Glenn (Bob) Osburn

    Masters — 1978, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the eastern Magdalena Mountains, Water Canyon to Pound Ranch, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Condie, Renault

    Bob worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology (then the New Mexico Bureau of Mining and Minerals Resources) as a field mapper for a number of years, and then moved to the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at Washington University in St. Louis.

    [more information]

  188. JoAnne Osburn (nee Cima)

    Masters — 1978, New Mexico Tech
    Physical properties of selected scoria cones in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Austin (advisor), Kuellmer, Smith

    Following graduation, JoAnne worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Mining and Mineral Resources as a coal geologist.

  189. Evan Owen

    Masters — 2022, New Mexico Tech
    Mineral paragenesis and geochemistry of hydrothermal fluorite veins and breccias as vectors for REE mineralization in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:

    This project is funded through the NMBGMR and a NSF CAREER funded project to A. Gysi, and is also in collaboration with V. McLemore. Evan is studying the geochemistry and mineral paragenesis of REE and fluorite bearing veins and breccias in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico. Evan will characterize the various styles of alteration at different scales and use bulk rock geochemistry to link field and mineralogic observations. His aim is to develop an ore-formation model for this deposit and determine how vein alteration can be used to vector towards REE mineralization.

  190. Ismail Ozen

    Masters — 2007, New Mexico Tech
    Geological setting and mineral zoning of the Tarrazas Zinc-Copper skarn system, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez, Lueth, Mojtabai
    Ismail is now a mining engineer working for Newmont Australia in Perth, Western Austalia.Ismail is now a mining engineer working for Newmont Australia in Perth, Western Australia.
  191. Kevin Padilla

    — current student
    PhD — (expected) 2026, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Experimental determination of the stability of hydroxyl and chloride complexes of La and Yb in acidic to alkaline hydrothermal aqueous solutions to 450°C.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor), Hurtig, Migdisov, Waters

    This research project aims at a) generating a fundamental experimental framework at temperatures above ambient to 250°C to evaluate the controls of pH on REE hydroxyl speciation; and b) expanding the conditions for chloride species, which have been determined only to 300°C and acidic pH, to supercritical temperatures and pH above 2 to 10. The results of this project will be used to enhance the MINES thermodynamic database, which is developed at NMT, to improve current models on the hydrothermal mobilization of REE.

  192. Dante Xari Padilla Romero

    Masters (IS) 2019, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogical Characterization of Sulfides at the Las Luces volcanic-hosted Cu-Ag deposit, Chile
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Lueth, Mojtabai

    Following graduation, Dante worked as an illustrator for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and MIneral Resources, and then went on to be a geologist for Aura Minerals, Inc. a multi-national mining company.

  193. Roshelly Paliza

    Masters — 2006, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Lueth, Mojtabai

    Roshelly is currently Coordinator for the Center of Entrepreneurial Geosciences at the University of Texas at El Paso.

  194. Roheel Pashtoon

    Bachelors — 2024, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech

    Roheel worked in the Bureau of Geology's argon geochronology laboratory completed tasks like crushing rocks, sieving, acid washing, heavy liquid separation, and concentrating minerals of interest for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, as well as other general tasks that contributed to the functioning and organization of the mineral separation facility. This project was relevant to his interest in sedimentology.

  195. Madison Payne

    Masters — 2022, New Mexico Tech
    Partitioning of REE between fluid-fluorite at hydrothermal conditions
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor)

    This research is part of a NSF CAREER funded project to A. Gysi. Madison will carry out laboratory experiments and react natural fluorite with hydrothermal aqueous fluids up to 250 °C. She will then study in detail the metasomatism at the mineral-fluid interface and determine the effects of pH and temperature on REE partitioning between fluids and minerals. The experiments will be carried out in our new Ore Deposits and Critical Minerals experimental laboratory. Part of Madison's research will be to also study fluid inclusions in fluorite veins from the Gallinas REE deposit in New Mexico and link these observations with the experimental work using thermodynamic modeling.

