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Magnitude 4.49 Earthquake near Atoka on 02/23/2024

Figure 1: Helicorder plots of NMTSO stations near Carlsbad showing the Feb 23rd 2024 Mag 4.49 earthquake.
(click for a larger version)
Figure 2: Epicenter of the February 23, 2024 magnitude 4.49 earthquake
(click for a larger version)

By Urbi Basu, PostDoctoral Fellow in Seismology

Carlsbad, NM
February 23, 2024

On February 23, 2024, around 9:47:07 AM UTC time, a magnitude 4.49 earthquake occurred near Atoka, NM, followed by seven earthquakes in a span of few hours. The event was recorded on seismometers operated by the New Mexico Tech Seismological Observatory (NMTSO), which streams real-time data (Figure 1) on the web at Figure 2 shows the location of the event as determined by the NMTSO. You can also find out more information about this earthquake 02232024_AtokaNM_EQ on the USGS website, where you can fill out a “Did you feel it?” report to help scientists understand the ground shaking from earthquakes.