Geology Web Links
The links on this page are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Listing of links on this page does not constitute an endorsement by the Bureau or New Mexico Tech of products, services, or opinions described on any webpages accessible from this site, nor does it provide any guarantee the accuracy of any data contained on those pages. That having been said, happy surfing!
Government Agencies in New Mexico
- Federal:
- State:
- City of Albuquerque: Environmental Education Site
- Illustrated Glossary of Geologic Terms
- U.S. Geological Survey Resources for Teachers
Geologic Hazards
- Earthquakes:
- Volcanoes:
North American Geological Surveys
- Canadian Geological Survey
- Geological Survey of Mexico
- United States Geological Survey
- See the Association of American State Geologists for a list of state geological surveys
Geoscience Museums and Research Institutions in New Mexico
- Blackwater Draw Museum
- Institute of Meteoritics (UNM)
- Mesalands Dinosaur Museum and Natural Science Laboratories
- Miles Mineral Museum — Eastern New Mexico University
- National Cave and Karst Research Institute
- New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources Mineral Museum
- New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
- New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
- Museum of Paleontology — Ghost Ranch
- Petroleum Recovery Research Center (New Mexico Tech)
- UNM Geology Museum
- UNM Meteorite Museum
New Mexico Geology Departments
- Eastern New Mexico University: Department of Physical Sciences
- New Mexico Tech: Earth and Environmental Science Department
- Mesalands Community College: Natural Sciences Program
- New Mexico Highlands University: Environmental Geology Department
- New Mexico State University: Geological Sciences Department.
- University of New Mexico: Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Professional Societies, Associations, and Institutes
- Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- American Institute of Professional Geologists
- American Geosciences Institute
- American Geophysical Union
- Arizona Geological Society
- Association of American State Geologists
- Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists
- Clay Minerals Society
- Deming Gem and Mineral Society
- Española Basin Technical Advisory Group (EBTAG)
- Four Corners Geological Society
- Geological Society of America
- Geological Society of America - Rocky Mountain Section
- Grant County Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society
- International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
- Four Corners Geological Society
- Los Alamos Geological Society
- New Mexico Geological Society
- New Mexico Geographic Information Council
- Northwest Geological Society
- Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
- The Paleontological Society
- Utah Geological Association
- West Texas Geological Society
- Wyoming Geological Association