  196. Alexandra Pearce

    PhD — 2020, New Mexico Tech
    Implications of cryptic, nonstoichiometric uranium mineralization on formation and leachability of sandstone-hosted uranium ores, Grants district, New Mexico.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Maher, van Wijk, Walder, Lueth, Cadol
  197. Yerko Figueroa Penarrieta

    — current student
    PhD — (expected) 2025, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Speciation of REE hydroxyl complexes in hydrothermal aqueous fluids: Experimental data and thermodynamic calculations
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor),

    My interest includes the geochemistry and behavior of REE in hydrothermal fluids and the ore-forming processes. The thesis research consists of experiments and modeling of the aqueous speciation of REE hydroxyl complexes with different pH and temperature conditions. The main goal is to generate a consistent thermodynamic dataset for those aqueous species based on experimental data with a focus on ore-forming processes. Besides research, I enjoy traveling to natural parks, hiking, and music.

  198. Angelica Perry

    Bachelors — 2014, Technical Communications (with Geology), New Mexico Tech
    Angelica worked as an intern for the Bureau's Pubs Editing Group (Gina D'Ambrosio, supervisor) during 2013. She also worked in the Bureau's Archives (Dr. Maureen Wilks, supervisor). Angelica went on to become a grant writer and fundraiser at Glade Run Lutheran Services, a non-profit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that has services for children on the autism spectrum and at risk children. She obtained a Master of Public Management degree from Carnegie Mellon University, and became an analyst for Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania. She is also a member of the Technical Communication Departments' TC Corporate Advisory Board.
  199. Patricia Perry

    Masters — 1987, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    An interpretation of the depositional setting for the Sugarite Coal Zone of the Raton Formation, located near the city of Raton, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Johnson (advisor), Smith, Kottlowski
  200. David Petty

    Masters — 1979, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the southeastern Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Condie, Budding

    David worked extensively in industry as a petroleum geologist and as an independent researcher in the Williston, Permian, and Michigan basins, and abroad. Most of his research has focused on stratigraphy, diagenesis and reservoir rock properties

  201. George Pharris

    — current student
    Masters — 2024, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Evaluating strain localization along the Alamogordo fault, central New Mexico, using remote sensing, field-based mapping, and geodynamic modeling
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Prush (advisor), Naliboff, Koing, Zimmerer

    My research involves investigating the history and long-term rupture behavior of the Alamogordo fault using neotectonic methods and geodynamic modeling.

  202. Randall S. Phillips

    Masters — 1990, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry of hydrothermal Th-U-REE quartz/fluorite veins from the Capitan pluton
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), McLemore, Smith

    Randy graduated in 1990 and is working in industry.

  203. Terry Pollock

    Masters — 1994, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Evidence for the relative timing and character of Proterozoic deformation and metamorphism in the Ladron Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Goodwin (advisor), Bauer, McIntosh

    Terry went on to work as a consulting geologist.

  204. J. Stephen Raugust

    Masters — 2003, New Mexico Tech
    Environmental geology of the Copper Flat deposit, Hillsboro, Sierra County, New Mexico, M.S. independent study
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Chavez, Mojtabai

    Steve worked for consultant firms, Themax Corp. and later became an independent consulting engineering geologist in Albuquerque.

  205. Geoff Rawling

    PhD — 2002, New Mexico Tech
    Structural geology and hydrogeologic characterization of faults in poorly lithified sediments
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Goodwin (advisor), Wilson, Mozley, Tobin, Haneberg

    Since graduation, Geoff has worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources in the Geologic and Aquifer Mapping Programs.

    [more information]

  206. Marisa Repasch

    Masters — 2016, Geology, University of New Mexico
    Birth And Evolution Of The Rio Grande Fluvial System: New Insights From River Gravel Provenance Studies And Dated Paleoprofiles
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom (advisor), Crossey, Heizler

    "I am a PhD student at the University of Potsdam (Germany) studying the relationship between physical and biogeochemical processes in rivers, with a specific focus on the Rio Bermejo in northern Argentina. The goal of my PhD project is to quantify the role of rivers in the carbon cycle, with respect to carbon transport from source to sink."

