Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

The New Mexico Bureau of Geology Analytical Laboratory analyzes water and soil samples for our Bureau scientists, New Mexico Tech (NMT) students and professors, government agencies, businesses, and private individuals. Our staff members, which include NMT students, assist Bureau scientists in analyzing natural waters from rivers, lakes, streams, and wells, helping them to characterize, monitor, and map our state’s important water resources. We work with NMT graduate and undergraduate students doing sample analysis, and with setup and processing of the various experiments that they perform for their academic research. We analyze samples for NMT professors, who use the data for their experimental research. And we analyze water samples for members of the public who want to know the quality of their well water and drinking water.
For more information see:
New Mexico Bureau Of Geology & Mineral Resources
Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
New Mexico Tech
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801
Ph: 575-835-5160 Fax: 575-835-6333