Cathodoluminescence image of intrasectoral zoning in apatite.
Image taken:
by: John Rakovan
Longitude: -41.984997
Latitude: -18.775558
(WGS 84 or NAD 83)
About this image
Cathodoluminescence image of a three-sided growth hillock on a prism (100) face of an apatite crystal from the Golconda mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Luminescence is activated by different rare earth elements. The luminescence zoning, intrasectoral zoning, is the result of segregation of different rare earths among the symmetrically nonequivalent vicinal faces of the hillock and differential incorporation during growth of the crystal. John Rakovan photo. Modified from Rakovan, J., and Reeder, R.J. (1994) American Mineralogist, 79, 892-903.
Image posted: 05-19-2023