    [more information]

  207. Peter ReVelle

    Masters — 2016, New Mexico Tech
    Evapotranspiration in Mountain Terrain - Applying Topographic-Based Energy Constraints to Evaluate the Distribution of Water Fluxes and Effects of Vegetation Cover Change
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton, Phillips, Hendrickx
    Following graduation, Peter continued working in evapotranspiration and remote sensing in the Hydrological Information Systems Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  208. Ronald Riese

    Masters — 1969, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the southern part of the Rincon Range
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Renault (advisor), Budding, McGehee
  209. Annie Riggins Cardon

    Masters — 2014, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Origin of the REE-bearing episyenites in the Caballo and Burro Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Dunbar (advisor), McLemore, McIntosh

    Ms. Riggins studied the occurrence, origin, timing and mineralogy of REE deposits in the Caballo and Burro Mts., NM. Her primary research tools were geological mapping, mineralogy using the electron microprobe and dating using 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Following graduation, Annie went on to work for Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  210. Arzoo Rishad

    Dan Koning will supervise research on the paleomagnetic analysis of sedimentary rocks.
  211. Kylian Robinson

    Masters — 2017, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Characterize the shallow aquifer system in the vicinity of the Village of Questa, New Mexico, in the context of considerable historical studies
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Phillips (advisor), Person, Marcoline

    Following graduation, Kylian worked for the NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resouces mapping aquifers of the Cuesta del San Antonio del Rio Colorado until 2018. He went on to work as a hydrogeologist at EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc in Albuquerque and then moved to Geo-Logic Associates, Inc, in 2020.

  212. Alanna Robison

    Masters — 2017, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geochronology of alkaline intrusive rocks and their relationship to Fluorite-REE mineralization in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth (advisor), McIntosh, Maher

    Alanna became an associate scientist at HydroGeoLogic, Inc.

  213. Valentina Robledo

    — current student
  214. Jake Ross

    Masters — 2009, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Chronology of volcanic events in the AND-1B drillcore – implications for age models and glacial history of the Ross Embayment
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Kyle, Dunbar,Heizler, Campbell
    PhD — 2014, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geochronology of Southern McMurdo Sound and development of Pychron: A 40Ar/39Ar data collection and processing software suite.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Kyle, Dunbar,Heizler, Campbell

    Dr. Ross received his MS from NM Tech and then pursued a diverse PhD dissertation. Research topics relate to the ice sheet processes using geochronology and volcanology from the ANDRILL drill core samples and volcanic rocks from Minna Bluff, both in Antarctica. He has development the software code ‘PyChron’ to operate the instrumentation of the argon geochronology laboratory. His primary research tools were geological mapping, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of volcanic rocks and minerals, sample characterization with the electron microprobe and the Python computer programing language. Jake went on to pursue post-doctoral research at New Mexico Tech, and, in 2016, was hired by the Bureau as a research scientist.

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  215. Susan Roth

    Masters — 1980, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Sawmill Canyon Area of the Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Budding, Norman

    Following graduation, Susan became a consulting environmental scientist and President at Roth Consulting.

  216. Stephanie Roussel

    Masters — 2021,
    Riparian evapotranspiration recovery post-fire: using diurnal groundwater fluctuations and remote sensing to quantify phreatophyte interactions in a disturbed landscape
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton, Cadol, Rinehart

    Stephanie's project will document the recovery of riparian vegetation using continuous groundwater monitoring at wells installed by the Interstate Stream Commission along two transects, one along the southern border of Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge and one near the ghost town of San Marcial. The study will also monitor vegetation recovery using repeat aerial imagery surveys collected by drone. The overlapping images will be processed at the Bureau of Geology to create orthomosaic and greenness maps. These maps will be correlated to lower resolution satellite images and used to estimate vegetation evapotranspiration rates, the rate at which plants release water to the atmosphere. The project will support the important work done by land managers in New Mexico.Stephanie received the New Mexico Geological Society’s (NMGS) 2020 Frank E. Kottlowski Research Award worth $2,500, for the highest quality research proposal of all those submitted to the society for the February 2020 proposal deadline.

