Escavada Wash, Sandoval County

Early morning storm clouds over the San Jose Formation highlands above Escavada Wash, Sandoval County
Image taken:
by: Kevin Hobbs
Longitude: -107.577881
Latitude: 36.179152
(WGS 84 or NAD 83)
About this image
An incised channel of Escavada Wash in Sandoval County. The mudrocks and sandstones in the small hill to the left belong to the Paleocene Nacimiento Formation. The yellowish sandstones capping the high mesa in the background belong to the Paleogene San Jose Formation.
Camera Details
samsung SM-A426U Exposure: 4.6 mm (35mm equiv: 24mm) f/1.8 1.0 sec ISO 40.
Image posted: 06-13-2022