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Chalky horizons of the Niobrara Formation in the Mancos Shale


Chalky horizons of the Niobrara Formation found in the Mancos Shale within a steeply incised drainage running west off Gallina Peak in the Llaves quadrangle.

Image taken: 05/10/2023
by: Jon Krupnick
© 2023

Longitude: -106.789069
Latitude: 36.481589
  (WGS 84 or NAD 83)

Camera Details

Apple iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro back triple camera 1.57mm f/1.8 Exposure: 1.57 mm (35mm equiv: 14mm) f/1.8 1/1508 sec ISO 32.

Image posted: 05-18-2023