  217. Amanda Rowe

    Masters — 2005, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Genetic evolution of the magmatic hydrothermal breccia and stockwork veinlets of the Goat Hill orebody, Questa porphyry molybdenum system, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Norman, McLemore, Walker
    PhD — 2012, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Ore Genesis and Fluid Evolution of the Goat Hill Orebody, Questa Climax-type Porphyry-Mo System, NM and Its Comparison to Climax-type Deposits of the Colorado Mineral Belt
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Norman, McLemore, Walker

    Dr. Amanda Rowe graduated in 2005, became an exploration mine geologist at Cripple Creek and Victor Co., then a corporate geologist/mining specialist at Lincoln Electric.

  218. Randall K. Ruff

    Masters — 1993, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Gas analysis of fluid inclusions: application toward precious metal exploration, Steeple Rock mining district, Grant County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Norman (advisor), McLemore, Smith, Ohline

    Randy has worked extensively in mining and exploration geology, recently as Vice President-Exploration at Euro Sun Mining Inc.

  219. Judy Russell

    Masters — 1979, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Refractory clay resources of the Burro Canyon(?) Formation Dakota Sandstone, north-central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Austin (advisor), MacMillan, Bodine
  220. Kym Samuels

    Masters — 2008, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Weathering and landscape evolution recorded in supergene jarosite, Red River Valley, Northern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Lueth, McIntosh, Harrison

    Following completing her MS degree, which was funded by the Bureau Kottlowski Fellowship, Kym completed a PhD at the University of New Mexico in 2014 and became a Research Associate, and then Research Assistant Professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ.

  221. Robert Sanders

    Masters (IS) 2005, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar thermochronology constraints on the timing of Proterozoic basement exhumation and fault ancestry, southwest Sangre de Christo Range, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), Campbell, McIntosh, Goodwin
    PhD — 2008, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    K-feldspar thermochronology of Proterozoic basement rocks: Reconciling regional tectonism, fluid alteration, and argon transport in microtexturally complex feldspar
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), Campbell, Karlstrom, McIntosh, Condie

    Rob went on to work as an independent consultant and a partner in the NM-based Thief Mountain Mining Company.

  222. Lawrence Sarpong

    — current student
  223. Samantha Saville

    Masters — 2015, Chemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Uranium Capture on Modified Inorganic-Organic Graphite Hybrid Material to Develop a Specific Uranium Binding Filtrate Material for Mining Reclamation and Domestic Water Uses and Method Development of Complexation and Characterization Techniques for uranium in Water
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Frolova, Pullin, Frey, Piyasena, Cadol
    Samantha became a research chemist at Bend Research, a part of the Capsugel pharmaceutical company, and an instrument service specialist at Pace Analytical.
  224. Natalie Schneider

    Natalie's project has focused on collaborative research between New Mexico Tech and Navajo Technical University, focusing on water quality research. Her specific contribution has been in the area of database development. During her project, Natalie worked with Bureau of Geology researchers and also with scientists from INTERA, a company that has contributed toward the Bright Star Scholarship fund.

  225. Cody Schwenk

    Masters — 2022, New Mexico Tech
    Geochemistry and petrogenesis of mineralization in the Cooke’s Peak district, New Mexico using fluorite trace element chemistry an fluid inclusions
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Hurtig, Lueth, Gysi

    This study will use a combination of field mapping, ore petrography, trace element geochemistry and fluid inclusion data to develop an ore formation model for the Cooke’s Peak district.

  226. Heather R. Shannon

    Masters — 2006, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Fluid Transport through a Variably Saturated Rock Pile hillslope system
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Hendickx (advisor), McLemore, Wilson

    Following graduation, Heather went to work for consulting firm MWH. In 2015, she moved to California Department of Water Resources as an engineering geologist.

