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Albuquerque Journal article highlights Quebradas Back Country Byway and Bureau publication


July 3, 2019

An Albuquerque Journal article, published on June 28, describes the beauty and geologic interest of our local Quebradas Back Country Byway. In the article, the author highlights the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources' "Geologic Guide of Quebradas", co-published with the BLM, which features numbered stops to help visitors identify what they are looking at. The guide can be obtained at in the Bureau of Geology's bookstore, and at the BLM’s Socorro Office. A downloadable free PDF is also available. Anyone interested in New Mexico's scenic beauty, or fascinating geology, will not be disappointed by a visit to the Quebradas!

Later this year or next, the Bureau will publish Memoir 51, Geology of the Quebradas region, Socorro County, central New Mexico. This technical report will include a geologic map, a set of technical papers about the geology of the Quebradas area, and will be available for free download.