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Jacob Brown

 Jacob Brown
Water Data Scientist/Integrator
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology

575-835-6333 fax

Jacob received his BA (mathematics and French) from Pomona College and his MS (hydrology) from the Colorado School of Mines. Before working at the Bureau of Geology he was at RESPEC, where he focused primarily on floodplain management and storm sewer system analyses. He spent much of his time using GIS, SWMM, and HEC-RAS. At the Bureau Jacob has been focusing his time and energy on data integration and the Aquifer Mapping Program API.

(See Curriculum Vitae)


B.A. in Mathematics and French, Pomona College, 2013

M.S. in Hydrology, Colorado School of Mines, 2018


Data Integration

For the data integration project Jacob has studied a variety of data sources that provide water data - quality and quantity - through New Mexico. He has written scripts that pull data from these sources and then standardize them into one cohesive product. This enables scientists, researchers, and the public at large to collect data from many different sources at once that has been pre-processed and standardized.

Aquifer Mapping Program API

For Aquifer Mapping Program API Jacob has been constructing, expanding, and maintaining endpoints to share data collected by Aquifer Mapping Program scientists and collaborators. His work on the API has involved measures to secure private data, speed up processes, enable batch transfer of data, and create robust endpoint/data documentation.


(See Curriculum Vitae for more details)

"An Integrated Statistical and Deterministic Hydrologic Model for Analyzing Trace Organic Contaminants in Commerical and High-Density Residential Stormwater Runoff Modeling," Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 673, 2019


"Data Gathering & Integration from Water Data Services: Lessons & Takeaways from a Variety of Sources," New Mexico Water Data Initiative Workshop, 2024

"Is My Transportation Infrastructure Resilient to Floods Under Climate Change? Piloting New National Guidelines in Colorado and Across the Country," CASFM Virtual Annual Conference, 2021

"Modeling Trace Organic Contaminants in Commercial and High-Density Residential Urban Stormwater Runoff," Master's Thesis Defence, Colorado School of Mines, 2018