  227. Ernest Jr. Sharkan

    Masters — 1992, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Economic geology and geochemistry of selected perlite occurrences in southwest New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chavez (advisor), Mozley, Campbell, Barker
  228. Jake Sharp

    Masters — 2008, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    The effects of geologic structure and diagenesis on oil production in upper Pennsylvanian and lower Permian phylloid algal mounds, southeastern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Broadhead (advisor), Mozley, Johnson

    Jake went on to work as a Software Sales and Support Manager (North America) at DownUnder GeoSolutions and at Wood Mackenzie in Houston, TX.

  229. Devlon Shaver

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Alteration and Geochemistry of Clinkers in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Chavez, Mojtabai

    I'm researching the clinker rocks of the San Juan basin coal fields in north western NM,. The goal of my research is to determine if the pyro metamorphosis the clinkers underwent caused REE and critical minerals to mobilize in the rocks, and to determine the values of these minerals in the clinkers themselves. Apart from school, I'm an avid gamer, reader, and competition sport shooter.

  230. Colin Shaw

    PhD — 2001, Geology, University of New Mexico
    40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology Of Colorado And New Mexico Proterozoic Rocks
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Selverstone (advisor), Geissman, Heizler, Pazzaglia, Roy

    Colin is an Assistant Research Professor and Undergradaute Scholars Program Director at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT.

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  231. Charles Shearer

    PhD — 1979, Geophysics, New Mexico Tech
    A regional terrestrial heat-flow study in Arizona
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Reiter (advisor), Chapin, Condie, Gutjahr, Sanford
  232. Wayne Sherwood

    Masters — 2002, MST, New Mexico Tech
    A comparison of extracurricular activities in science and engineering – Science Olympiad and Science Fair
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth (advisor)

    Wayne is director of the Aldo Leopold Charter School in Silver City, New Mexico.

  233. Clark Short

    Masters — 2012, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Evaluation Of The Multiple Domain Diffusion Model Of Argon Thermochronology Through Characterization And Dating Of Single K-Feldspar Fragments
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), McIntosh

    Clark is a geochemist working for Intera in Albuquerque, NM.

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  234. William Siemers

    PhD — 1978, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    The Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Paleoenvironments of the Pennsylvanian System of the Socorro Region, West-Central New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Kottlowski, MacMillan, Austin
  235. Marcus Silva

    Masters — 2018, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Characterization, mineralogy and chemistry of mine wastes from mines in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai

    Marcus has a B.S. in Environmental Geology from the University of California, Santa Cruz

  236. Philip Simmons

    Masters — 2016, New Mexico Tech
    Temperature constraints and the effect of fluid flow on the formation of the Jones Camp dike and associated rocks, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth (advisor), Maher, Bonamici

    Phil is owner of Enchantment Minerals in Albuquerque, New Mexico

  237. Donald Simon

    Masters — 1973, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Silver Hill Area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Beane, Budding
  238. Adam Smith

    Masters — 2018, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar Geochronology Of REE-Bearing Episyenites, NM & CO
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor)

    After earning his Masters Degree at NMT, Adam now works Freeport-McMoRan in Tuscon, Arizona.

  239. Andrew Smith

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
  240. Stewart Smith

    Masters — 1986, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Jawbone Mountain area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Condie, Knapp
  241. Thomas Smith

    Masters (IS) 1984, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Ore and clay mineralogy of selected sandstone uranium deposits of the Henry Mountains mining district, Utah
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Austin (advisor)
  242. Matthew Sophy

    Masters — 2013, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Geothermal Exploration of the Winston Graben, Central New Mexico, USA
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kelley (advisor)

    Following graduation, Matt went to work as a geologist for ThermaSource, Inc., Geothermal Resource Group, and then became senior geologist at Ormat Technologies, Inc.

  243. Jack Sterrett

    Jack worked in the Bureau of Geology's argon geochronology laboratory completed tasks like crushing rocks, sieving, acid washing, heavy liquid separation, and concentrating minerals of interest for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, as well as other general tasks that contributed to the functioning and organization of the mineral separation facility. This project was relevant to his interest in volcanology.

  244. Joseph Stroud

    Masters — 1997, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    The geochronology of the Raton-Clayton volcanic field with implications for volcanic history and landscape evolution
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Chapin, Heizler, Kyle

    Following graduation, Joe worked at an accountant and budget manager before moving to the US Forest Service as a staff accountant.

  245. Stacey Sudlow (nee Perilli)

    Masters — 2000, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    40Ar/39Ar And Fission-Track Thermochronology Of The Central Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba, Canada
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler (advisor), Kelley, Condie, Goodwin

    Following graduation, Stacey went to work as a chief observer on a marine seismic crew for Kinetex, Inc. She later joined Arcis in the position of Data Library/Reservoir Geoscientist.

  246. Samuel Tachie-Menson

    Masters — 2006, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Characterization of the acid-producing potential and investigation of its effect on weathering of the Goathill North Rock Pile at the Questa Molybdenum Mine, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez, Brandvold

    Sammy graduated in 2006 and became first a Senior Mining Engineer, then later a Haulage Manager with Freeport-McMoRan Inc.

  247. Harriet Naakai Tetteh

    — current student
    Masters — 2024, Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech
    Dynamic Rock Testing and Implications for Structural Design Improvements to Mitigate Blast-Induced Ground Vibration
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Li (advisor), Mojtabai, McLemore, Rinehart, Razavi

    The research seeks to identify key geomechanical behaviors that result in deformation and how this is translated to superstructures in communities sensitive to drilling and blasting operations. It explores the physics with geomechanical coupling of rocks during loading-unloading cycles, deformation, damage accumulation, and ultrasonic wave propagation under cyclic conditions. The cyclic dynamic wave propagation and attenuation in selected rock types - meta-sedimentary (phyllite / muscovite schist) and igneous (granite) rocks are studied under field-representative conditions. Other qualitative tests: porosity and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis become fundamental characteristics to compare behaviors in similar rock types in different location to develop sustainable designs for retaining structures that can dissipate and absorb seismic waves during blast-induced ground vibration events.

  248. J Michael Timmons

    PhD — 2004, Geology, University of New Mexico
    Mesoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution Of Southwestern North America: Protracted Intracratonic Deformation, Sedimentation, And Differential Exhumation In Grand Canyon And The Rocky Mountain Region.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom, Heizler, Crossey, Smith

    After completing his PhD, Mike joined the New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources as a geologist, Deputy Director, and Program Manager of the Geologic Mapping Program. He was promoted to Director and State Geologist in 2024.

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  249. Zora Toline-Minefee

    Deju Family Bright Star Intern — current student
    Bachelors — (expected) 2026, Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech

    Zora is working on a New Mexico Tech and Navajo Technical University project that seeks to install water purification units on the Navajo Nation. Her specific contribution is to sample wells and help with the analysis of the water samples with the goal of identifying wells in need of filtration.

  250. Lani Tsinnajinnie

    PhD — 2018, Hydrology, New Mexico Tech
    Impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the Chuska Mountains
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Wilson (advisor), Frisbee, Crossey, Cadol, Rinehart, Person

    Following graduation, Lani became an Assistant Professor in Community and Regional Planning at the University of New Mexico, specializing in mountain and watershed hydrology. Her research focuses on groundwater and surface water interactions in semiarid regions and the impacts of climate change on mountainous watersheds.

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  251. Camilo Uribe Mogollon

    PhD — 2018, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    White Phyllosilicate Geochemistry - Vetoring Porphyry Ore Deposits
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Maher (advisor), Chavez, Lueth, Walder

    Following graduation, Camilo was hired as a Technical Development Geologist for SM Energy in Denver, Colorado

  252. Zachary Vance

    Masters — 2013, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Genesis of the Hydrothermal Ree-Fluorite-Ag-Pb-Cu Ore Deposits of the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Lueth (advisor), Campbell, Mozley

    Following graduation, Zach moved to a post-MS program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, then became a Senior Customer Support Engineers at PerkinElmer, Inc. for ICP-OES and ICP-MS products.

  253. Jesus Velador

    PhD — 2010, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Timing And Origin Of Intermediate Sulfidation Epithermal Veins And Geochemical Zoning In The Fresnillo District, Mexico: Constrained By 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology, Fluid Inclusions, Gas Analysis, Stable Isotopes And Metal Ratios
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Campbell (advisor), Heizler, Axen

    Jesus is now a Corporate Manager of Brownfields Explorations for ‎Fortuna Silver Mines. He has experience in Near Mine, Brownfields and Greenfields explorations in various hydrothermal-deposit styles (epithermal - skarn & replacement – porphyry). He participated in and spearheaded the discovery of mineral resources in Sonora, Durango and Zacatecas

  254. Aadish Velmani

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Geochemistry, New Mexico Tech
    Hydrothermal REE partitioning into fluorite: A fluid inclusion study from the Gallinas Mountains REE-bearing fluorite deposit, NM
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Gysi (advisor), Hurtig, Coyte

    My area of research includes experimental and field study of rare earth elements enriched fluorite and its genesis through hydrothermal processes. The goal of this study is to determine different generations of REE-bearing fluorite from the Gallinas Mountains REE-fluorite deposit in New Mexico, and study the type and compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in them. The second part of my study is to synthesize hydrothermally REE-doped fluorite to study the partitioning behavior and mobility of REE between fluorite and aqueous fluids. Aside from my research, I am an avid reader, mineral collector, and musician.

  255. Shirley Wade

    Masters (IS) 1992, Geophysics, New Mexico Tech
    A hydrothermal study to estimate vertical groundwater flow in the Canutillo well field
    Advisors and Committee Members:

    Shirley works as a hydrogeologist for the Texas Water Development Board specializing in groundwater modeling.

  256. Timothy Wallin

    Masters — 1983, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Engle Coal Field, Sierra County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    MacMillan (advisor) Johnson, Wolberg

    After graduating Tim went on to get his PhD from University of Kansas. He worked many years as an associate professor at University of Nevada Las Vegas before moving on to be a water rights program manager for the Oregon Water Resources Department, then an independent geologist.

  257. Damaris Washington

    — current student
    Masters — (expected) 2025, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    K. Hobbs (advisor),
  258. James M. Watrus

    Masters — 1998, New Mexico Tech
    A regional geochemical Atlas for part of Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Kyle (advisor), McLemore, Chapin, Norman

    Following graduation, Jim worked for several consulting companies, and was then, in 2006, was employed as a hydrologist, and then senior hydrologist, by the Southern Nevada Water Authority.

  259. Thom I. Wilch

    PhD — 1997, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Volcanic Record of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in Marie Byrd Land
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Kyle, Mozley, Smith

    Following graduation, Thom accepted a faculty position at Albion College in the Department of Geological Sciences. where he became Department Chair in 2008. He also served as NSF Antarctic Program Manager for 2 years, from 2015 to 2017.

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  260. William Jr. Wilkinson

    Masters — 1976, New Mexico Tech
    Geology of the Tres Montosas-Cat Mountain Area, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Chapin (advisor), Condie, Smith
  261. Jeffrey Winick

    Masters — 2000, New Mexico Tech
    Excess argon (40ArE) in melt inclusion bearing quartz and sanidine from the Bishop and Bandelier Tuffs
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Dunbar, Kyle

    Following graduation, Jeff gained employment with Schlumberger Water Services, and then moved to Mighty River Power where he pursued research and exploration in Chile and New Zealand. In 2014, he moved back to Schlumberger, located in Denver, and began working for the Department of Energy in 2021, focusing on geothermal technology.

  262. Carmen Winn

    PhD — 2019, Geology, University of New Mexico
    Constraining the drainage evolution of the Grand Canyon region by analyzing detrital zircon and sanidine of Paleogene river deposits
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Karlstrom (advisor), Kelley, Heizler, Crossey, Turner

    Following graduation, Carmen was Postdoctoral Appointee at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM where she worked to on review of potential gas leaks in a natural gas field in California, detailed case studies of mitigation strategies for lost circulation in active geothermal fields, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and geospatial analysis and visualization for a large scale exploratory deployment of multiple geophysical methods. She then went on to Geologica Geothermal Group, Inc. in 2022.

  263. Ashlynne Winton

    Masters — 2019, New Mexico Tech
    The characterization of legacy uranium mines in New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Walder, Chavez, Frey, Mojtabai
    Following graduation, Ashlynne went to work for New Mexico Environment Department, focusing on groundwater quality.
  264. Virgina Wong

    PhD — 1998, University of Texas at El Paso
    Gamma-ray characterization of Uranium-series nuclides and its application to the study of the Pena Blanca natural analogue site, Chihuahua, Mexico.
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Anthony (advisor), Goodell, LeMone, Langford, Lawton, Lueth
  265. Jonnie Woody

    Bachelors — 2024, Biomedical Science, New Mexico Tech

    Jonnie Woody learned about instrumentation and water analysis in the Bureau of Geology’s Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. She majored in biomedical science and plans to go to medical school in order to become a pediatric oncologist on the Navajo Nation. She is a tribal member of the Navajo Nation who grew up on the reservation, where she experienced firsthand the struggles Navajo people face with having limited access to clean water and addressing water rights. Her work in the analytical laboratory offers an opportunity to learn more about water quality. While at NMT, Jonnie is the vice president of the NMT AISES student club.

    Following graduate, Jonnie worked at the Univerisity of New Mexico as a program coordinator on a project called NM CIRCLES Alliance which focuses on K-12 Native American student STEAM education outreach. She also worked as research associate on a project called "Healthy Tribal Nations" funded by the National Institute of Health and was an Adult Educator and Success Coach at Dine College in Crownpoint, NM.

    She plans to start a Masters Program at UNM in Public Health in January 2025, and from there, work towards medical school.

  266. Weiqiang Wu

    Masters (IS) 1987, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Subsurface geology and petroleum potential in the Trinidad Sandstone and associated formations in the Raton Basin, southeastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Wu moved back to China and worked in the Chinese petroleum industry.
  267. Zhidi Wu

    Masters — 2018, New Mexico Tech
    Effect of CO2-brine-rock interactions on the strength of sandstones at reservoir conditions
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Luhmann (advisor), Mozley, and Rinehart

    Following graduation, Zhidi went on to pursue a PhD in the Energy and Geosciences Institute at the University of Utah.

  268. William Wyman

    Masters — 1980, New Mexico Tech
    Precambrian geology of the Cow Creek Ultramafic Complex, San Miguel County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Robertson (advisor), Norman, Condie
  269. Fei (Esther) Xu

    Masters — 2018, New Mexico Tech
    Modeling Focused Recharge Through Ephemeral Streams for the Entire Sate of New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Newton, Phillips, Cadol
    Esther went on to pursue a PhD in the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins.
  270. Taylor Yazzie

    Taylor's senior project, partly supported by a Bright Star scholarship, focuses on compiling information on groundwater quality in the Navajo Nation. She presented her results at the 2023 AISES national meeting.

  271. Daniel Young

    Masters — 2019, Geology, New Mexico Tech
    Structure, Tectonics and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology, Picuris Range, NM
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Heizler, ?
  272. John Young

    Masters — 1982, New Mexico Tech
    Late Cenozoic geology of the lower Rio Puerco, Valencia and Socorro Counties, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    Hawley (advisor), Johnson, Hamil
  273. Matthew Zimmerer

    Masters — 2008, New Mexico Tech
    The 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and thermochronology of the Latir volcanic field and associated intrusions: Implications for caldera-related magmatism
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Lipman, Kyle, Heizler
    PhD — 2012, New Mexico Tech
    The Volcanic-Plutonic relationship at three contrasting Rio-Grande-Rift-Faulted Calderas
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McIntosh (advisor), Lipman, Kyle, Heizler

    Following graduation, Matt began post-doctoral research at New Mexico Tech. From there, he moved to a research position with the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. In 2023, he became manager of the bureau's mapping program.

    [more information]

  274. William Zutah

    Masters — 2017, New Mexico Tech
    Mineral Resources Evaluation and Environmental Impact Assessment Mines in the Rosedale District, Socorro County, New Mexico
    Advisors and Committee Members:
    McLemore (advisor), Mojtabai, Chavez